The Tic Tac Toe Code In C Programming is developed using C programming language. This game is played on a 3×3 grid by two players.
A tic tac toe game c program first player uses a circle to mark his movements, while the second uses a cross. The tic tac toe using c player who has made a three-mark horizontal, vertical, or diagonal series wins.
Additionally, both players must enter a particular number one to nine based on the grid position in order to make a mark X or O.
About The Project
The tic tac toe program in c 3×3 winner will be the first player to successfully position three of their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) row.
This Console Application also includes a downloadable code for tic tac toe in c for free, just find the downloadable source code below and click to start downloading.
To run this tic tac toe program in c with output make sure that you have a Code Blocks or any platform of C++ installed in your computer.
Tic Tac Toe In C Programming Project Details
Project Name : | tic tac toe algorithm |
Project Platform : | C/C++ |
Programming Language Used: | C Programming Language |
Developer Name : | |
IDE Tool (Recommended): | Dev-C++/Codeblocks |
Project Type : | Desktop Application |
Database: | Stores data in .DAT file |
Tic Tac Toe In C Programming With Source Code Steps On How To Run The Project
Time needed: 5 minutes
These are the steps on how to run Tic Tac Toe In C Programming With Source Code
- Step 1: Download
First, download the source code given below.
- Step 2: Extract file.
Second, after you finished download the source code, extract the zip file.
- Step 3: Open CodeBlocks
Third, open “CodeBlocks IDE”.
- Step 4: Open Project.
Fourth, open file tab and Open File after that open folder TicTacToeC then click the “tictactoec.c“.
- Step 5: Run Project
Fifth, run the project.
- Step 6: The actual code.
You are free to copy the given source code below or download the downloadable source code given.
The Code Given Below is the Actual Code of System
#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> char square[10] = { 'o', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' }; int checkwin(); void board(); int main() { int player = 1, i, choice; char mark; do { board(); player = (player % 2) ? 1 : 2; printf(" Player %d, enter a number: ", player); scanf("%d", &choice); mark = (player == 1) ? 'X' : 'O'; if (choice == 1 && square[1] == '1') square[1] = mark; else if (choice == 2 && square[2] == '2') square[2] = mark; else if (choice == 3 && square[3] == '3') square[3] = mark; else if (choice == 4 && square[4] == '4') square[4] = mark; else if (choice == 5 && square[5] == '5') square[5] = mark; else if (choice == 6 && square[6] == '6') square[6] = mark; else if (choice == 7 && square[7] == '7') square[7] = mark; else if (choice == 8 && square[8] == '8') square[8] = mark; else if (choice == 9 && square[9] == '9') square[9] = mark; else { printf(" Invalid move "); player--; getch(); } i = checkwin(); player++; }while (i == - 1); board(); if (i == 1) printf(" ==>\aPlayer %d win ", --player); else printf(" ==>\aGame draw"); getch(); return 0; } int checkwin() { if (square[1] == square[2] && square[2] == square[3]) return 1; else if (square[4] == square[5] && square[5] == square[6]) return 1; else if (square[7] == square[8] && square[8] == square[9]) return 1; else if (square[1] == square[4] && square[4] == square[7]) return 1; else if (square[2] == square[5] && square[5] == square[8]) return 1; else if (square[3] == square[6] && square[6] == square[9]) return 1; else if (square[1] == square[5] && square[5] == square[9]) return 1; else if (square[3] == square[5] && square[5] == square[7]) return 1; else if (square[1] != '1' && square[2] != '2' && square[3] != '3' && square[4] != '4' && square[5] != '5' && square[6] != '6' && square[7] != '7' && square[8] != '8' && square[9] != '9') return 0; else return - 1; } /******************************************************************* FUNCTION TO DRAW BOARD OF TIC TAC TOE WITH PLAYERS MARK ********************************************************************/ void board() { system("cls"); printf("\n\n \xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\n"); printf("\t Tic Tac Toe"); printf("\n \xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\n\n"); printf(" Player 1 (X) - Player 2 (O)\n\n"); printf(" \xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\n"); printf("\t| | | |\n"); printf("\t| %c | %c | %c |\n", square[1], square[2], square[3]); printf("\t|_____|_____|_____|\n"); printf("\t| | | |\n"); printf("\t| %c | %c | %c |\n", square[4], square[5], square[6]); printf("\t|_____|_____|_____|\n"); printf("\t| | | |\n"); printf("\t| %c | %c | %c |\n", square[7], square[8], square[9]); printf("\t| | | |\n"); printf(" \xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\n\n"); }
Downloadable Source Code
This tic tac toe algorithm in c is only a project made for school requirement purposes only. You can download this source code and modify it to suit your client requirements, since this is a student project it means you cannot really expect 100% functionality from this.