Importerror: cannot import name ‘html5lib’ from ‘pip._vendor’

Have a chance to encounter “ImportError: cannot import name ‘html5lib’ from ‘pip._vendor‘”?

Well, this error usually appears when you are trying to install or use a Python package that requires the html5lib library.

In this article, we will take a discussion to this error and provide solutions to help you resolve it.

Importerror: cannot import name ‘html5lib’ from ‘pip._vendor’

The Importerror: cannot import name ‘html5lib’ from ‘pip._vendor error occurs when you try to import the “html5lib” module from the “pip._vendor” package in Python but it is not found.

Further, when the version of pip is outdated it is where the error occurs. Most commonly on Ubuntu machines that use Python v3.10.

The “html5lib” module is a third-party Python library used for parsing HTML.

On the other hand, “pip._vendor” package is a package included in the “pip” Python package manager containing vendor-specific code reused across different projects.

Fortunately, “html5lib” module is one such module included in this package.

Solutions for cannot import name ‘html5lib’ from ‘pip._vendor’

Now that you understand where and when you encounter this error, get ready to fix it.

Install html5lib

This error can occur if you don’t have the html5lib library installed on your system. You can install it using pip by running the following command in your terminal:

pip install html5lib

Upgrade pip

The version of pip that you are using might not be compatible with the html5lib module. Try upgrading pip to the latest version using the following command:

pip install --upgrade pip

Reinstall pip

There may be an issue with your pip installation that is causing the error.

Try reinstalling pip using the following command:

python -m ensurepip --upgrade

Check your Python environment

Make sure that you are running Python version 3 or above. Additionally, check if your Python environment has any issues that might be causing the error. You can try creating a new virtual environment and installing the required libraries.

Manually install html5lib

If the above solutions don’t work, you can try manually installing the html5lib module.

You can download the module from the Python Package Index ( and install it using the following command:

python install

Possible Causes of cannot import name ‘html5lib’ from ‘pip._vendor’

Since you know already the solutions, here are the possible reasons why encounter the error.

  • The “html5lib” module is not installed.
  • There is an issue with your Python environment, and the “pip._vendor” package cannot be imported correctly.
  • There is an issue with the version of the “html5lib” module that you are trying to import.

Anyway here are the fixed errors that can help you in case you encounter these issues.


In conclusion, Importerror: cannot import name ‘html5lib’ from ‘pip._vendor’ occurs when the version of pip is outdated.

The easiest way to fix the error is to upgrade the version of pip.

I think that’s all for this error. I hope this article has helped you fix the issues.

Until next time! 😊

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