CHMSC Binalbagan IT Freshmen Admission System Thesis Chapter 3
This Admission System Thesis Chapter 3 will explain the methodology of CHMSC Binalbagan IT Freshmen Admission System that means the method that will be used to build this system, system will use System Development Life Circle (SDLC).
Figure 1 tells from the beginning of the research up to the last process. RAD model distributes the analysis, design, build and test phases into a series of short, iterative development cycle. RAD makes heavy use of prototyping to make sure interested parties have a clear picture of all aspects of the system.
Rapid Application Development is easy to use as a methodology the diagram shows the step by step so that the problems that might encounter can be polished by reviewing every step.
In RAD, the functions are developed as the prototype is being integrated to make the complete process quicker it makes it easier to incorporate and understand the changes within the development.
Analysis and Quick Design
In this phase our designers and developers discussing about the flow of information in various business models.
This phase is the time in which developers and designers determining the user feedbacks and demonstrating it to the user.
The next phase where the developers and designers are coding, testing and enhance the data objects and defining information flow.
This is the phase where the developers and designers develop the coding of CHMSC binalbagan IT freshmen admission system completed it is construct the software and converting processes and data models into prototypes.
Testing and Implementation
This phase where the developers and designers conduct a system testing to the end user to be able to suggest the requirements that is need to the system using PSSUQ questionnaire and the respondents are IT experts and user. We analyze the result using statistics.
Data Gathering Procedure
Research Instrument
CHMSC-Bin IT Freshmen Admission System use the PSSUQ questionaire it is widely used to measure users perceived satisfaction of a website.
Respondent Of The Study
The respondent of the study are the student who are incoming first year in IT department for the user evaluation and for the expert evaluation we have IT expert inside the campus.
Respondent | Number of Respondent |
User | 10 |
Expert | 5 |
Total of Respondents | 15 |
Table 2 Number of Respondents per User category
Analysis of Data
Proponents use this scale to interpret the results of user and expert evaluation.
Context Diagram
Figure 2 Context Diagram
Figure 2 shows the context diagram of Documentation of Student Admission System. It contains a process that represents the system to model, in this case the “It contains a process that represents the system to model, in this case “CHMSC-Bin IT Freshmen Admission System” It also shows the Actors who will interact with the system.
Data Flow Diagram level 1
Figure 3 Data Flow Diagram Level 1
Figure 3 shows the data flow diagram level 1 of the CHMSC-bin It freshmen admission system. It process that the represents the system to model, in this case, the ” CHMSC-Bin IT Freshmen Admission System” It also shows the participants who will interact with the system.
In this example, the Manage Registration, Manage Examination, Manage Schedule, student and admin the process and the their is data flow (connectors) that indicate the existence of information exchange between the entities and the system.
Data Flow Diagram Level 2 Registration
Figure 4 Data Flow Diagram Level 2 Registration
Figure 4 shows the data flow diagram level 2 of the CHMSC-Bin IT Freshmen Admission System”. It shows how the students register.
Data Flow Diagram Level 2 Examination
Figure 5 Data Flow Diagram Level 2 Examination
Figure 5 shows the data flow diagram level 2 of CHMSC-Bin IT Freshmen Admission System. It shows how student will get the exam, also shows the student will get the automatic score.
Data Flow Diagram Level 2 Scheduling
Figure 6 Data Flow Diagram Level 2 Scheduling
Figure 5 It shows the data flow diagram level 2 of CHMSC-Bin IT Freshmen Admission System. Base on the diagram, Student process will (selected schedule) manage schedule details and forwards it to a data store (exam_schedule), through that the admin will approved schedule.
Data Flow Diagram Level 2 Reports
Figure 7 Data Flow Diagram Level 2 Reports
Figure 7 it shows the data flow diagram level 2 CHMSC-Bin IT Freshmen Admission System. Base on the diagram, all Reports process will generate transactions with admin.
Activity diagram for Student/Admin
Figure 8 Activity diagram for Student
Figure 8 shows the activity diagram for students of CHMSC-Bin IT Freshmen Admission System. It shows the flow of registration of students & set their desire schedule, also shows admin will approve it.
Activity diagram for Admin/Student
Figure 9 Activity diagram for Admin
Figure 9 shows the activity diagram for admin of CHMSC-Bin IT Freshmen Admission System. It shows the flow of how to student take their qualifying exam, also shows the generate reports of student.
