Runtimeerror: numpy is not available

In this article, we will discuss how to fix the Runtimeerror: numpy is not available.

The error occurs if the NumPy library is not installed or cannot be found.

Also, we’ll discuss what are the causes behind this error and provide solutions to help you resolve it.

Why Does the Runtimeerror numpy is not available Error Occur?

The “numpy is not available” error typically occurs for several reasons. Here are some of the most common reasons:

  • NumPy is not installed
  • NumPy is installed, but not in the correct location:
  • NumPy is installed, but not in the current environment
  • NumPy version compatibility issue

How to Fix the Error?

Here are the solutions to fix the error Runtimeerror numpy is not available.

Solution 1: Install NumPy

The first solution to this error is to install NumPy. You can install NumPy using pip, Python’s package manager.

Open a terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

pip install numpy

If you are using Anaconda or Miniconda, you can install NumPy using the following command:

conda install numpy

Solution 2: Check NumPy Installation

If you already installed NumPy, but you’re still encountering the “Runtimeerror numpy is not available” error, you need to check whether NumPy is installed correctly.

Open a Python interpreter and run the following code:

import numpy

This will print the location of the NumPy module. If the output is a valid path, the NumPy will install correctly.

Solution 3: Check Python Environment

If you are using virtual environments or Conda environments, make sure that NumPy is installed in the correct environment.

You can activate the environment where NumPy is installed using the following command:

conda activate environment_name

Replace “environment_name” with the name of the environment where NumPy is installed.

Once you’ve activated the environment, try running your Python code again.

Solution 4: Update NumPy

If you are using an older version of NumPy, you may encounter compatibility issues with other Python packages, which will result in the “Runtimeerror numpy is not available” error.

To fix this, update NumPy to the latest version using the following command:

pip install –upgrade numpy

Solution 5: Check Python Path

If Python will not able to find NumPy, it may be because the path to the NumPy module is not in Python’s path.

To check this, open a Python interpreter and run the following code:

import sys

This will print a list of directories where Python looks for modules. If the directory consisting the NumPy module is not in the list, you can add it to Python’s path using the following code:

import sys

Replace “/path/to/numpy” with the directory consisting of the NumPy module.

Solution 6: Reinstall Python

If none of the above solutions work, it’s possible that there is a problem with your Python installation. In this case, you may need to uninstall and reinstall Python.

Solution 7: Importing NumPy Correctly

If the NumPy library is installed and upgraded, but the error still occurs, it could be due to incorrect importing of the NumPy module in the code.

To import NumPy correctly, use the following code:

import numpy as np

This code will import the NumPy module and assign it to the variable np. You can then use the NumPy functions using the np variable.

Additional Resources


The “Runtimeerror: numpy is not available” error can occur due to multiple reasons, such as the NumPy library not being installed, installation errors, or incorrect importing of the NumPy module in the code.

By following the solutions discussed in this article, you can fix the error and use the NumPy library for several mathematical operations in Python.


Why is NumPy not available?

There are several reasons why NumPy may not be available, including: it is not installed, it is installed in the wrong location, it is installed in a different environment, or there is a compatibility issue with other Python packages.

How do I add a directory to Python’s path?

You can add a directory to Python’s path using the following code:

import sys

What causes the “Runtimeerror: numpy is not available” error?

The error typically occurs when Numpy is not installed or it is improperly installed.