Boarding House Finder Thesis Documentation Chapter 4
This chapter of Boarding House Finder Thesis Documentation Chapter 4 discusses the evaluation on the surveyed Boarding House owner, tenants, and Experts regarding the characteristics of the developed system Boarding House Finder.
To statistically compute for the results of the survey questionnaire, the Mean statistics was used and the formula in computing the mean is:

Boarding House Finder Thesis Documentation Chapter 4 : Boarding House Owner’s Evaluation Results
ISO Questionnaire Results
Table 20. Functionality characteristics

The table shows the result on the functionality of the developed Boarding House Finder. The five sub-Characteristics were rated “Good”. Overall, the Functionality characteristics of the developed Boarding House Finder was rated by the 5 Boarding House Owner’s “Good” as evidence by a 4.32 overall mean value. The survey simply suggests that the developed Boarding House Finder has the capability to provide function that will meet the needs of the owner’s when looking and reserve for finding Boarding House around Negros Occidental area.
Table 21. Reliability characteristics

The table shows the result on the reliability of the developed Boarding House Finder. The total sub-mean was 4 interpreted as “Good”. The survey simply suggests that the developed Boarding House Finder has the capability to provide function that will meet the needs of the owner’s when looking and reserve for finding Boarding House around Negros Occidental area.
Table 22. Usability characteristics

The table shows the result on the usability of the developed Boarding House Finder. The total sub-mean was 4.13 interpreted as “Good”. The survey simply suggests that the developed Boarding House Finder has the capability to provide function that will meet the needs of the owner’s when looking and reserve for finding Boarding House around Negros Occidental area.
Table 23. Efficiency characteristics

The table shows the result on the efficiency of the developed Boarding House Finder. The total sub-mean was 4.3 interpreted as “Good”. The survey simply suggests that the developed Boarding House Finder has the capability to provide function that will meet the needs of the owner’s when looking and reserve for finding Boarding House around Negros Occidental area.
Table 24. Maintainability characteristics

The table shows the result on the maintainability of the developed Boarding House Finder. The total sub-mean was 4.2 interpreted as “Good”. The survey simply suggests that the developed Boarding House Finder has the capability to provide function that will meet the needs of the owner’s when looking and reserve for finding Boarding House around Negros Occidental area.
Table 25. Portability characteristics

The table shows the result on the portability of the developed Boarding House Finder. The total sub-mean was 4.5 interpreted as “Good”. The survey simply suggests that the developed Boarding House Finder has the capability to provide function that will meet the needs of the owner’s when looking and reserve for finding Boarding House around Negros Occidental area.
Table 26. Tenant’s Evaluation Results

The table shows the rating on the Functionality, Reliability, Usability, Efficiency, Maintainability and Portability of the developed Boarding House Finder. The Functionality Characteristics was rated 4.25 interpreted as “Good”, Reliability Characteristics mean value 4.03 interpreted as “Good”, Usability Characteristics mean value 4.26 interpreted as “Good”, Efficiency Characteristics mean value 4.18 interpreted as “Good”, Maintainability Characteristics mean value 4.25 interpreted as “Good”, And Portability Characteristics mean value 4.24 interpreted as “Good”. The survey simply suggests that the developed Boarding House Finder has the capability to provide function that will meet the needs of the tenant’s when looking and reserve for finding Boarding House around Negros Occidental area.
Boarding House Finder Thesis Documentation Chapter 4 : EXPERT’S EVALUATION RESULTS
In evaluating the developed Boarding House Finder, ISO evaluation 25022 were use. The expert’s evaluation is presented in table 27.
Table 27. Expert’s Evaluation

It was interesting to note that the overall criteria were rated by the expert as “Good”. The Functionality Characteristics mean value 4.25 interpreted as “Good”, Reliability Characteristics mean value 4.03 interpreted as “Good”, Usability Characteristics mean value 4.26 interpreted as “Good”, Efficiency Characteristics mean value 4.18 interpreted as “Good”, Maintainability Characteristics mean value 4.25 interpreted as “Good”, And Portability Characteristics mean value 4.24 interpreted as “Good”. simply suggests that the experts who evaluated the Boarding House finder developed for this study finds the app “good” for use by the intending boarders in the negros occidental area. The evaluation further implies that the application needs the good standard requirements by the experts for an application to be used by the intending boarders in the Negros Occidental Area.
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