Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 2

Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 2

This Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 2  describes the studies cited in this chapter tackle the different concept, understanding, and ideas, generalization or conclusions and different development related to study of the classroom management from the past up to the present and which serves as the researchers guide in developing the project.

Those that were also included in this chapter helps in familiarizing information that are relevant and similar to the present study.

Here’s the Outline of Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 2 – Related Literature

1.Related Studies

2.Local Related Literature

3.Foreign Related Literature

4.Local Related System

5.Foreign Related System

6.Prior Arts

7.Comparison Table of Related Foreign and Local System

The proponents searched for a detailed analysis of local and foreign studies that related to Classroom Management System. These related studies served as a tools that guide the proponents in developing the Classroom Management System.

Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 2 : Local Related literature

Automatic Attendance Monitoring System

According to (P. Padma Rekha,V.Narendhiran,D. Amudhan, S Ramya and N. Pavithra 2016) attendance is taken in every organization. The traditional approach for attendance is the professor calls student name and records attendance.

For each lecture this is wastage of time. The study maintained that to avoid losses, an automatic process based on image processing is to be utilized. This project approach is to use face detection and face recognition system.

Biometric Student Identification

According to (Raymond J. D. Anne Marie Dunphy March 2015),One of the many challenges facing schools today is accurately identifying students. The bottom line is that schools receive federal and state money based on accurate and auditable records.

In addition, schools need to provide a safe and secure environment for everyone on campus. Now more than ever, accurate student identification is the key to the efficient operation of a school.

Over the past few decades, schools have been implementing all kinds of new technologies to both enhance and improve operations. Smart boards, laptop and real-time internet resources are just a part of a student’s everyday experience.

Schools worldwide have been implementing biometric finer scanning to streamline operations, increase teaching time and enhances security.

Attendance Monitoring

According to Casas, Ibanez, and Pilongco (2013), this is a study that tries to formulate an easy way of monitoring the attendance of students and faculty.

This study includes the use of a radio frequency identification card reader and tags. With the help of this study, the reader will be able to see the flow of attendance of every Faculty and students in their respective classes.

Netop Vision

According to (Netop 2019) The Netop Vision System is programmed software which easily monitors and modify student activity on computers with vision classroom management software for Chrome, Windows and Mac.

Keep student on task by viewing student activity in real time and redirecting attention with one click. With six million users worldwide, Vision helps teachers enhance learning and keep students safe. 

School Management Software

According to (Ren Web 2019) is school information System software. It allows the user to take attendance, track grades, and generate report cards, as well as a HOST of otherfeatures.

Very features-rich. In years past, Renweb sot of ost its way with not really understanding who its coe customer was k-12 schools.


According to (Morpus 2017) Veyon is an open sourced digital classroom management software built off of iTALC that gives you complete control of your student’s computers, allowing you to display lessons, aid in corrections, view workstation progress, and lock out particular users.

The first impression I had about Veyon was how clean the user interface was for a free and open-source software. Veyon is visually pleasing and straightforward with 3D icons, simple prompts, and easy navigation.

Adding to its user-friendly nature, Veyon is also easy to install and run on any major operating System (Windows, Linux OSX).

Table 1: Table of Comparison

Table 1 shows the differences of the system and studies related to the proponent’s proposed system.

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