This project is a fully functional Angular JS Library Management System with Json Server Database. The Angular JS with Json Server project that follows has all of the capabilities that final-year IT students will require for their college projects. It has a plethora of features that make event planning a snap.
The web application and the system’s core are self-explanatory. It was well-made and oddly reflected real-life scenarios. Scroll down to the bottom of this page and click the Download button to get a free Library Management system project in Angular JS with Json Server and source code files.
About Project | Project Details |
Project Name : | Library Management System Project in Angular JS with Source Code |
Project Platform : | Angular JS Framework |
Programming Language Used: | Angular JS Language |
Developer Name : | |
IDE Tool (Recommended): | Sublime, VS Code |
Project Type : | Web Application |
Database: | Json Server |
About Library Management System Angular JS
This project attempts to create a Library Management System that allows users to log in as either students or librarians. A student can see all of the books that are available or all of the books that are now available, sort the list of books, and search for a book using any parameters.
A librarian, like a student, can sort and search for books, and can also Issue a book, Return a book, or Add a new book to the list. Adding books to the list is made easier with the use of the Google Book API. He has the ability to both create students (i.e. logins for students) and issue library cards to them.
A camera module has been fitted to capture a picture of the student for the library card. There is a front end (Homepage) given where all students can see all of the books that are currently available in the library and determine whether or not to visit it. There is also a feature where any logged-in student can request books from the library for his or her class.
This project also includes a SMS and email module that allows librarians to send reminders to patrons about returning books. The Librarian is also given a page to administer fines. This project uses the AngularJS JavaScript framework to implement most of the essential functionality, as well as the PHP WordPress Framework.
Objective Library Management System using Angular JS Framework
This project attempts to create a Library Management System using angular JS that allows users to log in as either students or librarians. A student may browse all of the books or only the ones that are available, arrange the list of books by price or topic, and search for a book using any parameter.
A librarian, like a student, may sort and search for books, as well as Issue, Return, and Add new books to the list. This project is based on the AngularJS JavaScript framework and includes the majority of the Angular package’s essential features.
Features of Library Management System Project in Angular JS
Student Features Available
- Login and Logout
- Manage Profile
- Manage Borrow book
- View Books
- Manage to request a book
- Manage received book
Library features Available
- Transaction Management
- Members Management
- View All Books
- Add New Books
- Mange Old Books
- Manage Lost Books
- Damaged Books
- Manage Subject for Replacement
Screenshots Features Library Management System in Angular JS

How to run Library Management System Project in Angular JS with Source Code?
Time needed: 5 minutes
Here’s the step’s on how to run a Library Management System Project in Angular JS with Source Code
- Step 1: Install NodeJS
First, You need to download the NodeJS and install.
- Step 2: Install Angular cli
Next, to install the angular cli just open Command Prompt(CMD) then type “
npm install -g @angular/cli@8.3.
0“ - Step 3: Open Command Prompt(CMD)
Next, go to the project folder directory then type CMD to open the command prompt.
- Step 4: npm install or npm i
Next, After you open the CMD in your project folder directory, type “npm install” in your command prompt to install the npm dependencies and libraries.
- Step 5: ng serve
Then, type “ng serve” in your command prompt to run the project.
- Step 6: localhost:4200
Then, type “localhost:4200” in your browser, type the following code to access your project dashboard.
- Step 7: Install json server
After that, Open the Command Prompt(CMD) then type “
npm install -g json-server
” to install the json server in your pc. - Step 8: json-server -p 5001 –watch serverA.json
Lastly, After installing the json server open Command Prompt(CMD) in your project folder directory then type “json-server -p 5001 –watch serverA.json“.
- Step 9: localhost:5001
Finally, type “localhost:5001” in your browser, to access your json server database.
Download Source Code below
This project attempts to create a Library Management System using angular JS that allows users to log in as either students or librarians. A student can see all of the books that are currently available in the library and determine whether or not to visit it. A librarian, like a student, can sort and search for books, as well as Issue, Return, and Add new books to the list.
Don’t forget to like, follow, and share this article on social media if you liked it. We are grateful for your help. Have fun coding!
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If you have any questions or suggestions about Library Management System Project in Angular JS with Source Code, please feel free to leave a comment below.
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