Uncaught in promise typeerror failed to fetch

If you are encountering Uncaught in promise typeerror failed to fetch, this article aims to provide you with a better understanding of the error.

In this guide, we will cover a discussion of what this error is all about, why this error occurs, and importantly solution on how to fix it.

Since this is a common error message that can occur when using the fetch API in JavaScript.
Let’s begin to understand what is…

What is Uncaught in promise typeerror failed to fetch?

Uncaught in promise TypeError: Failed to fetch is an error wherein happens in JavaScript when a fetch() method fails to retrieve a resource from a server.

The fetch() method is used to make network requests and retrieve resources such as JSON data, HTML pages, images, and other files from a server.

The error “TypeError: Failed to fetch” implies that the fetch() method failed to retrieve the requested resource due to some error.

Why this typeerror: failed to fetch occur?

This error can occur due to various reasons such as:

  • Network connectivity issues
    • If the network connection is not stable or the server is down, the fetch() method may fail to retrieve the resource.
  • CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) issues
    • If the resource being retrieved is on a different domain than the one making the request, the server may not allow the request due to CORS restrictions.
  • Incorrect URL or resource path
    • If the URL or resource path provided in the fetch() method is incorrect, the server may return a 404 error or some other error, causing the fetch() method to fail.

How fix Uncaught in promise typeerror failed to fetch

To fix Uncaught in promise typeerror failed to fetch error, consider the following.

  1. Check URL

    Make sure that the URL you are using to fetch data is correct and valid. Double-check the spelling and ensure that the URL is complete including the necessary URL.

  2. Check the network connectivity

    Verify if your internet connection is stable. Try restarting your router or modem, or connecting to a different network to see if the issue persists

  3. Check the server status

    Ensure that the server you are trying to fetch data from is running and responding to requests.

    Check the server status by pinging the server or contacting the server administrator.

  4. Check the CORS policy

    If you are fetching data from a different domain, you may need to set up the appropriate CORS headers on the server to allow the request.

  5. Handle the error

    Use the catch()method to handle any errors that occur during the fetch() operation.

Here is an example of using catch() and fetch() methods to handle the error.

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => {
    // do something with the retrieved data
  .catch(error => {
    alert('Failed to retrieve data. Please try again later.');

In this example, we’ve added a catch() block to catch any errors that occur during the fetch() operation.

If an error occurs, we log the error to the console and display an alert message to the user, informing them that the data retrieval has failed due to some error.


In conclusion, this error Uncaught in promise typeerror failed to fetch occurs in JavaScript when a fetch() method fails to retrieve a resource from a server.

We hope that this guide has helped you resolve this error and get back to coding.

If you are finding solutions to some errors you might encounter we also have Typeerror: nonetype object is not callable.

Thank you for reading!