attributeerror: ‘dataframe’ object has no attribute ‘withcolumn’

In this article, we will discuss what this error message DataFrame’ object has no attribute ‘withColumn’ means, the reasons why it might occur, and how to fix it. We will also provide some examples to illustrate how to resolve this issue.

What is the ‘DataFrame’ object has no attribute ‘withColumn'” error?

The error message “‘DataFrame’ object has no attribute ‘withColumn’” occurs when you are trying to add a new column to a Pandas DataFrame using the withColumn() method.

Which is not a valid attribute of a DataFrame object in Pandas. This method is specific to Spark DataFrames, which are different from Pandas DataFrames.

This error message might should occur when you’re using a method or attribute that isn’t applicable to the Pandas DataFrame object.

In this case, Pandas raises the ‘AttributeError’ exception, showing that the attribute you’re trying to access or the method you are trying to call doesn’t exist.

Also read the other python error resolved:

Why does the AttributeError: ‘DataFrame’ object has no attribute withColumn error occur?

There are some reasons why the AttributeError: ‘DataFrame’ object has no attribute withColumn error might occur:

  • Using the wrong library
  • Using an outdated version of Pandas
  • Misspelled/Typing errors

For example:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 3], 'B': [4, 5, 6]})
df = df.withColumn('C', [7, 8, 9])


C:\Users\Dell\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\venv\Scripts\python.exe C:\Users\Dell\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\Dell\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\”, line 4, in
df = df.withColumn(‘C’, [7, 8, 9])
File “C:\Users\Dell\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\venv\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\”, line 5902, in getattr
return object.getattribute(self, name)
AttributeError: ‘DataFrame’ object has no attribute ‘withColumn’

In this example, we tried to add a new column ‘C’ to the DataFrame using the withColumn() method. However, we get the ‘AttributeError’ exception because withColumn() is not a valid method of Pandas DataFrame.

How to fix the AttributeError: DataFrame object has no attribute ‘withColumn’ error?

Here are some solution to fix the AttributeError: DataFrame object has no attribute ‘withColumn’ error.

Solution 1: Check your Pandas version

When you’re using an outdated version of Pandas, you might don’t have access to the withColumn() method.

You can check your Pandas version through running the following code:

import pandas as pd

If you run the code:

C:\Users\Dell\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\venv\Scripts\python.exe C:\Users\Dell\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\

The version of my pandas is 1.5.3

If your version of Pandas is out-of-date, you can update it. By running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

!pip install --upgrade pandas

Solution 2: Check the column name

Another reason why this error might occur is that the column name you are trying to add is already exists in the DataFrame. In this case, you can use the existing column name or choose a different name for the new column.

Solution 3: Use a different method to add a new column

If you can’t use the withColumn() method, you can use other methods to add a new column to a Pandas DataFrame.

Here are some of the methods you can use:


This method will make a new DataFrame with the new column added and returns it.

For example:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 3], 'B': [4, 5, 6]})
df_with_new_col = df.assign(C=[7, 8, 9])


C:\Users\Dell\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\venv\Scripts\python.exe C:\Users\Dell\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\
0 1 4 7
1 2 5 8
2 3 6 9

In this example, we created a new DataFrame ‘df_with_new_col’ with a new column ‘C’ added to the original DataFrame ‘df’ using the assign() method.


This method allows you to add a new column to an existing DataFrame through assigning values to the new column.

For example:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 3], 'B': [4, 5, 6]})
df.loc[:, 'C'] = [7, 8, 9]


C:\Users\Dell\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\venv\Scripts\python.exe C:\Users\Dell\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\
0 1 4 7
1 2 5 8
2 3 6 9

In this example, we used the loc[] method to add a new column ‘C’ to the original DataFrame ‘df’ by assigning values to the new column.


What is the withColumn() method?

The withColumn() method is a method used in PySpark, not Pandas. It is used to add a new column to a DataFrame in PySpark.

How do I update my Pandas version?

You can update your Pandas version using pip, the Python package installer. Open your terminal and type the following command: pip install –upgrade pandas.

This will update your Pandas version to the latest one available.


In conclusion, I hope this article has been helpful in resolving the ‘AttributeError: ‘DataFrame’ object has no attribute ‘withColumn'” error. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below.

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