How to Create, Insert, and, Delete a Canned Response in Gmail?

HOW TO CREATE, INSERT, AND DELETE A CANNED RESPONSE IN GMAIL – In this article, we will delve into Gmail’s efficient “canned responses” feature, which allows users to save and quickly reuse pre-written email templates.

We’ll guide you through its activation, usage, and management for optimizing your email interactions.

how to create a canned response in gmail

What is a canned response in Gmail?

A canned response in Gmail is a pre-written or templated email reply that can be saved and reused for frequently sent messages.

It allows users to save time and maintain consistency in their email communications by inserting pre-composed text or responses into their messages.

This feature is especially useful for responding to common inquiries, providing standard information, or sending repetitive messages with minimal effort.

How to enable canned response in Gmail?

  • Open Gmail settings by clicking the gear icon and choosing “Settings” from the menu.
  • Navigate to the “Advanced” tab.
  • In the section labeled “Canned Responses (Templates),” activate by clicking the “Enable” option.
  • At the page’s bottom, save your changes by clicking the “Save Changes” button.

How to create a canned response in Gmail?

Time needed: 3 minutes

  1. Step 1

    Create a fresh email message and input the desired template text into any of the message fields (like Subject, To, or Email Body).

  2. Step 2

    Click the “More Options” button located in the lower right corner of the email response box.

  3. Step 3

    Select “Canned Responses” from the menu, and then pick “Create a New Canned Response.”

  4. Step 4

    Enter a name for your new canned response in the pop-up box and confirm by clicking “OK.”

  5. Step 5

    Your new canned response can now be accessed through the “Canned responses” menu item for selection.

How to insert canned response in Gmail?

  • Begin by accessing the message in which you want to use the canned response or template.
  • Click on the “More Options” button.
  • In the menu’s “Insert” section, pick the specific template you want.
  • The chosen canned response or template will then be inserted into your message.

How to delete canned responses in Gmail?

  • Begin by composing a new message or opening an existing one, and then click on the “More Options” button.
  • Go to the “Canned Responses” section, and choose the canned response you wish to delete from the “Delete” subcategory. A confirmation popup will appear; click “OK.”
  • The selected Canned Response has now been successfully deleted.


In summary, Gmail’s “canned responses” feature streamlines email management by allowing users to save and reuse pre-written replies for common messages.

Users can enable this by accessing settings, creating canned responses, and inserting them into emails. These saved responses can be easily deleted if necessary.

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