Student Management System Project In C++ with Source Code

This Student Management System C++ is made with the programming language C++.

It is based on the idea of making records for student record information and adding and changing them. 

Here user has to enter and can add new student details to their courses safely and it’s not time-consuming.

A Student Management System In C++ Project makes it easy to store records of every student.

This program mainly focuses on CRUD with a search function.

To create a C++ Student Management System, install dev c or code blocks or a C/C++ platform.

Project Name :Student Management System
Project Platform :C/C++
Programming Language Used:C++ Programming Language
Developer Name
IDE Tool (Recommended):Dev-C++/Codeblocks
Project Type :Desktop Application
Database:Stores data in .DAT file
Student Management System Project in C++

Introduction of Student Management System

Are you seeking for a project for a student management system in c programming? Our goal is to assist you.

You can speak with us.

The student management system is the setting where all of the student’s institutional processes are managed.

It is carried out using an automated computer science process.

This approach is typically carried out utilizing paper, files, and binders.

The administrator and the student both benefit from this system’s time savings.

It entails procedures including registering the student’s information, allocating the department in accordance with their course, and maintaining the record.

The cost and labor force needed for this job are reduced by this system. Since the system is online, everyone may access the information.

This makes the method simple to use and practical for simultaneously updating and finding the omission.

Regarding the current system, they manually update their records, which exposes it to security risks.

The institute’s outdated system requires human effort to maintain paper, files, and binders.

A student in this arrangement must visit the university to enroll in the institute. Getting paperwork while in line wastes time for both management and students.

As enrollment grows, the administrators manual administration of the institute’s strength becomes more challenging.

This automatic system keeps all database information, making it easy to access and update.

System Design of Student Management System

Design occurs after planning and analysis. System design transforms project information into a plan for building the system. It’s a cumbersome procedure because most mistakes occur here.

If an error is missed later, it may be hard to find and press any key. Our technology helps institutions manage students. It will reduce complications for students and institutes.

What is Student Management System project?

The management of Profile, Course, Login, Exam, and Fee details is the primary goal of the Student Management System.

It controls all student related data pertaining to profiles, students, fees, and profiles. Since the project was entirely developed on the administrative end, only the administrator is assured access.

What are the modules in Student Management System?

It includes their id number, name, address, phone number, email address, demographic information, emergency contacts, academic records, awards, and images.

What is the purpose of Student Management System?

A student information system is another name for a student management system (SIS). These programs help faculty members communicate with one another about class students and schedule events. This system was created to make it easier for administrative staff and parents to track information.

What is the scope of Student Management System project?

The goal of this system is to manage student data in various jobs effectively and with the utmost user friendliness. These tasks include registering new students, collecting fees, and anything else necessary for school administration.

What are the benefits of Student Management System?

Now let’s concentrate on the pros or advantages of the student management system.

  • Student management system benefits.
  • Improved Student Data Management.
  • Boosts Overall Teacher Productivity.
  • Give parents more in-depth explanations; void show and make fee management simple; and reduce costs.

Steps on how to create a Student Management System In C++

Time needed: 5 minutes

Student Management System In C++ With Source Code

  • Step 1: Create a new project.

    First open the code blocks IDE and click “create a new project“.
    student project

  • Step 2: Choose console application.

    Second click the “console application” and after that click “next“.
    student console

  • Step 3: Choose C++ language.

    Third choose “C++ language” and click “next“.
    student consol c++

  • Step 4: Name Your Project.

    Fourth name the project you’ve created and click “next” after that click “finish“.
    student project title

  • Step 5: The actual code.

    You are free to copy the given source code below or download the downloadable source code given.

Downloadable Source Code


The entire project was developed using C++ variables and text.

This mini project is easy to operate and understand by the users.

This straightforward project may help novices or students int build their abilities in programming.

Additionally, it is simple to comprehend the project’s modules and the variables they use in this project.


Please comment if you have questions or recommendations concerning the Student Management System in C++ with Source Code.

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