Online Medicine Delivery System Documentation Chapter 1
This Online Medicine Delivery System Documentation Chapter 1 lead to the efficiency of businesses can be increased and the amount of time and effort spent can be reduced in dealing with medicine deliveries at home.
This system is designed on elderly, person with disability, lactating mother and chronically ill patients that are not able to go in the pharmacy. They will just have an access through online delivery of medicine.
The practice of medicine delivery has changed dramatically in the past few decades and even greater changes are anticipated in the near future.
The aim this paper is to provide an exploratory analysis of the online medicine delivery system, requirements, and issues that users might have.
To do so, we review the main features of manual home delivery and we compare them with the findings from online medicine delivery survey.
Some businesses are highly engaged an online technology aiming for a high production, and also to become more competitive in the world of business.
There were countless pharmacies and workers across the country that faces the agonizing choice between forfeiting their income and risking their health to keep people fed.
This system is created to assist people to send medicines from a particular location to another area. It’s a choice that implicates people on the receiving end. Experts generally agree that delivery and curbside pickup are safer for patients than going into a pharmacy or store.
Most delivery workers would also prefer that people keep ordering. It’s essential for these workers to be able to survive. Our industry is definitely worried about people’s safety, including their own, but they’re also worried about survival and feeding their kids.
Many people especially senior citizens, lactating mother and PWD’s who couldn’t leave their homes relied on these services to get access to buy medicines. The advent of dedicated delivery research companies that significant advances in drug delivery technology were made.
The recognition that specific research had to be undertaken in order to overcome the problems of conventional drug delivery led to the evolution of modern-day pharmaceutical science and technology.
A drug delivery system could deliver the correct amount of drug to the site of action at the correct rate and timing, in order to maximize the desired therapeutic response.
Specialized drug delivery systems constitute a relatively recent addition to the field of pharmaceutical technology.
Documentation of Online Medicine Delivery System Chapter 1: Purpose and Description
The purpose of the proposed Chapter 1 Online Medicine Delivery System is that this is a complete dispensing workflow management system that is designed to improve accuracy, enhance safety and efficiency.
This study help patients as well as an essential service especially to geriatrics, person with disability, terminally ill patients, post-operative patients and lactating woman. The employee (Riders) will have to collect prescriptions and cash of the patients.
If necessary to an advanced delivery service provider, if necessary. It analyzes private pharmacy chains that would deal with a possible future introduction of home delivery of medicine to patients.
In order to achieve this, it will look at the particular circumstances, within the pharmacy retail market under which they would add this distribution channel to their existing single channel distribution system.
Then, so as to address the supply chain management aspect, the necessary changes to the existing bricks-and-mortar based supply chain layout in order to meet the requirements of the home delivery service will be analyzed.
General Objectives
To develop Pharmaceutical delivery system using web applications which will help the company manage their medicine delivery ordering system.
Specific Objectives
To develop a system with following features:
- Administration ensures an organization’s activities run smoothly and efficiently. The primary goals of an administration are to direct, control and supervise the support services of the organization to facilitate its success. The manager achieves this goal by ensuring free flow of communication and efficient use of resources throughout the organization.
- Delivery Rider communicates to the Admin that understands the principles associated with customer service and have knowledge regarding the medicine and pharmacies. Maintain records and billing statements regarding the product based on cash on hand of every rider and inspect supplies and carry out a number of other tasks.
- Customer inquiries can give a lot of valuable insight to ensure customer satisfaction manipulation of orders to the customers be so easy and quick by just clicking on the menu and choosing the desired item.
- Management reports aim at informing managers of different aspects of the timely, clear, relevant, and easily-accessed and has the capability of running automated reports.
Documentation of Online Medicine Delivery System Chapter 1: Scope and Limitation
The researchers focused on the development of the Medicine Delivery System during the Second Semester of Academic Year 2020-2021 at Carlos Hilado Memorial State College – Binalbagan.
The function what the system do is to home delivery, search medicine delivery, update effectively, delete, and edit medicine delivery information. It generates report on medicine delivery; prepare bills, gives navigation and information for company.