Entity Relationship Diagram
Figure 10 Entity Relationship Diagram
Figure 10 shows the Entity Relationship Diagram of chmsc-bin It freshmen admission system it includes entities and relationship of the system that stored in the database.
Use Case Diagram
Figure 11 CHMSC-Binalbagan IT Freshmen Admission System Use Case Diagram
Figure 11 shows the CHMSC-Binalbagan IT freshmen Admission System Use Case Diagram. It shows what modules can actors (Admin & Student) use or interact with.
Manage Registration
Figure 12 Use case diagram for Manage Registration
Figure 13 shows the CHMSC-Binalbagan IT freshmen Admission System Use Case Diagram. It shows how to student manage their registration.
Use Case Name: | Manage Registration |
Actors: | Student |
Description: | Used to student register to take their qualifying exam. |
Pre-Conditions: | The student must register through online. |
Post-Conditions: | The student can access to take qualifying exam. |
Alternative Flows: | No alternative flow |
Exceptional Flows: | No exceptional flow |
Table 3 Manage Registration
Table 2 describe the functions of registration in chmsc-Bin IT Freshmen Admission System. This use case describe on how to student manage their registration.
Manage Examination
Figure 14 Use case diagram for Manage examination
Figure 13 shows the CHMSC-Binalbagan IT freshmen Admission System Use Case Diagram. It shows how to admin manage examination of student, also shows how student create their schedule to take their examination.
Use Case Name: | Manage Examination |
Actors: | Student and Admin |
Description: | Used to student take their examination and admin will manage the exam. |
Pre-Conditions: | The student must get their automate score. |
Post-Conditions: | The student can access to take their qualifying exam. |
Alternative Flows: | No alternative flow |
Exceptional Flows: | No exceptional flow |
Table 4 Manage examination
Table 3 describes the functions of examination in CHMSC-Bin IT Freshmen Admission System. This use case describe on how admin manage the exam, also shows on how student will get the exam.
Manage schedule
Figure 14 Use case diagram for Manage examination
Figure 14 shows the CHMSC-Binalbagan IT freshmen Admission System Use Case Diagram. It shows how to student manage their schedule, also shows how admin will approve their schedule.
Use Case Name: | Manage Schedule |
Actors: | Student and Admin |
Description: | The student will be manage their schedule when they want to take the qualifying exam. |
Pre-Conditions: | The students will choice their schedule when they want to take the qualifying exam and the admin will confirm their schedule. |
Post-Conditions: | The admin will be reschedule if the schedule is already full. |
Alternative Flows: | No alternative flow |
Exceptional Flows: | No exceptional flow |
Table 5 Manage Schedule
Table 4 describes the functions of scheduling in CHMSC-Bin IT Freshmen Admission System. This use case describes on how student manage the exam, also shows on how will approve their schedule.
Manage Reports
Figure 15 Use Case Diagram for Manage Reports
Figure 15 shows the CHMSC-Binalbagan IT freshmen Admission System Use Case Diagram. It shows how admin manage them generate reports.
Use Case Name: | Manage Reports |
Actors: | Admin |
Description: | The admin manage all the student that qualified. |
Pre-Conditions: | The admin manage student list qualified. |
Post-Conditions: | The admin manage student list. |
Alternative Flows: | No alternative flow |
Exceptional Flows: | No exceptional flow |
Table 6 Manage Reports
Table 5 describes the functions of scheduling in CHMSC-Bin IT Freshmen Admission System. It shows how admin manage them generate reports.
Data Dictionary of Admission System Thesis Chapter 3
Table 7 For Criteria
Field Name | Description | Type | length |
criteria_id(pk) | criteria_id(pk) | Int | 11 |
Title | Title | Varchar | 30 |
Criteria | creteria | Varchar | 30 |
Criteria_whole | Criteria_whole | Varchar | 30 |
sy_id | sy_id | int | 11 |
is_default | is_default | varchar | 30 |
Table 6 shows the data dictionary and detail table for creteria. It includes the creteria_id, title, creteria, criteria_whole, sy_id, is_default.
