How to Reverse a String in JavaScript

When it comes to running strings in JavaScript, one of the simple tasks is reversing a string.

Either you’re a beginner learning JavaScript or a professional developer looking for different methods, and this article will help you to learn how to reverse a string in JavaScript.

In this article, we will discuss different methods, best practices, and FAQs related to string reversal.

Methods to Reverse a String in JavaScript

The following are the methods to revers a string in JavaScript:

Method 1: Using a Loop

One of the methods to reverse a string in JavaScript is by using a loop.

Here’s an example code of how you can do this:

function reverseStringExample(str) {
  let reversedSample = "";
  for (let x = str.length - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
    reversedSample += str[x];
  return reversedSample;

const originalStringExample = "Welcome, to Itsourcecode!";
const reversedSampleString = reverseStringExample(originalStringExample);


Using a Loop in How to Reverse a String in JavaScript

In the code example above, we specify a function reversedSampleString that takes a string as an argument.

Then, we create an empty string called reversed, and then iterate through each character of the input string in reverse order.

Next, through appending each character to the reversed string, we create the reversed version of the original string.

Finally, the function returns the reversed string.

Method 2: Using the split(), reverse(), and join() Functions

Another method to reverse a string in JavaScript is by using the split(), reverse(), and join() methods.

Let’s see an example of how this can be achieve:

function reverseStringSample(str) {
  return str.split("").reverse().join("");

const originalStringExample = "Welcome to the Tutorial of Reverse String!";
const reversedStringSample = reverseStringSample(originalStringExample);


Using the split(), reverse(), and join() Functions of How to Reverse a String in JavaScript

In this method, we use the split(“”) method to convert the string into an array of characters.

Then, we apply the reverse() method to reverse the order of the array elements.

Finally, we use the join(“”) method to convert the reversed array back into a string.

Method 3: Using Recursion

Recursion is another powerful method that can be used to reverse a string in JavaScript.

Here’s an example code:

function reverseStringExample(str) {
  if (str === "") {
    return "";
  } else {
    return reverseStringExample(str.substr(1)) + str.charAt(0);

const originalSampleString = "Welcome to Itsourcecode!";
const reversedSampleString = reverseStringExample(originalSampleString);


Using Recursion on How to Reverse a String in JavaScript

In this recursive method, we check if the input string str is empty.

If it is, we return an empty string as the base situation.

Otherwise, we recursively call the reversedSampleString function, passing in a substring of str starting from the second character, and append the first character at the end.

This process continues until the entire string is reversed.


Can I reverse a string without using any built-in methods?

Yes, you can reverse a string without using any built-in methods by implementing your own algorithm.

One of the method is to convert the string into an array, swap the characters from the beginning and end of the array iteratively, and then convert the array back into a string.

Is there a built-in JavaScript method to reverse a string in place?

No, JavaScript doesn’t provide a built-in method to reverse a string in place. Strings in JavaScript are immutable, meaning they cannot be change directly.

Can I reverse a string using the spread operator?

Yes, you can use the spread operator to reverse a string in JavaScript


In conclusion, reversing a string in JavaScript is a simple task that can be done using different methods.

In this article, we have discussed the three different methods: using a loop, utilizing the split(), reverse(), and join() methods, and using recursion.

We also answered some frequently asked questions related to string reversal. Now within this knowledge, you can confidently reverse strings in JavaScript smoothly.

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