Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 1
This Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 1, present the introduction on how this management system plays its vital role in assessing the performance of the student in academic setting.
And to provide convenience for our teachers with the help of technology, This system was develop to record the attendance of the student using a barcode scanner and at the same time a system where they can encode the grades of the learners every grading period.
Here’s the outline on how to make Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 1.
1. Introduction
2. Purpose and Description
3. General Objectives
4. Specific Objectives
5. Scope and Limitations
6. Significance of the Study
7. Definition of Terms
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 1 : Introduction
“In essence, grading is an exercise in professional judgment on the part of teachers. It involves the collection and evaluation of evidence on students’ achievement or performance over a specified period of time, such as nine weeks, an academic semester, or entire school year” Guskey,(2021).
It explains the importance of grades to know the academic standing of students. While other research shows that eliciting performance and practice from the student (“responding”) and providing adequate feedback (“reinforcement”) are the events most directly associated with student success and giving out their grades as soon as possible will help the student to assess their performance for the entire semester.
In this generation where almost every academic transactions are done online. Teachers need to have a system that will be of great help in recording the attendance and putting the grades of the academic performance of the learners.
This system will be very beneficial in academic setting especially for educators. It is also another way of adapting to the 21st century education and giving a quality education to every student.
Managing student attendance and encoding their academic grades are important processes for both teachers and the student. It plays a vital role in assessing the performance of the student in academic setting.
And to provide convenience for our teachers with the help of technology, a system was develop to record the attendance of the student using a barcode scanner and at the same time a system where they can encode the grades of the learners every grading period.
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 1 : Purpose and Description
Classroom offers mindfulness-based training for educators who are searching for a simple, accessible way to support behavioral issue in the classroom.
Our breathing, stretching, focusing and relaxation techniques help student develop emotional resilience and self-regulation skills so that they can be better manage their emotions, leading to improvements behavior and overall wellbeing.
The Classroom program is a perfect complement to any to any existing behavior strategies being used in your school. With regular practice, our techniques bring focus and calm to any classroom and can be easily integrated into the academic schedule.
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 1 : General Objective
The main objective of the study is to develop a system for a Classroom Management System to provide more efficient and productive way of checking the attendance and upload the grades of the students. The students can view their grades via online.
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 1 : Specific Objectives
1. To develop a system with the following features:
a. To easily input the academic grades of the students.
b.CSV to save the file of the attendance of a student.
c. To easily record the attendance of the student.
2.To evaluate the usability of the system based on
The following parameters:
a. System Usefulness
b. Information Quality
c. Interface Quality
d. Overall Quality
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 1 : Scope and limitation of the Study
The Classroom Management system was created to save and input the attendance using barcode scanner through scanning their barcode ID of the student when they are entering the classroom.
The teachers can easily upload, save, and check the attendance and grades of the student. Admin, Faculty and Student can access to the system online.
The system focuses only to check the attendance, upload grades and viewing students grades.
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 1 : Significance of the study
The application aids and knowledge to the user at the same time the following will benefit by using the said application.
Future Researchers
The proposed system will serve as a guide to the future researcher.
This could be their basis in developing this study and the record of the possible and expected features of the system.
The system will help the student to update and see their grades.
The system will help to check the attendance and upload the grade of the students.
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 1 : Definition of Terms
Information Quality
A quality of the content of information systems.
In this study, it refers to the classroom management system information quality.
Interface Quality
A quality user interface allows user to perform tasks with speed and ease, in other words it operates with efficiency.
In this study, it refers to the classroom management system interface quality.
Point average is a number representing the average value of the accumulated final grades earned in curses over time.
In this study, it refers to the student grade of classroom management system.
Means controlled by or connected to another computer to a network.
In this study, it refers to the classroom management system.
To see and to update what is the remarks of the student.
In this study, it refers to the record of every students or the teacher classroom management system.
A system is defined as a group of devices or artificial objects of an organization forming a network especially for distributing something or serving a common purpose.
In this study, it refers to the classroom management system.
System Usefulness
A system functions allow users to complete a set of tasks and achieve specific goals in a particular context of use.
In this study, it refers to the classroom management system usefulness.
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