Attributeerror: module ‘aiobotocore’ has no attribute ‘aiosession’

Are you facing the error AttributeError: module ‘aiobotocore’ has no attribute ‘aiosession’?

Well, you are not alone.

Hence in this article, we will find solutions, the causes, and a brief discussion of this module as well as the error.

This error typically arises when you try to use the “aiosession” attribute of the “aiobotocore” module, but the module cannot find the attribute.

What is aiobotocore?

Aiobotocore is an asynchronous Amazon Web Services (AWS) SDK for Python.

It allows you to interact with AWS services asynchronously, which can lead to significant performance improvements in certain situations.

Some of the services that aiobotocore supports include Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, and Amazon DynamoDB.

Attributeerror: module ‘aiobotocore’ has no attribute ‘aiosession’

The error message AttributeError: module ‘aiobotocore’ has no attribute ‘aiosession’ is telling you that the aiobotocore module cannot find the “aiosession” attribute.

This attribute is part of aiobotocore and is used to manage asynchronous connections to AWS services.

There are several potential causes of this error message, including:

  1. Outdated Version: The version of aiobotocore you’re using may be outdated and doesn’t include the “aiosession” attribute.
  2. Incorrect Installation: There may have been an issue with the installation of aiobotocore, which could have resulted in missing files or incomplete installation.
  3. Namespace Clashes: There could be a namespace clash between aiobotocore and another module that you’re using in your project.

How to fix Attributeerror: module ‘aiobotocore’ has no attribute ‘aiosession’

Here are the following solutions we can try to fix attributeerror: module ‘aiobotocore’ has no attribute ‘aiosession’ error.

  1. Upgrade aiobotocore

    If you’re using an outdated version of aiobotocore, upgrading to the latest version may solve the issue.

    You can upgrade aiobotocore using pip, the package installer for Python:

    pip install –upgrade aiobotocore

  2. Reinstall aiobotocore

    If there was an issue with the installation of aiobotocore, reinstalling it may solve the problem.

    You can do this using pip:

    pip uninstall aiobotocore
    pip install aiobotocore

  3. Check for Namespace Clashes

    If there’s a namespace clash between aiobotocore and another module you’re using in your project…

    You may need to change the names of the modules or refactor your code to avoid conflicts.

  4. Check Your Code for Errors

    It’s possible that the error is not related to aiobotocore at all.

    Double-check your code to ensure that there are no syntax errors or other issues that could be causing the error.


The AttributeError: module ‘aiobotocore’ has no attribute ‘aiosession’ error can be frustrating to encounter, but there are several potential solutions.Python projects.

Try upgrading or reinstalling aiobotocore, checking for namespace clashes, and double-checking your code for errors. With some patience and persistence, you should be able to resolve the issue and get back to using aiobotocore.

We hope that this article has provided you with the information you need to fix this error and continue working with Python.

If you are finding solutions to some errors you’re encountering we also have AttributeError: module ‘numpy’ has no attribute ‘int’ error

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