Attributeerror: ‘api’ object has no attribute ‘search’ [SOLVED]

The attributeerror: ‘api’ object has no attribute ‘search‘” is an error message that typically occurs when you are using Python. This error occurs due to an incompatible version of the current version (V4.x) of tweeps.

In the older version of tweepy, the search attribute was there; however, in the latest version of tweepy, it has been deprecated. If you are having a hard time fixing this “api object has no attribute search” error message, especially if you are a beginner in Python programming.

Luckily, in this article, you’ll discover the solutions to this error. So, continue to read on until you finally fix the error you are currently facing.

What is “attributeerror: ‘api’ object has no attribute ‘search'” error?

TheAttributeError: ‘API’ object has no attribute ‘search‘” happen because of version incompatibility as what we mentioned above. This error has a simple solution that you don’t have to worry.

To clear this up, tweepy is a framework that lets developers deal with Twitter’s content and provide functionality. It has a seamless authentication process that makes it compatible and flexible with any kind of application.

Solutions for “attributeerror: ‘api’ object has no attribute ‘search'” error

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Here are the following solutions that will help you fix this error:

  1. Use “search_tweets” attribute instead of “search”.

    Look at our example code using the method:

    import tweepy

    auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler("consumer_key", "consumer_secret")
    auth.set_access_token("access_token", "access_token_secret")

    api = tweepy.API(auth)

    tweets = api.search_tweets(q="code", lang="en")


    for tweets in"code", lang="en"): print(tweets) has been replaced by tweets = api.search_tweets(q="code", lang="en") in tweepy 4.0.0 and above versions.

  2.  Downgrade tweepy version to  Version 3.10.0.

    When the above solutions do not resolve the error you can try downgrade to Tweepy v3.10.0.

    You can simply downgrade the tweepy version using pip package manager; you may use the following command:

    pip install tweepy==3.10.0

    To check if the it is already installed, use the following command:

    pip show tweepy

  3. Check the code

    When the above solution has already been performed, however, the problem still exists.
    Alternatively, the error could be caused by a typo or a mistake in your code.

    You must check your code carefully to make sure that you have spelled the method or attribute correctly and that you have used the correct syntax for calling it.

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This time you can easily fix the error because this article provides solutions for the Attributeerror: ‘api’ object has no attribute ‘search‘”, which is a big help in solving the error that you are currently facing.

We are really hoping that this article gives you enough solutions to fix ‘API’ object has no attribute ‘search’ error.

Thank you very much for reading to the end of this article. Just in case you have more questions or inquiries, feel free to comment, and you can also visit our website for additional information.

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