attributeerror int object has no attribute split

As a Python programmer, you may have experienced the error message “AttributeError: ‘int’ object has no attribute ‘split’“.

This error can be frustrating, exclusively if you don’t understand what it means or how to fix it.

In this article, we will explain to you the causes of this error message and how to resolve it.

Why the error AttributeError: ‘int’ object has no attribute ‘split’ occur?

The error “AttributeError: ‘int’ object has no attribute ‘split’” occurs because you are trying to use the split method on an integer object in Python.

The split method is only applicable for string objects in Python, and not for numeric data types like integers.

What is AttributeError: int object has no attribute split Error?

The “AttributeError: int object has no attribute split” error is a common error in Python. This error occurs if you are trying to use the “split()” method on an integer object.

Here are the possible causes of this error:

  • Using the “split()” method on an integer object
  • Using the “split()” method on a non-string object
  • Misspelling the “split()” method
  • Incorrect variable assignment

Also read or visit the resolved AttributeError:

How to solve the AttributeError: ‘int’ object has no attribute split?

After we identify the cause of the error and we will show the proper actions to solve it.

Here are some solutions to help you to solve the AttributeError: ‘int’ object has no attribute split error:

Solution 1: Convert the Integer Object to a String Object

Since the “split()” method is a string method, converting the integer object to a string object before using the “split()” method can help fix the error. For example:

num = 123
num_str = str(num)
num_list = num_str.split()

In the code above, we convert the integer object “num” to a string object “num_str” using the “str()” function. Then we use the “split()” method on the “num_str” object, and it will returns a list of substrings.


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Solution 2: Check the Variable Type

Make sure that the variable you are trying to use the “split()” method is a string object.

If it is does not a string object, you need to convert it to a string object before using the “split()” method.

Solution 3: Check for Misspellings

Make sure that you spell the “split()” method correctly. Misspelling the method will be the start of the error message.

You can check the spelling of the method by visiting the Python documentation.

Solution 4: Check Variable Assignment

If you encounter an error after assigning a value to a variable, make sure that the value you assigned is the correct data type.

If the variable was previously a string, make sure that you are not assigning an integer value to it.


The “AttributeError: ‘int’ object has no attribute ‘split’” error is a typical error in Python that can be encountered when using the “split()” method on an integer object.

This error can be resolved by converting the integer object to a string object before using the “split()” method, checking the variable type, checking for misspellings, and debugging.

Through following the solutions provided in this article, you can easily fix this error and avoid encountering it in the future.


Can I use the “split()” method on other data types besides strings?

No, the “split()” method is a string method and can only be used on string objects.

How can I avoid encountering the “AttributeError: ‘int’ object has no attribute ‘split'” error in the future?

To avoid encountering the error in the future, make sure that you are using the “split()” method on string objects only. Also, make sure that you are assigning the correct data type to variables.

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