Syntaxerror generator expression must be parenthesized

The syntaxerror generator expression must be parenthesized typically happens when working with generator expressions in Python.

This error message is easy to fix. However, it’s a little bit confusing, especially if you are new to this.

Fortunately, this article discusses how to fix the generator expression must be parenthesized error message.

What is generator expressions?

Generator expression is a concise method for creating a generator object. It resembles a list comprehension, but instead of generating a complete list, it generates a generator object. This generator object can be iterated over to produce values as needed.

Generator expressions are typically written within parentheses, and they allow you to iterate over a sequence, apply transformations or filters, and produce a series of values without storing them all in memory at once.

For example:

generator = (num ** 3 for num in range(10))
for num in generator:



What is “syntaxerror generator expression must be parenthesized”?

The syntaxerror: generator expression must be parenthesized is an error message that occurs in Python when a generator expression is used as an argument in a function call but it is not the only argument and it is not enclosed in parentheses. 

For example:

r = ooPoint((v, x[S.oovar_indexes[i]:S.oovar_indexes[i+1]]) for i, v in enumerate(S._variables), **kw)


  File "C:\Users\pies-pc2\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\", line 1
    r = ooPoint((v, x[S.oovar_indexes[i]:S.oovar_indexes[i+1]]) for i, v in enumerate(S._variables), **kw)
SyntaxError: Generator expression must be parenthesized

Why does the “generator expression must be parenthesized” syntaxerror occur?

The syntaxerror: generator expression must be parenthesized error occurs when you used the generator expression as an argument in a function call, however it is not the only argument and it is not enclosed in parentheses.

It is because the Python interpreter needs to be able to distinguish between the generator expression and the other arguments in the function call.

By adding parentheses around the generator expression, you make it clear to the interpreter that the generator expression is a single argument.

How to fix the “syntaxerror generator expression must be parenthesized”?

Here are following solutions to fix the generator expression must be parenthesized error message with sample code and results along with a simple explanation:

Solution 1: Add parentheses around the generator expression

This is the most straightforward solution. Simply add parentheses around the generator expression to make it clear to the Python interpreter that it is a single argument in the function call.

Incorrect code:

generator = (num ** 3 for num in range(10)) for num in generator:     print(num)

Corrected code:

r = ooPoint(((v, x[S.oovar_indexes[i]:S.oovar_indexes[i+1]]) for i, v in enumerate(S._variables)), **kw)

Solution 2: Assign the generator expression to a variable

You can assign the generator expression to a variable and then pass that variable as an argument to the function call.

Incorrect code:

sum(x ** 3 for x in range(20))

Corrected code:

sample= (a ** 3 for a in range(20))

You can also use the following code:

gen_expr = (x ** 3 for x in range(5))
squares = list(gen_expr)


[0, 1, 8, 27, 64]

Solution 3: Use a list comprehension instead of a generator expression

You can use a list comprehension instead of a generator expression. List comprehensions do not need to be enclosed in parentheses when used as arguments in function calls.

Incorrect code:

sum(x ** 2 for x in range(10))

Corrected code:

sum([x ** 3 for x in range(20)])

Solution 4: Use the built-in map function instead of a generator expression

You can also use the built-in map function to apply a function to each element in an iterable and then pass the result to the sum function.

Incorrect code:

sum(x ** 2 for x in range(10))

Corrected code:

sum(map(lambda x: x ** 2, range(10)))


In conclusion, the syntaxerror: generator expression must be parenthesized is an error message that occurs in Python when a generator expression is used as an argument in a function call but it is not the only argument and it is not enclosed in parentheses. 

This article already provides solutions to fix this error message. By executing the solutions above, you can master this SyntaxError with the help of this guide.

You could also check out other SyntaxError articles that may help you in the future if you encounter them.

We are hoping that this article helps you fix the error. Thank you for reading itsourcecoders 😊

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