unable to find resource t64.exe in package pip._vendor.distlib

One of the common error that programmer might encounter is valueerror: unable to find resource t64.exe in package pip._vendor.distlib.

This error typically occurs when a Python package, especially pip._vendor.distlib, is not able to locate the required resource file t64.exe.

Understanding the ValueError

When you encounter the “ValueError: Unable to Find Resource t64.exe in Package pip._vendor.distlib” error, it means that a required resource, precisely the t64.exe file, cannot be located within the pip._vendor.distlib package.

This error typically occurs when you’re attempting to install or upgrade a Python package using pip.

How to Fix the Valueerror?

To fix the “ValueError: Unable to Find Resource t64.exe in Package pip._vendor.distlib” error, you can apply the following solution:

Solution 1: Update pip and setuptools

One of the common reasons for this value error is out-of-date versions of pip and setuptools.

To fix this value error, you can update these packages to their latest versions. Open your terminal or command prompt and use the following commands:

For Upgrading PIP:

pip install --upgrade pip

For Upgrading Setuptools:

pip install --upgrade setuptools

Updating these packages ensures that you have the latest version of pip and setuptools installed, which might resolve the issue.

Solution 2: Check Python Environment

Sometimes, the value error will occur due to conflicts or issues with your Python environment.

In such situation, creating a fresh virtual environment and installing the necessary packages can help to resolve it.

Follow these steps:

1. Create a new virtual environment using the venv module:

python -m venv myenv

2. Activate the virtual environment:

On Windows:


On macOS/Linux:

source myenv/bin/activate

3. Install the required packages:

pip install <package_name>

By creating a new virtual environment, you can ensure a clean and isolated environment for your project, unflattering the chances of conflicts and resolving the error.

Solution 3: Clear pip Cache

Sometimes, the error can be caused by a corrupted or incomplete cache of pip.

Clearing the cache might help in such situation. Use the following command to clear the cache:

pip cache purge

After purging the cache, try reinstalling the package that was causing the error.

Solution 4: Check Package Installation

Another possible cause of the error is an incomplete or inaccurate installation of the package.

To check if the package is installed correctly, you can use the pip show command.

Open your terminal or command prompt and execute the following:

pip show <package_name>

If the package does not listed or the information seems incomplete, reinstalling the package might solve the issue.

You can use the following command to reinstall:

pip install <package_name> --force-reinstall


What is the pip package in Python?

PIP is a package management system used for installing and managing software packages written in Python.

It allows developers to easily install, upgrade, and remove Python packages, simplifying the dependency management process.

Can I use virtual environments in Python?

Yes, Python provides a built-in module called venv that allows you to create and manage virtual environments.

Virtual environments provide isolated environments for Python projects, enabling you to install packages and dependencies specific to each project without conflicts.


The ValueError: Unable to find resource t64.exe in package pip._vendor.distlib error can be resolved using different methods. In this article, we discussed the example code and solutions to resolve this error, including updating pip and setuptools, checking the Python environment, clearing the pip cache, verifying package installation, and updating the operating system.

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