Syntaxerror: unexpected eof while parsing

Are you trying to figure out the solution for Python syntaxerror: unexpected eof while parsing?

But then, you’re confused about how to resolve it and having a hard time fixing it?

Well, in this article, we are going to discuss the syntaxerror unexpected EOF while parsing in Python.

In order to understand this syntax error thoroughly, keep on reading!

What is EOF?

The term “EOF” stands for “End of File,” which means that the parser reached the end of the code but expected to find more code before reaching that point.

What is “syntaxerror unexpected eof while parsing” in Python?

The syntaxerror: unexpected eof while parsing occurs when the Python interpreter reaches the end of the program or code, but there are remaining codes that still need to be executed.

This is because there is something missing in your Python code that results in the termination of further execution of the code.

In simple words, this error message is usually raised because the Python interpreter detects an unfinished statement or block in your code.

Python reaches the end of your code before running every block of code because of the following:

✔ Forget to enclose code inside a special statement, for instance, a for loop, a while loop, or even a function.

✔ Forget to close all of the parenthesis, brackets, and punctuation marks on a line of code in your program.

Moreover, this syntax error indicates that the Python interpreter expected to find something before reaching the end of the file (EOF). However, the interpreter didn’t find it.

Why does “unexpected eof while parsing” occur?

Python syntaxerror: unexpected eof while parsing can happen because of several reason that includes the following:

❌If there are missing closing brackets, parentheses, or quotation marks.

❌ If there are incomplete syntax or code blocks.

Here are some scenarios wherein you’ll encounter this error:

Scenario 1: Missing brackets and parenthesis

One of the major causes of this error is the missing punctuation mark in Python code.

For example:

Data = {
  "website": "Itsourcecode",
  "visits": "3000000",
  "Offers": "Itsourcecode offers free code project and tutorials"

In our example here, we forgot to add a closing bracket (“}”), so as a result:

SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

In order to fix this issue, we have to add the closing curly bracket ” }.”


Corrected code:

Data = {
 "website": "Itsourcecode",
 "visits": "3000000",
 "Offers": "Itsourcecode offers free sourcecode project and tutorials"


{'website': 'Itsourcecode', 'visits': '3000000', 'Offers': 'Itsourcecode offers free sourcecode project and tutorials'}

Another example:

sample_list = [100, 200, 300, 400, 500]

for i, product in enumerate(sample_list):
    print(f'product : {i} value : {product}'

The closing parenthesis for the print statement is missing. The code encounters the end of the file before finding the expected closing parenthesis, as a result, it will throw an error message:

SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

In order to fix the error, you have to add the missing closing parenthesis “)” for the print function.

Corrected code:

sample_list = [100, 200, 300, 400, 500]

for i, product in enumerate(sample_list):
    print(f'product : {i} value : {product}')


product : 0 value : 100
product : 1 value : 200
product : 2 value : 300
product : 3 value : 400
product : 4 value : 500

Scenario 2: Python unable to find an indented block

For example:

a = 1
while a < 5:

The example code above results in an error message the reason is that Python interpreter is unable to find an indented block of code to pair with our while loop.

If there is no indented code, definitely the interpreter doesn’t know where to end the statement, so the interpreter will throw an error.

SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

To fix this issue, you just have to simply add an indented code block.

Corrected code:

a = 1
while a < 5:
  a += 1

This time your code will run as expected and print the values of a from 1 to the last value of a that is less than 5.



Note: In Python version (3.9), this error occurs.
However, if you are using the latest version of Python (3.11).
SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing does not appear, but instead SyntaxError: ‘(‘ was never closed or IndentationError: unexpected indent occurs.

How to fix “syntaxerror: unexpected eof while parsing”?

To fix the syntaxerror unexpected eof while parsing error, you have to carefully review your code and ensure that all opening and closing symbols are properly balanced and in the correct positions.

Identify the code that is not following the correct syntax and add any missing lines to make the syntax correct.


In conclusion, the error message syntaxerror: unexpected eof while parsing occurs when the Python interpreter reaches the end of the program or code, but there are remaining codes that still need to be executed.

In this article, we already discuss what this error is all about, why it occurs in your Python code, and different scenarios wherein this error occurs and the solutions.

By addressing these syntax issues, you can fix the Python SyntaxError unexpected EOF while parsing error and let you use your code to run smoothly.

We are hoping that this article helps you fix the error. Thank you for reading itsourcecoders 😊

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