Table 8 for exam_schedules
Field Name | Description | type | length |
Stud_id(pk) | Stud_id(pk) | 11 | Int |
examinee_code | examinee_code | 11 | Int |
Fname | fname | 30 | Varchar |
Lname | fname | 30 | Varchar |
Dateoftest | dateoftest | 30 | Varchar |
raw_score | raw_score | 30 | Int |
Stanine | stanine | 30 | Int |
Picture | picture | 30 | Varchar |
Gender | gender | 11 | Int |
Table 7 shows the data dictionary and detail table for table exam schedules it includes stud_id, examinee_code,fname,lname,dateoftest,raw_score,stanine,pcture,gender.
Table 9 for student
Field Name | Description | Type | Length |
stud_id(pk) | stud_id(pk) | Int | 11 |
Examinee_code | Examinee_code | Int | 11 |
Fname | Fname | Varchar | 11 |
Lname | lname | Varchar | 11 |
dateoftest | dateoftest | Varchar | 100 |
Raw_score | Raw_score | Int | 100 |
stanine | stanine | Int | 11 |
picture | Picture | Varchar | 30 |
Gender | Gender | Int | 11 |
B_date | B_date | Int | 30 |
Varchar | 100 | ||
username | Username | Varchar | 100 |
password | Password | Int | 30 |
Table 8 shows the data dictionary and detail table for table exam answers it includes stud_id,examinee_code,fname,lname,dateoftest,rawscore,b_date,email,username,password.
Table 10 for summary
Field Name | Description | type | length |
sum_id(pk) | sum_id(pk) | int | 11 |
stud_id(fk) | stud_id(fk) | int | 11 |
Entrance_score | Entrance_score | int | 11 |
General_ave | General_ave | varchar | 1000 |
Qualifying_result | qualifying_result | int | 100 |
interview | interview | int | 100 |
Total | total | int | 100 |
Sy_id | Sy_id | int | 11 |
Table 9 shows the data dictionary and detail table for summary it includes sum_id,stud_id, entrance_score,general_ave,qualifying_result,interview,totoal,sy_id.
Table 11 for student_answer
Field Name | description | type | length |
ans_id(pk) | ans_id(pk) | Int | 11 |
Stud_id(fk) | Stud_id(fk) | Int | 1000 |
question_number | question_number | Int | 1000 |
Answer | answer | Int | 11 |
date_taken | date_taken | Int | 1000 |
Table 10 shows the data dictionary and detail table for table student_answer it includes ans_id pk,stud_id(fk), question_number, answer, and date taken.
Table 12 for answer_key
Field Name | description | type | length |
Key_id(pk) | Key_id | int | 11 |
Question_number | Question_number | Varchar | 250 |
key_answer | Key_answer | text | 100 |
Table 11 shows the data dictionary and detail table for table answer_key it includes key_id, question_number, and key answer.
Table 13 for schoolyear
Field Name | Description | Type | Length |
sy_id(pk) | sy_id(pk) | int | 100 |
School_year | School_year | int | 100 |
is_default | is_default | varchar | 100 |
Table 12 shows the data dictionary and detail table for table school year it includes sy_id, school_year, and is_ default.
Table 14 for user
Field Name | Description | Type | length |
User_id(pk) | User_id(pk) | int | 11 |
Name | name | varchar | 100 |
User_name | User_name | varchar | 100 |
Password | password | int | 11 |
Table 13 shows the data dictionary and detail table for table school year it includes user_id, name, user_name and password.
Screen Layout
The screen layout of Chmsc-bin IT Freshmen Admission System give the user plan or design of the system for what look like or what functions are included.
Admin side
Figure 16 shows the admin side of the system
Client side
Figure 17 Shows the Login and registration of client side of the Chmsc-bin It freshmen admission system.
Operational Framework
Figure 18 shows the operational framework of Chmsc-bin IT freshmen admission system.
Hardware and Software Requirements
In the development of the system, the developer uses both software and hardware is recommended.
Windows 10 Pro
Processor: Intel(R)Celeron(R) CPU N3350 @1.10GHz 1.10 GHz
Installed memory(RAM):
4.00 GB (3.83 GB usable)
System type:
64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor
Pen and Touch:
No Pen or Touch Input is available for this Display
- Mouse
- Printer
- keyboard
Software Development Specification
Programming Language: VB.Net 2008
Developing Tools: XAMPP
Database: MYSQL
Software Connectivity: USB Drivers
Web Browser: Google/Internet Explorer
Gantt Chart for Admission System Thesis Chapter 3
Figure 19 Gant chart
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