Valueerror: continuous is not supported

One of the common errors that Python developers encounter is the Valueerror: continuous is not supported.

In this article, we will explain this error in detail, provide examples to illustrate the problem and offer solutions to fix it.

Understanding ValueError continuous is not supported

The ValueError: continuous is not supported is a specific type of error that occurs when a continuous variable, such as a float or decimal, is used in a context that only accepts discrete or categorical variables.

It shows that the operation or function being performed does not support continuous values and requires discrete or categorical inputs.

This error is most commonly encountered in data analysis, machine learning, and statistical computations.

How to Reproduce the Error?

Here’s an example on how the error occurs:

Example 1: Categorizing Continuous Data

import pandas as pd

data = pd.DataFrame({'temperature': [25.5, 30.2, 27.8, 32.1],
                     'humidity': [0.72, 0.85, 0.68, 0.91]})

# Categorizing temperature into hot, warm, and cold
temperature_labels = ['hot', 'warm', 'cold']
data['temperature_category'] = pd.cut(data['temperature'], bins=3, labels=temperature_labels)

In this example, we have a DataFrame with temperature and humidity data.

We want to categorize the temperature into “hot,” “warm,” and “cold” based on predefined bins.

However, when executing the code, we encounter the ValueError.

This error occurs because the cut function expects discrete values for categorization, not continuous ones.

Example 2: Using Continuous Data in Decision Trees

from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris

data = load_iris()
X =
y =

# Train a decision tree classifier
clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(), y)

# Attempt to predict with continuous input
new_data = [[5.0, 3.0, 4.5, 1.5]]
prediction = clf.predict(new_data)

In this example, we are using the DecisionTreeClassifier from the scikit-learn library to train a model on the Iris dataset.

When attempting to predict the class label for a new data point represented by continuous values, we encounter the ValueError. Decision trees require discrete or categorical inputs, so the error is raised when continuous values are provided.

Solutions for ValueError continuous is not supported

When encountering the error continuous is not supported, there are several solutions to consider depending on the context and the specific operation being performed.

Here are some possible solutions that you may able to apply to fix the error:

Solution 1: Convert Continuous Data to Discrete

In scenarios, where continuous data needs to be used in an operation or function that only accepts discrete values.

One solution is to convert the continuous data into discrete categories or intervals.

This can be obtained using techniques such as binning or discretization.

The pandas library provides the cut function, as shown in Example 1, which allows for binning continuous data into predefined intervals or categories.

Solution 2: Feature Scaling or Normalization

In machine learning algorithms that operate on continuous variables, feature scaling or normalization is often required.

This is to make sure that all features have similar scales and magnitudes, preventing bias towards variables with larger values.

Standardization or normalization techniques such as Z-score normalization or Min-Max scaling can be applied to bring the continuous data within a specific range, typically between 0 and 1 or with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

Solution 3: Using the Right Function or Algorithm

Sometimes, the ValueError continuous is not supported error may occur when using a specific function or algorithm that is not designed to handle continuous variables.

In such cases, it is important to review the documentation and identify alternative functions or algorithms that support continuous data. For example, if a particular algorithm does not support continuous features, one can consider using alternative algorithms such as random forests or gradient boosting, which can handle continuous inputs.


What does the ValueError continuous is not supported mean?

The ValueError continuous is not supported showing that a continuous variable is being used in a context that requires discrete or categorical variables instead.

How can I resolve the ValueError: continuous is not supported in pandas?

One possible solution in pandas is to use the cut function to convert the continuous data into discrete categories or intervals.

Are there any specific machine learning algorithms that don’t support continuous variables?

Yes, some algorithms like decision trees and random forests require discrete or categorical inputs.

Can I apply normalization techniques to handle continuous data?

Yes, feature scalings or normalization techniques like Z-score normalization or Min-Max scaling can be applied to bring continuous data within a specific range, enabling compatibility with various algorithms and functions.


In Python programming, encountering errors like ValueError: continuous is not supported is not uncommon, especially when working with data analysis or machine learning tasks.

By understanding the cause of this error and showing examples and solutions provided in this article, developers can effectively resolve this error when it occurs.

Remember to convert continuous data to discrete, apply appropriate feature scaling techniques, or choose algorithms that support continuous variables to fix this error.

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