The Medicine delivery system is password protected and controlled only by the administrator. The system is available based on the needs of user, can work properly, and do transactions efficiently including safe data management of the delivery system.
The system will cater two towns and one city in Negros namely; Hinigaran, Binalbagan and Himamaylan City. Each town or city there will be number of riders assigned. The delivery fee may vary to certain barangays of every town or city.
There are restricted areas that are not system supported. The company provides daily budget for the riders and at the end of the day the riders will remit the exact amount of all transactions that was made in a day aside from the maintaining budget of the rider in hand for the next day.
The admin will be the one to dispatch rider and will manually approved the online registration of the customer through call to prevent these scams or cancels orders that might be a waste of the riders’ time and effort, it also hurts financially.
Bogus buyer account will be banned in the system the next time they will order again. The company has an agreement with the pharmacies if the rider is directed to a bogus buyer or location to deliver the medicine and the buyer never shows up the items will be returned to the pharmacy.
This system is strictly no cancellation of orders. The rider will pay for the product, and meet up with him or her at a specified location stated in their account. Rider will be responsible for the day to day delivery of jobs assigned to him.
The system doesn’t require a necessary authorization forms from the patients on the prescription. This allows the pharmacy to help get the process started, potentially shortening the wait time for the patients to place an order via online.
Online sending of prescription, the patients will upload an image of prescription and identification card attached for verification. The senior citizens in the Philippines can enjoy discounts and freebies for any medicine purchased however, Senior Citizen’s booklet is not important.
The system support online transaction and as a means of security, the service allows for cash on delivery (COD) to cater to customers without a credit card or electronic payment system it does not support scanner tracking of products for their prices and foreign currency.
Riders in in all weathers and adverse road conditions, always in a hurry to fulfill the assignment on time both sectors are at risk of being involved in road traffic accidents, and are exposed to pollution.
Salary paid of riders is based on 70% that will be get from delivery fee for the total transaction in every 15th and 30th of the month and 30% for the company.
Significance of the study
Medicine delivery management has its own significance to the company. Using this system help to records all transaction made at the daily sales, it helps to recognize all customers, employees etc.
It manage all activities around the delivery that increases productivity and minimize the risk of getting loss because all transaction recorded to the system and viewed id needed and the whole reports of the business will be shown at any time needed to be done.
This study is significance to the following:
Admin/ Manager
This study will help the admin to match clients to riders according to the order in which clients ordered online and the proximity of vehicles to each client’s pick-up location.
This allows for more flexible management of the workers out in the field as a job can be dispatched to multiple users to accept or reject the job.
This study will help the customer save time in spending extra time in service interaction in the pharmacy. This translates into cost and time-saving for the practice and improved care delivery.
Employee/ Rider
This study will help the employee trace customer and speeding process of orders and delivery.
The developed system will enhance and deepen our knowledge in programming and system development. This will improve our skills in analyzing and solving problems which may we apply in the real world.
Future Researcher
The developed systems will benefit the future researcher by making this as their future reference in conducting similar studies.
Definition of Terms
For the clarification of the common understanding, the key word that has been used in this study will be defined as follows:
System is a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network.
Operationally, is representing for monitoring of stock inventory and cashiering of sales in online medicine delivery System.
Receipt is a document acknowledging that a person has received money or property in payment following a sale or other transfer of goods or provision of a service. All receipts must have the date of purchase on them.
Operationally, receipt form web app to generate new service invoices that include delivery information, create an itemized list of the goods delivered with total amount and delivery charge.
Medicine the science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. Operationally, medicine ordered online through web app delivered by rider assigned.
Report is a computer program whose purpose is take data from a source such as a database, XML stream or a spreadsheet, and use it to produce a document in a format with satisfies a particular human readership. Operationally, displays the list of customer transactions with the respective invoice.
SMS Notification are text messages that are sent when an event occurs. An event, in this case, can refer to something as exciting as an app update to something as urgent as a whether alert. SMS stand for “Short Message Service.”
SMS Notification are sent the same way as any other text message. Operationally, Admin will notify the customer via SMS that the medicine is ready to deliver.
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Really this article is very informative and helpful. Thank you.