Boarding House Finder Thesis Documentation Chapter 5
In this Boarding House Finder Thesis Documentation Chapter 5, the proponents deliberate and clarify the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations about the developed Boarding House Finder intended for use by intending boarders looking and locate for the boarding houses around Negros Occidental area only.
Generally, the developed application helps the user to locate boarding houses around Negros Occidental. The propose system called “Boarding House Finder”. People find hard looking for a boarding house if they are new to the place. Boarders are wasting their time looking for the boarding houses they want to locate.
So that the proponents wanted to make an android app “Boarding House Finder” that will easily search or locate the boarding house location from the user. The proponents developed this android app to help the boarders.
1. The objective 1 of the study was to develop an android based system that will provide ease and efficient way of finding a boarding house around Negros Occidental.
2. The objective 2 was to promote boarding houses around Negros Occidental through this application.
3. The objective 3 was to design and evaluate the Boarding house Finder in terms of the functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability, and portability. The study used Agile development in the developing the android application. The proponents selected the boarding house owner’s, tenants, and IT experts.
The proponents conducted an evaluation on the android application “Boarding House Finder”.
1.The proposed Boarding House Finder had been rated as an overall mean of the application based on the specified criteria is interpreted as “Good”. This implies that the functionality of the application is ready to use.
2.The findings prove that with the proposed Boarding House was implemented, in terms of reliability of the proposed system is concerned, the participants agreed that it is always operationally, accessible, and responsive in terms of locating. These findings simply implied that the Boarding House Finder has a good level of functionality suitability.
3.The usability of the Boarding House Finder interpreted as “Good”. This finding meant that the Boarding House Finder were able to easily use the system due to the simplicity of the design and functions.
4.The maintainability and portability of Boarding House Finder signified the performance of the proposed application in terms of maintainability. The findings suggest that upon evaluation the performance of the proposed application. The participants have a trust that it is effective and efficient to use.
The proponents conducted an evaluation to determine the acceptability of the application.
1.In terms of user’s feedback, the respondents shown their positive ideas toward evaluating the developed mobile app for intending boarders despite a couple of technological limitations.
2.For intending boarders to reserve and locate for roaming houses to stay, this Boarding House Finder app may encourage the opportunities business-centered environments flexible access to intending boarders.
Although further understanding of the dynamic concept is needed to give a precise definition the boarding house Apps, this novel concept gives researchers an idea of the increasing trend of using mobile apps to assist intending boarders in looking and booking for roaming houses to stay with.
Based on the findings and conclusions derived from the study. The recommendations are as follows:
1. The proponents recommend this application to the users who wants to locate the Boarding Houses in Negros Occidental. The user can install the app in their android devices.
2. The application may be modified by the future researchers for further improvement. Future researchers can also modify the features and contents of the application as long as it is related to the previous one.
3. Evaluation on the current Boarding House finder could be investigated with more participants and longer using periods to obtain deeper comprehension of the use of the system. The participants could be encouraged to keep a diary for better understanding of their needs and the perceptions of the use of the Boarding House Finder app.
4. If possible, more researchers and experts getting involved when developing and evaluating the system of the Boarding House Finder could provide a more reliable evaluation of both the system and utility features of the examined apps.
On this chapter the proponents meet the goal of having the summary of findings of the study and conclusion and recommendations for the future researchers.
Boarding House Finder Thesis Documentation Chapter 5 : Internet References
Mary Anne M. Sahagun and Jun P. Flores, “Home-bro: Android-Based Students’ Housing locator and monitoring System” (2019) Retrieved From
Mark Lloyd Lester S. Consignado, Mark Lesther A. Velasco, Aladdin Paolo A. Sanvictores, Archieval M. Jain, Francis F. Balahadia, HAYBOL: An Android –Based Apartment locator Application (2017) Retrieve From
“ app” 2013 Retrieve From
Mario Lončar, Jasmin Abou Aldan, Marina Ivašić, “Mobile application for finding ATMs” (2015) Retrieve From
Hal M. Bundrick “Zillow Mobile Apps” (2015) Retrieve From
Rolf Schromgens, Stephan Stubner, Peter Vinnemeier and Malte siewert, “Trivago” (2012) Retrieve From
Meldrick P. Abella, Lander M. Pecdasen, Gideon Gerald R. Fajardo, Layka G. Pascual, Marilou N. Jamis, “Board me app: A mobile application for finding boarding houses in university belt” (2017) Retrieve From
Sokthay Chanphearithm, “MRTtracker app” (2012) Retrieve From
Pem Solis, “GrabHostel App”(2017) Retrieve From
Boarding House Finder Thesis Documentation Chapter 5 : (APPENDIX A) Relevant Source Codes
Boarding House Search
This code used to search Boarding House
#Region Activity Attributes
#FullScreen: False
#IncludeTitle: False
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
Dim CheckFav,fid,hid As String
End Sub
Sub Globals
Private j As HttpJob
Private HIID,OnDate As String
Private SpinBEd,onBed,HouseID,OwnerID,RoomID As Int
Private BhouseLayout As ScrollView
Private PanelHouseLayout As Panel
Private HouseName As Label
Private HousePrice As Label
Private OwnerName As Label
Private OwnerContact As Label
Private HouseAddress As Label
Private HouseBathroom As Label
Private HouseBedroom As Label
Private HouseSex As Label
Private HouseType As Label
Private HouseDescription As Label
Private HouseAmenities As Label
Private LabelFemale As Label
Private LabelMale As Label
Private UnSaveFavorite As Label
Private SaveFavorite As Label
Private ImageView1 As ImageView
Private ButtonBackFavorite As Button
Private ButtonBackHouse As Button
This Source code used for Finding Location.
#Region Activity Attributes
#FullScreen: False
#IncludeTitle: False
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
Dim Findid As String
‘ Private rp As RuntimePermissions
End Sub
Sub Globals
Private marker As Marker
Private xui As XUI
Private smap As Map
Private j As HttpJob
Private gmap As GoogleMap
Private MapFragment1 As MapFragment
Private longitude,latitude As String
Private GoogleMapsExtras1 As GoogleMapsExtras
Private OnInfoWindowClickListener1 As OnInfoWindowClickListener
Private Icon As BitmapDrawable
Private AndroidRecources1 As AndroidResources
Private MapFilter As Label
Private ListView As Label
Private PanelList As Panel
Private PanelMap As Panel
Private FilterBudget As Label
Private CheckRoom1 As CheckBox
Boarding House Finder Thesis Documentation Chapter 5 : (APPENDIX B) Questioner
Below are the different quality characteristics of the project, kindly mark check (/) the box that closely represents the evaluation of the software developed by the researchers following the criterion based on ISO/IEC 25022.
Table 28. Criteria

