Sales and Inventory System Thesis Chapter 5- Concept of Operation

Sales and Inventory System Thesis Chapter 5- Concept of Operation

This article of Sales and Inventory System Thesis Chapter 5- Concept of Operation offered the proposed solution of title and description and the scope of the solution, concept of operation, Use case diagram, data dictionaries, entity relationship diagram , advantages and disadvantages of said project.

Here’s the Outline of Sales and Inventory System Thesis Chapter 5- Concept of Operation

  1. Proposed Solution

  2. Title and Description of Proposed Solution

  3. Scope of the Solution

  4. Concept of Operation

  5. Sales and Inventory System Use Case Diagram

  6. Use case Description

  7. Data Dictionaries

  8. Entity Relationship Diagram

  9. Class Diagram

  10. Advantages

  11. Disadvantages

  12. Technical Feasibility

  13. Social and Operational Feasibility

  14. Economic Feasibility

  15. Data Flow Diagram of Proposed Solution

Sales and Inventory System Thesis Chapter 5- Concept of Operation : Proposed Solution

Throughout the study the researchers came up to propose a solution that will minimize the difficulties of RV Empire Incorporated in their manual sales and inventory system.

The proposed solution is to make the system computerized, a system that can be easily manage, will be a user-friendly to the user so that through this solution the delayed of transactions will be minimized.

Can be more accurate rather on computing manually, and also a computerized system will provide storage for the transaction and personal record of the company so that all records cannot be easily tampered or modify by some personnel.

By this proposed system it will help a lot in managing and maintaining their sales and inventory.

Sales and Inventory System Thesis Chapter 5- Concept of Operation : Title and Description of Proposed Solution

In this study the researchers proposed a solution entitled RV Empire Incorporated Sales and Inventory System, a system that will provide more accurate rather on their manual system, and the user can have the ease of access in using the proposed system of the company so that the delayed of processes will be minimized during the sales and inventory of products.

This system will provide the security of the stored data such as sales and inventory reports of the company and this will help the cashier in computing sales reports and will provide a well-organized sales and inventory reports of the past and present transactions.

Sales and Inventory System Thesis Chapter 5- Concept of Operation : Scope of the Solution

The proposed solution is limited because it doesn’t support some of the following features like using of barcode for tracking of products, provides payroll of the employees and biometric scanner for the security of the system.

The system can only be accessed offline doesn’t accept payments through checks, credit or debit cards and calculates cash flow.

The proposed system consists of registering customer’s information to be needed in their transactions so that the company can monitor the customer, provides the recording of the obtained and acquired products in the database so that it can be easily search by the staff, but most of all the importance of the proposed system is to keep records of their past and present transactions so that they can easily provide sales and inventory reports to the manager.

Sales and Inventory System Thesis Chapter 5- Concept of Operation : Concept of Operation

The RV Empire sales and Inventory system starts the process with the registered administrator account that will be given to their manager or to one who is eligible in managing accounts of the company.

If the administrator of the system will logged in, the administrator will then add their staff and cashier for the purpose of operating the transactions of the sales and inventory of products and also will manage adding their supplier of products.

When the staff is registered, he can manage to add customer information if the customer wants to order product to their company, the staff can also add product if they are lacking in their inventory, but it must be authorized by the manager in requesting order to their respective supplier, after the staff add customer and product, then the cashier will process the transaction to the customer.

The cashier will then manage to search the product together with the customer’s information that will be added in printing out the customer’s receipt.

The receipt will be given to the customer together with the product that the customer orders and the transaction record will be automatically stored in the database.

Sales and Inventory System

Figure 5: Proposed RV Empire Sales and Inventory System Use Case Diagram

Actors: Customer, Sales Clerk, Manager, Cashier, Supplier

The corresponding use case descriptions for the above actors are:

  • Administrator:
    check and reviews the overall management of the system.
  • Sales
    : add product to the inventory, order product from the
    supplier, receive the ordered product, and confirm the received product to the
  • Cashier:  accommodate the customers and processes
    overall transactions of customer to the company. Transactions such as receive
    payments, check the availability of product.
  • Supplier:
    products being ordered by the sales clerk of the company.
  • Customer:
    products from the company, receive receipt from the cashier.

