runtimeerror: working outside of application context.

If you’re working with applications that use frameworks like Flask, Django, or Pyramid, you may often encounter a runtime error message that says:

runtimeerror: working outside of application context

In this article, we will explain to you what this error means, what causes it, and how to fix it.

What is a runtimeerror working outside of application context error?

A runtimeerror working outside of application context error is a type of error that occurs when we attempt to access the Flask application context from outside of the application context.

What causes this error working outside of application context?

There are multiple reasons why you encounter a runtimeerror: working outside of application context. error.

Here are the following common causes:

  • You are attempting to access the application context from outside of the application context.
  • You are using global variables in your Flask application.
  • You are attempting to use Flask’s request or session objects outside of a request context.
  • You are attempting to run Flask code outside of a Flask application.

How to fix the working outside of application context. error?

Fortunately, there are multiple methods to fix the flask runtimeerror: working outside of application context error. Here are some of the most efficient solutions to solve the error:

Solution 1: Use Flask’s application context

The simple solution to fix this error is to use Flask’s application context. You can do this by using app.app_context() function.

Here’s an example:

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

with app.app_context():
    # Your Flask code here

By using the app_context() method, you’re convincing Flask to build a new application context for your code.

This will allow you to access the application context without raising the error.

Solution 2: Use Flask’s request context

If you’re attempting to access Flask’s request or session objects outside of a request context, you will need to use Flask’s request object.

For example:

from flask import Flask, request

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    # Use the request object here
    return "Hello, World!"

Through using the request object, you’re convincing Flask to make a new request context for your code.

Solution 3: Avoid using global variables

When you are using global variables in your Flask application, you might run into the flask runtimeerror working outside of application context error.

Because global variables are not fixed to a precise request context, so Flask don’t understand which application context to use.

To avoid this error, make sure that try to avoid using global variables in your Flask application.

Instead, you can use Flask’s “g” object, which is a unique object that Flask provides for storing temporary data. Here’s an example:

from flask import Flask, g

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    g.my_variable = "Hello, World!"
    return "Hello, World!"

def test():
    return g.my_variable

Through using the “g” object, you’re telling Flask to store your data in the current request context.

Solution 4: Use Flask’s “current_app” object to access resources

If you need to access resources like configuration settings, database connections, or other resources that were created within the Flask application context, you can use Flask’s “current_app” object.

This object allows you to access the current Flask application in particular and all the resources within the application context.

For example:

from flask import current_app

db = current_app.config['DATABASE']

This code example retrieves the “DATABASE” configuration setting from the Flask application context using the “current_app” object.

Solution 5: Check for Flask code outside of a Flask application

Finally, when you are running Flask code outside of a Flask application, you might run into the runtimeerror: working outside of application context error.

This will occur if you’re attempting to import Flask code into a non-Flask application.

To fix this error, make sure that you’re running your Flask code inside a Flask application.

If you need to use Flask code outside of a Flask application, consider using Flask’s Blueprint object, which allows you to define reusable components for your Flask application.

For example:

from flask import Blueprint, jsonify

my_blueprint = Blueprint('my_blueprint', __name__)

def hello():
    return jsonify({'message': 'Hello, World!'})

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = Flask(__name__)

This example code provided will demonstrate how to use Flask’s Blueprint object to define reusable components for a Flask application.

Additional Resources

Here are the additional resources to understand more about Runtimeerror:


The error message “runtimeerror: working outside of application context” typically occurs in the context of a web application or framework like Flask or Django.

It means that the code is attempting to access resources or functions that require an active application context.

Remember to use Flask’s application context, request context, and g object appropriately, and avoid using global variables and running Flask code outside of a Flask application.


What is Flask’s application context?

Flask’s application context is a special object that Flask uses to manage the state of the application. It allows Flask to keep track of the current application, request, and response objects.

Why am I getting a “runtimeerror working outside of application context” error?

You might be getting this error because you’re trying to access the Flask application context from outside of the application context and using global variables in your Flask application.

What is a Flask Blueprint?

A Flask Blueprint is a way to organize related views and other code. It allows you to define reusable components for your Flask application.

Is the “Working Outside of Application Context” error specific to Python frameworks?

No, the “Working Outside of Application Context” error is not specific to Python frameworks, yet it is particularly encountered when working with web frameworks such as Flask, Django, or Pyramid.