Syntaxerror: eol while scanning string literal

Today, we are going to deal with Python syntaxerror: eol while scanning string literal error message.

If you are stuck with this error, this article is for you. Continue reading to have a better understanding of this error.

This article will discuss how to fix the syntaxerror eol while scanning string literal in Python.

What is Syntax Error?

The Syntax Error is raised when the Python interpreter reads through each line of code and notices something odd. These mistakes can be brought on by “a missing bracket,” “a missing ending quote,” and other simple syntactic problems.

This error is manageable you just need a proper understanding in order to resolve it.

What is EOF?

The term “EOF” stands for “End of File,” which means that the parser reached the end of the code but expected to find more code before reaching that point.

What is “syntaxerror eol while scanning string literal”?

The syntaxerror: eol while scanning string literal error in Python occurs when the Python interpreter runs into code with invalid syntax.

Specifically, it refers to strings ending improperly at the end of the line of code.

Why does “eol while scanning string literal” syntaxerror occur?

The syntaxerror eol while scanning string literal raised while scanning a string of a program, Python interpreter hit the end of the line due to some reasons, such as:

❌Missing quotation marks at the end of the line of your code.
❌The ending quotation mark is incorrect.
❌ String constant stretching to numerous lines
❌ Using backslash before the end quotation mark

The following are some of the scenarios where you will encounter this error.

1. Missing quotation mark

It is one of the common causes of Python SyntaxError: EOL while scanning a string literal because of missing quotation marks at the end of a string.

For example:

sample = "Welcome to Itsourcecode



SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal

When the Python interpreter reaches the end of the string literal and discovers a missing quotation mark, a syntax error is raised.

However, if you are Python version 3.11, here’s the error you’ll get:

File "C:\Users\pies-pc2\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\", line 1
    sample = "Welcome to Itsourcecode
SyntaxError: unterminated string literal (detected at line 1)

In order to resolve this issue, we have used put the ending quotation mark.

But you have to use the proper quotation mark.

Corrected code:

sample = "Welcome to Itsourcecode"



Welcome to Itsourcecode

For instance, if you are using the wrong quotation mark, definitely, your code still won’t work.
Just like for example:

sample = "Welcome to Itsourcecode'


2. String constant stretching to numerous lines

String constant stretching to numerous lines is a mistake that many Python programmers commit.

For example:

sample = "Welcome to Itsourcecode
            That offers free source code and tutorials"


If you try to run this code, definitely a syntax error will occur.

To fix that issue, here are the following solutions:

Solution 1:

sample = "Welcome to Itsourcecode \n That offers free source code and tutorials"



Welcome to Itsourcecode
 That offers free source code and tutorials

Solution 2:

sample = """Welcome to Itsourcecode
          That offers free source code and tutorials"""



Welcome to Itsourcecode
          That offers free source code and tutorials

3. Using backslash

The backslash character, “\” is used to escape strings and break syntax.

sample = "\Desktop\Pies\PythonProject\"

This example code will results in a syntax error, to resolve this error we can simply add another backlash.

sample = "\\Desktop\\Pies\\PythonProject\\"



How to fix “syntaxerror eol while scanning string literal”?

If you are facing syntaxerror: eol while scanning string literal error, there are various steps you have to do in order to troubleshoot and fix it.

Let’s explore the following approaches:

1. Check for unclosed strings

Review your code for any unclosed strings. Make sure that all string literals have matching opening and closing quotes.

2. Verify escaped quotes

If you have quotes within your string literals, ensure that they are properly escaped using the backslash () character.

3. Correct line breaks

If your string literally spans multiple lines, ensure that you use parentheses, brackets, or the plus operator to continue the string to the next line.

4. Check indentation

Examine your code for consistent indentation. Avoid mixing tabs and spaces for indentation and ensure that the indentation level is correct throughout.


In conclusion, the syntaxerror: eol while scanning string literal error in Python occurs when the Python interpreter runs into code with invalid syntax.

In this article, we already discuss what this error is all about, why it occurs in your Python code, and different scenarios wherein this error occurs and the solutions.

By addressing these syntax issues, you can fix this error and let you use your code run smoothly.

We are hoping that this article helps you fix the error. Thank you for reading itsourcecoders 😊

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