Use case Description

The table below describes the function, conditions and alternative flows to be met of all the entities used in the use case diagram.

Table 1: Product

Use case name Product
Actors Customer, Cashier, Sales Clerk
Stakeholders and Interests Customer – Wants to buy a product of
the company Cashier – Will check the product to the sales clerk if available,
receive payment form the customer and produce a receipt for the customer.
Sales Clerk – Checks the product at the inventory system if the product is
Pre-condition Customer – Must have enough money to purchase the item he wants. Cashier – Must be eligible enough to use
the system and must be willing to
communicate. Sales Clerk – Must be able to communicate with the
cashiers request to provide proper
Alternative flows Sales Clerk – If item is not available clerk will notify the cashier.
Will request approval of
unavailable items to the manager.
Clerk will contact the supplier to
request the approved items.
Post-Conditions Customer – provided enough
money for the purchase
transaction. Cashier – received
the money and issued proper item with official receipt of the
company. Sales Clerk – Provided proper item to the cashier upon
Main Success Scenario Customer – Purchased the item he wants.Cashier – Received proper amount from the customer and issued the item with the official receipt.Sales Clerk – Updated the inventory changes.

Table 2: Request Products

Use case name Request Products
Primary actor Sales Clerk, Administrator, Supplier
Description Ordering products from the supplier of the
Pre-condition Sales Clerk ­– Will make a request form of orders
and send it to the administrator. Administrator – Must confirm the request from the sales clerk for approval.
Alternative Flow Administrator – Decline request form. Sales clerk order will be canceled.There will be no new items to be delivered.
Post-conditions Administrator – Approved request form Sales Clerk – Send approved request to the supplier Supplier – Will provide exact orders based on the approved form to the company.
Main Success
Administrator  – Received the request form and approvedSales Clerk  -Send approved request to the supplierSupplier – Process the request from the sales clerk.

Table 3: Receive Products

Use case name Received Products
Prim ary actor Sales Clerk, Administrator, Supplier
Description Receiving ordered products from the supplier.
Pre-condition Supplier – Delivered requested products successfully. Sales Clerk ­– Review the delivered product provided by the supplier. Administrator – Approve supplies to be received and provide payment to the supplier.
Alternative Flow Supplier – Delivered wrong products. Sales Clerk – will reject the delivered products. Administrator – Will not pay the ordered product.
Post-conditions Administrator – review the received products and provide payment to the supplier. Sales Clerk – notify the manager for the received product for approval. Supplier – checked the list of  requested product of the company.
Main  Success Scenario Administrator  – Received the request form and approvedSales Clerk  -Send approved request to the supplierSupplier – Process the request from the sales clerk.

Sales and Inventory System Thesis Chapter 5- Concept of Operation : Data Flow Diagram of Proposed Solution

Figure5 : Data Flow Diagram of  Proposed Solution shows the all the concept and flows of each entity that shows all the process in proposed system solution showing this flow may help to the reader for identify which the process begins.

Figure 6: Data Flow Diagram of Proposed Solution

Sales and Inventory System Thesis Chapter 5- Concept of Operation : Data Dictionaries

The tables show the list of the conceptual databases based on the computerized sales and inventory system for RV Empire Incorporated.

It provides the attributes, data types and also the description for each fieldnames so that the information needed will be ensured to capture by the different databases.


Fieldname Description Type length
Ordered Order ID Int 11
Prodid Product ID Int 11
Cusid Customer ID Int 11
Date Date ordered Date  
Quantity Product quantity Int 11
Price Product price Int 11

Table 5: tblproduct

Fieldname Description Type Length
Prodid Product ID Int 11
Prodname Product name Varchar 30
Proddesc Product Description Varchar 30
Quantity Product Quantity Int 11
Price Product price Int 11

Table 6: tblsupplier

Fieldname Description Type Length
Suppid Supplier ID Int 11
Cname Company name Varchar 50
Contact Company contact no. Int 12
Address Company Address Varchar 50
Email Company Email Varchar 50

