Error: SRC Refspec Master Does Not Match Any [SOLVED]

The Error: SRC Refspec Master Does Not Match Any happens when you forget to add the files you changed to a commit and try to push those changes to a remote repository before you make the first commit in your repository.

You have to add a file to a commit before you can push your changes to a remote Git repository. If you create a new repository and forget to add a file to a commit, you may get the src refspec master does not match any error.

What Does Error SRC Refspec Master Does Not Match Any Mean?

When you try to push from a local repository to a master repository, you may get this error:

git push origin master

This mistake can happen for a number of reasons. Most of the time, this error happens because the master branch doesn’t exist.

Maybe you cloned a new repository and the main branch is the default, so when you try to push for the master branch, there isn’t one.

With the git branch -b command, you can see the remote branches that are linked to a local repository:

git branch -b

# results
#  origin/main
#  origin/feat/authentication
#  origin/other branches ...

From the above results, you can see that there is no master repository (origin/master). So, if you try to push to that repository, you will get the “respec error.”

This result also holds for any other branch that doesn’t exist. Say, for example, I make changes and push them to a remote branch called “hello” that doesn’t exist:

git add .
git commit -m "new changes"
git push origin hello

This command will provide you the following error:

error: src refspec hello does not match any

How To Solve Error: SRC Refspec Master Does Not Match Any?

error src refspec master does not match any
error src refspec master does not match any

Now that you know the master branch doesn’t exist, you can move on. To fix this error, either create a local and remote master branch that you can push the commit to, or push the commit to an existing branch, like main.

You can create a remote master branch on a Git-managed website like GitHub, or you can do it directly from your terminal:

git checkout -b master

# add commit

git push origin master

With these commands, a local master branch will be made. And by pushing to origin master, the master branch will also be made remotely.

But if you don’t want to make a master branch, you can use the default branch instead, which may be called main.

So, if you try to push to master and get the error: src refspec master does not match any, the most likely reason is that the master branch does not exist.


In this article, we have discussed why Error: SRC Refspec Master Does Not Match Any Occurs when we executing the command, also we have discussed on how to solve this issue. I hope this simple tutorial will help you, Thank You and God Bless!


By the way if you encounter an error about importing libraries, I have here the list of articles made to solve your problem on how to fix error in libraries.


However, If you have any questions or suggestions about this tutorial about Error: SRC Refspec Master Does Not Match Any, Please feel to comment below.

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