Attributeerror: module emoji has no attribute unicode_emoji

Encountering the attributeerror module emoji has no attribute unicode_emoji error message in Python.

If this is your first time encountering this error, you might be wondering why it occurs and struggling to figure out how to fix it.

In this article, we will show you the solution for module ’emoji’ has no attribute ‘unicode_emoji’ through a comprehensive guide. So, continue to read on.

What is “attributeerror: module emoji has no attribute unicode_emoji” error?

The attributeerror: module ’emoji’ has no attribute ‘unicode_emoji’ occurs if the code is trying to access the unicode_emoji attribute, but it can’t be found in the emoji package.

In addition to that, it happens because of the incompatibilities generated by a version update of the emoji Python package.

The ‘unicode_emoji’ attribute has been deprecated or removed in version 2 of the emoji Python package that has been released.

What is emoji package?

The “emoji” package is a Python library used for working with Emoji characters. It provides functions for converting text-based emoticons to Emoji, searching for Emoji by keyword, and other related operations.

What is “unicode_emoji” attribute?

The “unicode_emoji” attribute is one of the attributes of the “emoji” module, which contains a dictionary of Unicode code points for various Emoji characters.

Solution for “attributeerror: module emoji has no attribute unicode_emoji” error

The following are the effective solution you may use to fix the error that you are facing right now.

Downgrade emoji package version

Since the latest version of the emoji package has no attribute unicode_emoji, to resolve this error, you have to downgrade the emoji package. In order to do that, you have to uninstall the existing version and install Emoji 1.7.0.

You can do this using the following command:

To uninstall:

pip uninstall emoji

orpip3 uninstall emoji

To downgrade the emoji package version, since we already uninstalled the latest version of the emoji package, use the following command:

pip install emoji==1.7.0

By doing so, your Python code will run smoothly!

✅  import emoji as emoji

print(emoji.emojize('Im okay :thumbs_up:'))
print(emoji.emojize('Me too :thumbsup:', language='alias'))
print(emoji.emojize("I love you :red_heart:", variant="emoji_type"))
print(emoji.emojize("I'm in pain :red_heart:", variant="text_type"))


result of downgrading the emoji package version

Note: It will not run smoothly until you did not downgrade the emoji package. If you installed the latest version (sad to say), otherwise the program won’t run accordingly.

If you try the solution above and the error still exists, try checking your code for typos. If there’s a typo, change it and run your code again.

Languages of Emoji Package

The default language is English (language=’en’); the other supported languages are:

  • Spanish ('es')
  • German ('de')
  • Farsi/Persian ('fa')
  • Italian ('it')
  • French ('fr')
  • Portuguese ('pt')

For example:

emoji.emojize('Python is :thumbs_up:', language='en') 
'Python is 👍'

emoji.emojize('Python is :pulgar_hacia_arriba:', language='es') 
'Python is 👍'

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In conclusion, the error message attributeerror: module ’emoji’ has no attribute ‘unicode_emoji’ occurs if the code is trying to access the unicode_emoji attribute, but it can’t be found in the emoji package.

Now you can easily fix the error because this article provides solutions for this attributeerror, which is a big help in solving the problem you are currently facing.

We are hoping that this article will help you troubleshoot this module emoji has no attribute unicode_emoji error.

Thank you very much for reading to the end of this article.

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