typeerror require is not a function

Coding is an exciting and challenging responsibility that requires patience, skill, and attention to detail.

However, even the most experienced developers will encounter errors while coding, and one of the errors is “TypeError require is not a function“.

In this article, we will explain to you the possible causes of the “TypeError: require is not a function” error and provide some effective solutions to fix it.

In addition, we will also provide some prevention methods to help you avoid this error in the future.

Possible Causes of the Error

The “require is not a function” error occurs if you try to call a function that doesn’t exist or does not define it.

Here are the possible causes of the error:

  • You are using an incorrect syntax
  • The libraries you are using is Out of date
  • The module doesn’t install on your system
  • You are using a variable with the same name
  • You’re using the incorrect name while calling the function

Why this typeerror: require is not a function error occur?

The “TypeError: require is not a function” error typically occurs because when you are trying to call the require() function in your code, yet the function isn’t defined or cannot be found.

This error is common in Node.js applications and can be frustrating to debug because it can be caused by several factors.

How to solve this error?

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Here are the steps to solve the error typeerror require is not a function

  • Step 1: Checking the Syntax

    When the error is caused by incorrect syntax, you should check your code for any syntax errors, like missing brackets or semicolons.

    You can also use an editor or IDE with syntax highlighting to identify and fix syntax errors.

  • Step 2: Updating Libraries

    When the error is caused by an out of date library, you just need to update it to its latest version.

    You can use a package manager like npm or yarn to update your libraries.

  • Step 3: Install Required Modules

    If an error is caused by a missing module, you need to install the required module using a package manager like npm or yarn.

    You will make sure to install the correct version of the module which is compatible with your code.

  • Step 4: You need to Check the Variable Names

    If the error is caused by variable shadowing, you should check your code for any variables with the same name as a function.

    You can rename either the variable or the function to avoid this error.

  • Step 5: Checking the Function Name

    If the error is caused by using the incorrect function name, you need to check the correct function name and use it while calling the function.

    Make sure to double-check your code for any typos or spelling errors in the function name.

Additional Resources

If you’re looking for additional resources to help you understand more about Python Typeerror, here are some helpful links:


The “TypeError require is not a function” error can be frustrating, yet it is a common error that developers encounter while coding.

In this article, we’ve discussed the possible causes of this error and provided some effective steps to solve it.


What is “TypeError require is not a function” error?

“TypeError require is not a function” error occurs if you’re trying to call a function which doesn’t exist or is not defined.

What is the “require” function in Node.js?

The “require” function in Node.js is used to import a module or a file.

Why is the “TypeError: require() is not a function” error common in Node.js applications?

The “TypeError: require() is not a function” error is common in Node.js applications because the “require” function is a core feature of Node.js, and any issues with the function can cause the error.