Valueerror array must not contain infs or nans

When you are working with arrays in Python, you may encounter a common error message:

ValueError: array must not contain infs or nans

This error occurs when an array contains infinite or NaN (Not a Number) values, which has the potential to disturb the anticipated functioning of your code.

Understanding NaN and Inf values

NaN and Inf are special floating-point values in Python that represent “Not a Number” and infinity.

Respectively, NaN can result from undefined mathematical operations, such as dividing zero by zero or taking the square root of a negative number.

Inf, on the other hand, represents positive or negative infinity.

Causes of “ValueError: array must not contain infs or nans”

The “ValueError: array must not contain infs or nans” occurs when we perform certain operations or functions on an array that consists of NaN or Inf values.

Some common causes of this error are the following:

  • Performing mathematical calculations on arrays that consist of NaN or Inf values.
  • Using functions that don’t support NaN or Inf values as inputs.
  • Attempting to plot or visualize arrays with NaN or Inf values.

How the Error Reproduce?

Let’s take a look at some example codes that can produce the “ValueError array must not contain infs or nans” error:

import numpy as np

# Creating an array with NaN values
arr = np.array([1.0, 2.0, np.nan, 4.0, 5.0])

# Trying to perform an operation on the array
result = np.sum(arr)


In this example code, we import the NumPy library and create an array arr that contains some valid floating-point numbers along with a np.nan value, which represents “Not a Number“.

When we try to perform an operation, such as calculating the sum using np.sum(), it will raise a ValueError because the array contains a NaN value.

Solutions to fix the Array Must Not Contain infs or nans Error

Here are the following solutions to resolve the array must not contain infs or nans error

Solution 1: Removing NaN or Inf values

To fix the ValueError, you can remove the problematic NaN or Inf values from your array.

Here’s an example code that demonstrates this solution:

import numpy as np

arr = np.array([1, 2, np.nan, 4, 5])
clean_arr = arr[~np.isnan(arr)]
result = np.sum(clean_arr)



In this code, we use the np.isnan() function to identify NaN values in the array and create a boolean mask (~np.isnan(arr)) to exclude those values from further calculations.

Solution 2: Replacing NaN or Inf values

Alternatively, you can replace NaN or Inf values with valid numbers to avoid the ValueError.

Here’s an example code:

import numpy as np

arr = np.array([1, 2, np.inf, 4, 5])
clean_arr = np.nan_to_num(arr, nan=0, posinf=1e9, neginf=-1e9)
result = np.mean(clean_arr)



In this code, we use the np.nan_to_num() function to replace NaN and Inf values with specified numbers (nan=0, posinf=1e9, neginf=-1e9).

This allows us to perform calculations on the modified array without encountering the ValueError.

Solution 3: Handling NaN or Inf values during calculations

If you need to perform calculations that can handle NaN or Inf values, you can use specialized functions designed to handle these cases.

Here’s an example code illustrating this solution:

import numpy as np

arr = np.array([1, 2, np.inf, 4, 5])
result = np.nansum(arr)

In this code, we use the np.nansum() function, which ignores NaN values and provides the sum of the remaining valid elements.

This method allows you to perform calculations while handling NaN or Inf values easily.


How can I check if an array contains NaN or Inf values?

You can use the np.isnan() and np.isinf() functions to check for NaN and Inf values, respectively.

What should I do if I need to keep NaN or Inf values in my array?

If you need to retain NaN or Inf values in your array, you can modify your code to handle them appropriately.

You can use functions like np.nanmean(), np.nanstd(), or np.nanmax() that are specifically designed to work with arrays containing NaN values.

Are there any built-in functions to handle NaN or Inf values in Python?

Yes, NumPy provides several built-in functions to handle NaN and Inf values, such as np.nanmean(), np.nansum(), np.nanstd(), and np.nanmax().

These functions allow you to perform calculations while ignoring or accounting for NaN or Inf values.

Are there any performance considerations when dealing with NaN or Inf values?

Performing calculations with NaN or Inf values may have performance implications, as these values require additional checks and special handling.


In this article, we discussed the common error message “ValueError: array must not contain infs or nans” in Python.

We learned about NaN and Inf values, the causes of the error, and provided example codes and solutions to resolve it.

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