Uncaught typeerror: converting circular structure to json

Have you encountered uncaught typeerror: converting circular structure to json?

This error is common when you are working on your Python project. This error is quite frustrating but apparently, a solution exists.

This error can be fixed in several ways, particularly:

  • Using a third-party library
  • Manually remove the circular reference
  • Implement a custom toJSON method

But before we resolve this typeerror: converting circular structure to JSON error, let’s understand first what and how this error occurs.

What is uncaught typeerror: converting circular structure to json?

Uncaught TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON” is an error message that can appear in JavaScript.

It occurs when you try to convert a circular data structure (an object or array that references itself) to a JSON string using the JSON.stringify() method. Since JSON does not support circular references, this causes an error to be thrown.

How to fix uncaught typeerror: converting circular structure to json

There are a few ways to fix the Converting circular structure to JSON error in JavaScript.

Here are three common approaches:

Use a third-party library

There are several third-party libraries available that can handle circular references when stringifying objects to JSON. Some popular options include circular-json, flatted, and json-stringify-safe.

Manually remove the circular reference

If you know which property is causing the circular reference, you can manually remove the reference before stringifying the object.

For example:

const obj = {};
obj.prop = obj; // circular reference

// Remove the circular reference
obj.prop = null;

const jsonString = JSON.stringify(obj);



Implement a custom toJSON method

You can define a custom toJSON method on your object to control how it is stringified to JSON. This method should return a JSON-safe version of the object without circular references.

For example:

const obj = {};
obj.prop = obj; // circular reference

// Define a custom toJSON method
obj.toJSON = function() {
  return { prop: null };

const jsonString = JSON.stringify(obj);



Note that the best approach will depend on the specific requirements of your project. In some cases, using a third-party library may be the easiest and most efficient solution


In conclusion, the “Uncaught TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON” error occurs in JavaScript when you try to stringify an object that contains circular references using the JSON.stringify() method. This error can be fixed by using a third-party library, manually removing circular references, or implementing a custom toJSON method.

It’s important to note that circular references can cause unexpected behavior in your code, and it’s generally a good practice to avoid them when possible.

That’s it for this article! By following the outlined solutions above, surely you’ll be able to fix the error.

Anyhow, If you are finding solutions to some errors you might encounter we also have Typeerror: can’t compare offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes.