Valueerror: trailing data

The Valueerror: trailing data error typically occurs when there is additional data after the expected end of a string or sequence.

What is ValueError: trailing data?

ValueError trailing data is a specific type of error that occurs when there is unexpected extra data at the end of a string or file.

This error typically occurs when you’re attempting to parse or read data and encounter additional content that does not comply to the expected format.

Python raises this error to alert you about the existence of unrelated data that might cause issues in your program.

How the Error Reproduce?

Here’s an example codes on how the error occurs:

Example 1: Trailing Data in a String

Let’s start with a simple example of encountering the Trailing Data error while working with strings.

Let’s look at the following examples:

name = "Apple Dee"
age = 34
message = f"My name is {name} and I am {age} years old."

In this example, we are trying to concatenate the name and age variables into the message string using f-string formatting.

However, if we erroneously add an extra character at the end of the age variable, the error will be triggered:

age = 34_

The underscore character (_) at the end of the age variable is incorrect and will cause the ValueError.

Example 2: Trailing Data in a Sequence

Now, let’s move on to an example where the ValueError occurs in a sequence.

Here’s an example code that contains a list of numbers:

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,]

If we recklessly add an extra comma at the end of the list, the error will be triggered:

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,,]

The additional comma (,) after the last element of the list is incorrect and will result in the ValueError.

How to Fix the Valueerror trailing data?

The following are the solutions to solve the Valueerror trailing data:

Solution 1: Fixing Trailing Data in a String

To resolve the ValueError: Trailing Data error in the string example, simply eliminate the extra character or correct any mistyped values.

In our case, we need to remove the underscore (_) from the age variable.

This is the corrected example code will be:

age = 25

By eliminating the trailing data, the error will be resolved, and the code will execute successfully.

Solution 2: Fixing Trailing Data in a Sequence

To fic the ValueError in the sequence example, we need to remove the extra comma or any other unexpected characters.

In our case, we should remove the unnecessary comma (,) from the numbers list.

Here are the corrected example code will be:

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

By removing the trailing data, the error will be resolved, and the code will run smoothly.


What causes the ValueError Trailing Data error?

The ValueError Trailing Data error occurs when there is extra data present after the expected end of a string or sequence. It can happen due to typos, incorrect formatting, or misplaced characters.

Does the ValueError trailing data error only occur in Python?

No, the ValueError trailing data error can occur in any programming language or tool that deals with data parsing or reading.

The specific error message may vary depending on the language or framework being used.

Is it possible to ignore trailing data in certain scenarios?

Yes, depending on your specific requirements, you can choose to ignore trailing data by using appropriate techniques such as slicing, stripping, or validation checks to ensure the integrity of your data.


In this article, we discussed the ValueError: Trailing Data error and provided you with examples and solutions to resolved it.

By understanding the causes of this error and following the recommended solutions in this article, you can make sure that your Python programs run smoothly without encountering this particular issue.

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