attributeerror: __exit__

It is very common to encounter errors when you are trying to create a new program in Python. One of the most common errors in Python is the AttributeError: exit.

In this tutorial, we will explain to you on why the error occurs, what are the possible causes and how to fix it.

Why this error occurs?

The AttributeError: __exit__ error occurs in Python when the __exit__ method does not define or it is haven’t been accessed in a class that is being used as a context manager.

Sometimes if you are running with a Python code, you may get an error message.

Let’s take a look at the example of how the error occurs:

class MyContextManager:
    def __init__(self):
    def __enter__(self):
        return self

with MyContextManager() as my_cm:
    print("Inside with-block")

If you run this code, you will get a traceback of error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 6, in <module>
AttributeError: __exit__

Moreover, this error occurs because Python cannot find the __exit__ method in the class definition, which is required for the correct execution of the context management protocol.

Before we will going to the solution to fix this error, you need to know first what is __exit__() mean.

Also, read the other python error resolved which maybe you have encountered this error:

What does the __exit__() mean?

The __exit__() is a special method of ContextManager class. It can be used to release the resources occupied through the current program.

This method is usually used for cleaning up resources or finalizing operations that were started when the “with” block was entered.

For example, if you open a file inside a “with” block, the __exit__() method would be called to close the file when the block exits.

What are the possible causes for this error?

The possible causes for this error are the following:

  • The __enter__ attribute does not define
  • You are using a string in the with statement
  • You modified the open() function.
  • The class isn’t instantiated in the with statement.

How to fix the AttributeError: __exit__() in Python?

Now that you already know what are possible causes for this AttributeError __exit__ error. Then, you will need to learn how we can solve this error.

We already explained that the method __exit__() is a method of the ContextManager class, for that we need to specify the __exit__() inside the class to fix this error.

So, to fix this error, we will need to add the __exit__() method to the MyContextManager class. This method is called when the with block is exited, and it takes three arguments: exc_type, exc_value, and traceback.

Note: This is the previous example that cause an error and we will show on how to fix it.

Here is an updated version of your code with the __exit__() method added:

class MyContextManager:
    def __init__(self):

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):

with MyContextManager() as my_cm:
    print("Inside with-block")


C:\Users\Dell\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\venv\Scripts\python.exe C:\Users\Dell\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\
Inside with-block

This is to confirm that the context manager is working correctly, and the __enter__() method is called when the with block is entered, and the __exit__() method is called when the with block is exited.


What is the with statement in Python?

The with statement is used to manage resources in Python. It ensures that a resource is properly managed and cleaned up after it is used.


To conclude, in this tutorial we already explain that the AttributeError: __exit__ occurs if the context manager cannot find and execute the __exit__ attribute.

You need to ensure that the __exit__ attribute is specified in your class, and that you are using the right object in the with statement.

Also, we provide an explanation and discussed why the error occurs, what are the possible causes and how to fix it.

I hope this tutorial will be able to help you to solve the error encountered.

I’ll see you again in more tutorials.!

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