Typeerror unsupported operand type s for builtin_function_or_method and int

Do you encounter an error message “Typeerror unsupported operand type s for builtin_function_or_method and int”? and you don’t know how to fix it?

Worry no more! because this article is for you.

Through this article, you will know what is Typeerror unsupported operand type s for builtin_function_or_method and int means, how and why this error occurs, and how to solve this error.

So first, let us understand what this error means.

What is Typeerror unsupported operand type s for builtin_function_or_method and int?

The Typeerror unsupported operand type s for builtin_function_or_method and int is an error message indicating that you are trying to use an operator that is not compatible with a specific data type.

In this case, you are trying to use an operator with a built-in function or method and an integer, which cannot be used together.

What is a built-in function or method in Python?

In Python, a built-in function or method is a pre-defined function or method that is available as part of the Python programming language.

These functions and methods are built into the language and do not require additional code or packages to be imported.

Now let us discuss how and why this error occurs.

Why does Typeerror unsupported operand type s for builtin_function_or_method and int occurs?

The Typeerror unsupported operand type s for builtin_function_or_method and int occurs when you try to use an operator with a built-in function or method (which is an object in Python) and an integer.

This error can occur for different reasons, such as:

1. Incorrect usage of built-in functions or methods:

If you mistakenly use a built-in function or method as an operand in operation, you will get this “unsupported operand type s for builtin_function_or_method and int” error.

For Example:

sum = len + 5

In this example, the len built-in function is being used as a variable and added to the integer 5.

This is incorrect, as len is a function that returns the length of an object, and cannot be used in arithmetic operations with integers.

Therefore, this code will raise a TypeError stating:

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'builtin_function_or_method' and 'int'

2. Incorrect variable assignment:

if a variable is assigned to a function, and then used in an arithmetic operation with an integer, it will raise the “unsupported operand type s for builtin_function_or_method and int” error.

It is because functions cannot be used in arithmetic operations.

For Example:

my_var = len  # Assigns the len built-in function to my_var
sum = my_var + 5  # Raises the TypeError because my_var is not an integer, it's a function

In this example, we assign the len built-in function to the variable my_var.

Then, my_var is used in an arithmetic operation with the integer 5, which raises an error message:

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'builtin_function_or_method' and 'int'

because just like what I have said above, functions cannot be used in arithmetic operations.

Now let us know how to fix the “unsupported operand type s for builtin_function_or_method and int” error.

How to solve Typeerror unsupported operand type s for builtin_function_or_method and int?

To solve this Typeerror unsupported operand type s for builtin_function_or_method and int, you need to ensure that you are using compatible types in your operations.

Here are some solutions you can follow to fix this error:

Solution 1: Correct usage of built-in functions or methods

It is important to use built-in functions or methods correctly. to avoid “unsupported operand type s for builtin_function_or_method and int” error.

Here are some tips:

  • Make sure that you are calling the function or method with the correct syntax.

For example, use len(my_list) instead of len my_list.

  • Avoid using built-in function or method names as variable names.

For example: don’t name a variable len or sum.

  • Be aware of the data types that function or methods return.

For example, len() returns an integer, while input() returns a string. Make sure to use the correct data type in your arithmetic operations.

  • If you need to perform arithmetic operations on the output of a function or method, assign the output to a variable first.

For example, instead of my_list.append(3) + 2 use result = my_list.append(3); result + 2.

Solution 2: Initialize the variable before the loop:

Initializing the variable before the loop fixes the “unsupported operand type s for builtin_function_or_method and int” error because it ensures that the variable has the correct data type before it is used in the loop.

For example:

# Incorrect code
total_exams = 0
for total_exams in range(1, 100001):
    sum += total_exams  # Raises the TypeError because my_var is a string, not an integer

# initialize the variable
sum = 0
for total_exams in range(1, 100001):
    sum += total_exams # Works correctly

In the updated code, we have initialized the “sum” variable to 0 before the loop, and then we use it to store the sum of the “total_exams” variable inside the loop.

Solution 3: Checking variable assignments:

Make sure that you are not assigning a built-in function to a variable, and then trying to perform arithmetic operations on that variable.

For example:

my_var = "Hello"
my_var_length = len(my_var) # Correct usage of len function
sum = my_var_length + 5

Solution 4: Converting the built-in function to a variable:

Converting the built-in function to a variable fix the error, because it allows us to use the value returned by the function, rather than the function itself, in our calculations.

When we assign the value returned by the function to a variable, we can then perform arithmetic operations on that variable without any issues.

For example:

my_len = len
my_var = "Hello"
my_var_length = my_len(my_var) # Using the variable to call the function
sum = my_var_length + 5

So those are the possible solutions that you can use to fix the “Typeerror unsupported operand type s for builtin_function_or_method and int” error.

Here are the other fixed Python errors that you can visit, you might encounter them in the future.


To conclude, The Typeerror unsupported operand type s for builtin_function_or_method and int occurs when you try to use an operator with a built-in function or method (which is an object in Python) and an integer.

It is because functions or methods cannot be used in arithmetic operations.

By following the given solution, surely you can fix the error quickly and proceed to your coding project again.

I hope this article helps you to solve your problem regarding a Typeerror stating “unsupported operand type s for builtin_function_or_method and int”.

We’re happy to help you.

Happy coding! Have a Good day and God bless.