Typeerror: cannot use a string pattern on a bytes-like object

Have you ever come across with “TypeError: Cannot Use a String Pattern on a Bytes-Like Object” error?

Well, this error usually happens when we try to use a string pattern on a bytes-like object.

Further, in this guide, you will see how this error occurs, then understand several solutions along with each example codes.

What is Typeerror cannot use a string pattern on a bytes-like object?

This error TypeError: Cannot Use a String Pattern on a Bytes-Like Object typically occurs when we try to use a string pattern to match against a byte-like object (such as a bytes or bytearray object) in Python.

Byte-like objects are sequences of bytes, whereas string patterns are sequences of characters.

Additionally, this error message is self-explanatory and usually looks like this:

import re

my_bytes = b'IT,Source,Code'

# TypeError: cannot use a string pattern on a bytes-like object
m = re.search("IT", my_bytes)

If you run the code it will give you the cannot use a string pattern on a bytes-like object type error.

Why cannot use a string pattern on a bytes-like object occur?

Here are some of the reasons why you might encounter the “TypeError: Cannot Use a String Pattern on a Bytes-Like Object” error in Python:

  • Attempting to use a string pattern (such as a regular expression) on a bytes-like object (such as a bytes or bytearray object) that contains binary data.
  • Passing a string argument to a method or function that expects a bytes-like object as input, or vice versa.
  • Using a Python library or module that expects a string input, but passing it a bytes-like object instead.
  • Attempting to concatenate a string and a bytes-like object using the + operator, which raises a TypeError because you cannot concatenate two different data types.
  • Using a text editor or encoding scheme that does not support the encoding of certain characters or byte sequences, which can result in bytes-like objects being passed to functions or methods that expect strings.

Now that we understand why this error occurs let’s get into the solution to this error.

How to solve typeerror cannot use a string pattern on a bytes-like object

Here are some possible solutions to TypeError: Cannot Use a String Pattern on a Bytes-Like Object error in Python.

  1. Convert the bytes-like object to a string using the decode() method
  2. Convert the string pattern to bytes using the encode() method
  3. Use the re.search() method instead of re.findall()
  4. Ensure that you are using the correct data type (string or bytes)

As we go further, we will see example codes and explanations of these solutions.

Convert the bytes-like object to a string using the decode() method

One way to fix the error is converting the bytes-like object to a string using the decode() method, and then using the string pattern as usual.

Particularly, the method works well when you need to perform text-based operations on the data in the bytes-like object.

import re
my_bytes = b'IT,Source,Code'
string_pattern = r'Source'
str_obj = my_bytes.decode()
matches = re.findall(string_pattern, str_obj)

In this example, we first decode the my_bytes using the decode() method to obtain a string object str_obj.

Afterward, we use the re.findall() method to search for all occurrences of the string_pattern in the str_obj.

Finally, we print the matches list to the console.

Here is the expected result:


Convert the string pattern to bytes using the encode() method

Another way is converting the string pattern to bytes using the encode() method.
Here we use the bytes-like object as usual.

This method is helpful when you need to perform binary-based operations on the data in the bytes-like object.

For example:

import re
my_bytes = b'IT,Source,Code'
string_pattern = r'Source'
bytes_pattern = string_pattern.encode()
matches = re.findall(bytes_pattern, my_bytes)

Here is the expected Output:


In this example, we first encode the string_pattern using the encode() method to obtain a bytes object bytes_pattern.

Then, we use the re.findall() method to search for all occurrences of the bytes_pattern in the my_bytes. Finally, we print the matches list to the console.

Use the re.search() method instead of re.findall()

Use the re.search() method instead of re.findall() to search for a single occurrence of the pattern in the bytes-like object.

This method works well when you only need to find the first occurrence of the pattern.

import re
bytes_obj = b'some bytes data'
bytes_pattern = b'some pattern'
match_obj = re.search(bytes_pattern, bytes_obj)
if match_obj:
    print("No match found")

In this example, we use the re.search() method to search for the first occurrence of the bytes_pattern in the bytes_obj.

If a match is found, we print the matched string to the console. Otherwise, we print a message indicating that no match was found.

Here is the example code:

No match found

Ensure that you are using the correct data type (string or bytes)

Ensure that you are using the correct data type (string or bytes) for the context and the data being processed, and convert between the two types as needed using the encode() and decode() methods.

This method is useful when you need to switch between text-based and binary-based operations on the data.

bytes_obj = b'some bytes data'
str_obj = 'some string data'
if isinstance(bytes_obj, bytes):
    str_obj = bytes_obj.decode()
elif isinstance(str_obj, str):
    bytes_obj = str

In this example, we check the type of the bytes_obj and str_obj variables using the isinstance() function. If bytes_obj is a bytes object, we convert it to a string using the decode() method and assign the result to str_obj.

Meanwhile, if str_obj is a string, we convert it to bytes using the encode() method and assign the result to bytes_obj.

That’s it for our solutions regarding this error!

Anyhow, If you are finding solutions to some errors you might encounter we also have Typeerror: can’t compare offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes.


In conclusion the TypeError: Cannot Use a String Pattern on a Bytes-Like Object error is raised when we try to match a string pattern to an object which is stored using the bytes data type.

We can fix this error either by converting your string pattern to a bytes object, or by converting the data with which you are working to a string object.

Thank you for reading !