attributeerror: module ‘torch._c’ has no attribute ‘_cuda_setdevice’

In this tutorial, we will discuss the best way to resolve the attributeerror: module torch._c has no attribute cuda_setdevice.

What is _cuda_setdevice?

The _cuda_setdevice is a function in the PyTorch library which is used to set the current CUDA device.

If you are running PyTorch code on a computer with multiple GPUs.

This function can be used to select which GPU to use for computation.

Also, read or visit the other resolved attributeerror:

Why the attributeerror: module torch._c has no attribute _cuda_setdevice occur?

The AttributeError “module ‘torch._C’ has no attribute ‘_cuda_setdevice'” typically occurs because there is an incompatibility between the version of the PyTorch library you are using and the version of CUDA on your system.

How to solved the attributeerror: module ‘torch._c’ has no attribute ‘_cuda_setdevice’?

Time needed: 3 minutes

Here are some steps you can take to solve this error attributeerror: module ‘torch._c’ has no attribute ‘cuda_setdevice’:

  • Step 1: Check your PyTorch and CUDA versions

    First, you can check the version of PyTorch and CUDA through executing the following commands in your Python interpreter:

    import torch

    Make sure that the PyTorch version is compatible with the CUDA version on your system. You can find a list of compatible versions in the PyTorch documentation.

  • Step 2: Update your PyTorch installation

    Next, when your PyTorch version is ou-of-date, you can update it using pip command:

    pip install torch -U

    After you run the command above it will upgrade PyTorch to the latest version available on PyPI.
    pip install torch attributeerror module 'torch._c' has no attribute '_cuda_setdevice'

  • Step 3: Check your CUDA installation

    Next, When your PyTorch version is compatible with your CUDA version, make sure that CUDA is installed correctly on your system.

    You can check the installation through executing the following command:

    nvcc –version

    If you run the above code it will print the version of CUDA installed on your system. If you get an error, it will show that CUDA is not installed correctly.

  • Step 4: Reinstall PyTorch with the correct CUDA version

    Next, When you have checked both your PyTorch and CUDA installations and they are correct, try reinstalling PyTorch with the correct CUDA version.

    You can define the CUDA version to use during installation using the torch command:

    pip install torch==1.8.1+cu111 -

    The above command will install PyTorch version 1.8.1 with CUDA version 11.1.

  • Step 5: Reinstall PyTorch

    Finally, If the above steps did not solve the issue, you can try to uninstall PyTorch and then reinstall it again with the correct installation. You can use the following command:

    To uninstall:

    pip uninstall torch

    To install:

    pip install torch


To conclude, through following the steps above, you should be able to solve the AttributeError “module ‘torch._C’ has no attribute ‘_cuda_setdevice'” and it will successfully use PyTorch with CUDA on your system.

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