attributeerror module scipy.sparse has no attribute coo_array

In this tutorial, we will explore solutions for fixing attributeerror module scipy.sparse has no attribute coo_array error.

Together with a brief discussion, and example codes for a better understanding of this attribute error.

What is attributeerror module scipy.sparse has no attribute coo_array?

An AttributeError: module ‘scipy.sparse’ has no attribute ‘coo_array’ means that the Scipy library was unable to find an attribute named coo_array in the scipy.sparse module.

This error typically occurs when you try to use the coo_array attribute in your code, but it doesn’t exist in the version of Scipy that you’re using.

Moreover, this could happen if you’re using an older version of Scipy that doesn’t support this attribute, or if you’ve made a typo in your code and are referencing an attribute that doesn’t exist.

How to fix attributeerror module scipy.sparse has no attribute coo_array

Here are the solutions we can try to fix attributeerror module scipy.sparse has no attribute coo_array error.

  1. Upgrade scipy version > 1.8

    The first way to get rid of the error is to use pip package management in Python.

    Use the following command to try this:

    pip install scipy==1.8.0

    install scipy 1.8

    But if you are using the current version is 1.10.0, use this command:

    pip install scipy

    pip install scipy

    Meanwhile, if you are using the conda then you can try the below one as well.

    conda install ‘scipy>=1.8’

    If you want to use the source code then you can download any branch from the git which is greater than 1.8 release and run the below command.

    python install

  2. Downgrade Super package (like networkx)

    Now, python modules implicitly invoke scipy.sparse are super packages. Thus if we downgrade them it will fix the error.

    In other words, if downgrade the networkx module lower to 2.7 version. Here is the command for this:

    pip install networkx==2.6.3

Fix attributeerror module scipy.sparse has no attribute coo_array with example code

If still getting an error message in Python code, it means that the ‘coo_array’ attribute is not present in the ‘scipy.sparse’ module.

This error can occur when you are trying to access a method or attribute that does not exist in the module.

To fix this error, you need to check the spelling and the name of the attribute that you are trying to access.

In this case, it looks like you are trying to access ‘coo_array’ instead of ‘coo_matrix’, which is the correct attribute name.

Here’s an example code that shows the error:

import scipy.sparse as sp

# create a sparse matrix in COO format
data = [1, 2, 3]
row = [0, 1, 2]
col = [0, 1, 2]
coo = sp.coo_array((data, (row, col)), shape=(3, 3))


This code attempts to create a sparse matrix in COO (coordinate) format using the “coo_array” attribute from the “scipy.sparse” module.

However, the “coo_array” attribute is not a valid attribute in the current version of SciPy. Wherein it leads to the “AttributeError: module ‘scipy.sparse’ has no attribute ‘coo_array'” error message.

To fix this error, you can replace the “coo_array” attribute with the “coo_matrix” attribute.

Wherein it is the correct attribute to use for creating a sparse matrix in COO format.

Here’s the updated code:

import scipy.sparse as sp

# create a sparse matrix in COO format
data = [1, 2, 3]
row = [0, 1, 2]
col = [0, 1, 2]
coo = sp.coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(3, 3))



(0, 0) 1
(1, 1) 2
(2, 2) 3

Note: The attribute coo_array was deprecated in SciPy version 1.0.0 and removed in later versions, so it’s important to use the correct attribute name to ensure compatibility with future versions of SciPy.


In summary, the AttributeError: module ‘scipy.sparse’ has no attribute ‘coo_array’ error is a common issue that can occur when working with Scipy sparse matrices.

This error can be caused by an old version of Scipy, an incorrect import statement, or a misspelling or typo.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can resolve this error and continue working with Scipy’s powerful sparse matrix implementation.

We hope that this article has provided you with the information you need to fix this error. Thus continue working with Python.

If you are finding solutions to some errors you’re encountering we also have attributeerror numpy ndarray object has no attribute iloc.

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