Table 7: tbluser

Fieldname Description Type Length
Userid User ID Int 20
Fname User’s Firstname varchar 30
Lname User’s Lastname varchar 30
Address User’s Address varchar 30
Contact User’s contact no. varchar 20
Role Company position varchar 15
Uname Employee username varchar 50
Pword Employee password varchar 50

Table 8: tblitem

Fieldname Description Type Length
Itemid Item ID int 11
Suppid Supplier ID int 11
Prodname Product name varchar 30
Proddesc Product description varchar 30
Quantity Product quantity int 11
Price Product price int 11
Totalprice Product total prize int 11

Table 9: tblcustomer

Fieldname Description type Length
Cusid Customer ID int 11
Fname Firstname varchar 30
Lname Lastname varchar 30
Address Customer Address varchar 50
Contact Customer contact no. int 12

Table 10: tblpayment

Fieldname Description Type Length
Payid Payment ID Int 11
Prodid Product ID Int 11
Prodname Product name Varchar 30
Cusid Customer ID Int 11
Cusname Customer name Varchar 30
Quantity Product quantity Int 11
Price Product price Int 11
Credit Customer’s money Int 11
Debit Customers payment Int 11
Bal Customer’s balance Int 11
Date Date of payment Date  

Table 11: tblinventory

Fieldname Description Type Length
Itemid Item ID Int 11
Prodname Product name Varchar 30
Proddesc Product Description Varchar 30
Suppid Supplier ID Int 11
Quantity Product Quantity Int 11
Price Product price Int 11
Totalprize Product total prize Int 11
Date Date stock Date  
Stockin Stock in quantity Int 11
Stockout Stock out quantity Int 11

Table 12: tblshipment

Fieldname Description Type Length
Shipid shipment ID Int 11
Suppid Supplier ID int 30
Itemid Item ID int 30
Date Delivery date date  

Sales and Inventory System Thesis Chapter 5- Concept of Operation : ENTITY RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM

ERD or Entity Relationship Diagram shows the relationship of tables in the database. Figure 6: Entity Relationship Diagram show the connection of each table. The created database models were based on the specification of the system requirements or it means that the tables that have been created from the database are all based on what was required by the system. The database of the RV Empire Incorporated Sales and Inventory System s defined using the SQL language because of using the SQL language; it keeps the record totally safe.

DBMS or Database Management System designs the interface of the program that will manage the processing of the database and the tables that are being designed Data Dictionaries.

Figure 7: Entity Relationship Diagram

Sales and Inventory System Thesis Chapter 5- Concept of Operation : Class Diagram

Figure 7: shows the connection of the database tables with the supported description, entities and the process that place during transaction.

Figure 8: Class Diagram RV Empire Incorporated


The advantages of proposed solution:

  1. Provides security for the important and
    personal transaction records.
  2. It can be easily manage because the
    proposed system is user-friendly.
  3. Reduces time consumption during sales and
    inventory process.
  4. More accurate in computing rather than on
    manual system.
  5. Provides a wide storage for transaction
    data’s with security.


The disadvantages of proposed solution:

  1. One product to be order per customer.
  2. If the customer needs multiple orders the
    system will require new transaction.

Sales and Inventory System Thesis Chapter 5- Concept of Operation: Technical Feasibility

Throughout the study the researchers concluded that the proposed solution is technically feasible because using this solution the difficulties that the company being encountered from their manual will be lessen or minimize.

Through this solution it will provide all resources that are being utilized in the technical needs of the company.

Social and Operational Feasibility

The solution is being social and operational feasible because the proposed solution is manageable and is easily to be operate by the users it is develop as a user friendly system.

The proposed solution design is simple but totally useful. The proposed solution also develops with the company’s wants and needs in order for them to use it properly and to identify all operational functions of the said proposed solution.

Economic Feasibility

The proposed solution is being economical feasible because the proposed solution develops to be affordable and is easily to be sold out.

The proposed solution will also help the company in their expenditures will be lessened. The task of the company staff’s will be minimized because of the proposed solution.

Download the Full Source Code of this project

Here’s the complete Source code RV Empire Sales and Inventory System

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