Typeerror: load failed [SOLVED]

Crossing paths with typeerror: load failed while working with a Python project can be stressful.

You will be absolutely stressed when you are new to Python and do not know what to do.

However, do not worry; read through the end of this article to solve your problem.

In this article, you will be able to learn about this error and how to solve it.

So, without further ado, let us learn about this error.

What is typeerror: load failed?

The typeerror: load failed is an error message in Python, which signifies that a syntax error has caused the loading process to fail.

When there is an issue loading a file or object, this error occurs.

Here are some common causes of typeerror: load failed:

  • The file path or name is incorrect.
  • Permission issues.
  • File’s data format incompatibility.
  • The file is corrupted.

Typeerror: load failed – SOLUTION

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Since the solution to the typeerror: load failed depends on its cause, identify first what causes this error in your case before applying a solution.

Here is a guide that might help you solve this error:

  1. Verify the path and name of the file.

    Ensure that the name and path of the file you are trying to load are correct and accessible.

  2. Check out the file permissions.

    Ensure that you have the needed permissions to load the file if it requires particular permissions.

  3. Confirm the data format.

    Ensure that you are utilizing an accurate library or module to load a file if it is in a non-standard format.

  4. Compatibility checkup.

    Revise your code if there are any compatibility matters.

  5. Look for corrupt files.

    There are instances where the file has been corrupted and is causing the typeerror: load failed.

    To solve this, you have to recover the file from a backup or create it again from scratch.

Tips to avoid getting Typeerrors

The following are some tips to avoid getting type errors in Python.

  • Avoid using the built-in data types in Python in the wrong way.
  • Always check or confirm the types of your variables.
  • Be clear and concise when writing code.
  • Handle the error by using try-except blocks.
  • Use the built-in functions of Python if needed.


In conclusion, typeerror: load failed can be solved by identifying what causes this and then applying the solution.

That is all for this tutorial, IT source coders!

We hope you have learned a lot from this. Have fun coding.

Thank you for reading! 😊