Table 28 shows the evaluation criteria.
Table 29. ISO Survey Form

Boarding House Finder Thesis Documentation Chapter 5 : (APPENDIX C) Inputs
Figure 12. Sample Input

Figures 12 shows the landlord/owner account when posting a Boarding House detail, in listing icon where you can see all your post in house details, calendar icon where you can see the reservation and the confirmation and the cancellation of reservation. And the gear icon the profile of the landlord/owner.
Boarding House Finder Thesis Documentation Chapter 5 : (APPENDIX D) Outputs

Figure 13 shows the list of Boarding Houses where the owner can update and delete of their Boarding House.
Boarding House Finder Thesis Documentation Chapter 5 : (APPENDIX D) Sample Reports
Figure 14. Sample Reports

Figure 14 shows sample reports of the reservation of the tenants to the boarding house owner.
Boarding House Finder Thesis Documentation Chapter 5 : (APPENDIX F) User’s Guide
I. Instruction
The user’s guide possess all essential information that user need in order to use the Boarding House Finder application.
II. Installment
- The device must 510 MB with minimum of 100 MB free space.
- Device must have at least 2.GB or higher of RAM.
- The device must be running on Android version of 8.1.0 or higher.
- Must have internet connection to download the application.
Using Android Device
- Download the APK file of Boarding House Finder App.
- Tap the download / install button and wait for the download to finish.
- Follow the instruction to install and wait until finishing installing.
III. Getting Started
Figure 15 Front Page of the application
After the user click the button in the left side of front page, the Home page will be automatically display.

Figure 16. Home Page
Once the user reach the Home Page, they can tap the menu bar above or direct to click the Finding Boarding House search button.

Figure 17. Menu Bar
If the user choose to tap the menu bar above, it will display the list of menu like Sign in, Sign up, Contact Us and About Us.

Figure 18. Sign in Page
If the user choose to tap the Sign in Button, it will display the Log in form, where the user can Log in or either can create new account.

Figure 19. Sign up Page
If the user choose to tap the Sign up Button, it will display the create account form where the user can create their new account either they Bh-ownwer or a tenant.

Figure 20. Search Button
If the user choose to tap the Search Button, it will display the page of the whole Negros Occidental map and location of each Boarding Houses.

Figure 21. Filter Button
If the user choose to tap the Filter Button, it will display the page of the all option on how the user can find easily about each Boarding Houses information.

Figure 22. List View Button
If the user choose to tap the List View Button, it will display the page of the all List and information about of each Boarding Houses.

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if you have any questions or suggestions about Boarding House Finder Thesis Documentation Chapter 5, please let’s me know by dropping your comment below.
can i have the full documentation of this thesis please.
Its complete documentation you might see at the related articles the chapter 1-4