Runtimeerror: found dtype long but expected float

One of the common errors that Python programmers encounter is:

runtimeerror: found dtype long but expected float error

This error typically occurs if there is a mismatch between the data types in your code.

Fortunately, there are multiple solutions available to fix this error and make sure that your code executes without any issues.

What the runtimeerror: found dtype long but expected float error means?

The runtimeerror found dtype long but expected float error means that a program encountered a variable or expression with a long data type when it expected a float data type.

In Python, the long data type serves as integers of arbitrary size, while the float data type means floating-point numbers.

The error occurs when the program expects a floating-point number but encounters an integer instead.

Now that we have a basic understanding of the error, in the next section let’s discuss the solutions to fix it.

Solutions to Fix the runtimeerror found dtype long but expected float Error

Here are the following solutions to fix the found dtype long but expected float.

Solution 1: Ensure Consistent Data Types

One of the most common causes of the error is inconsistent data types within your code.

To fix this error, make sure that the variables and expressions involved have compatible data types.


# Incorrect code
my_integer = 15
my_integer2 = 8.10

result = my_integer / my_integer2

In the above example, the initial code encounters the error because x is an integer, and y is a float.

# Correct code
my_integer = 15.0
my_integer2 = 8.10

result = my_integer / my_integer2


By making both x and y floats, the error is resolved, and the code executes successfully.



Solution 2: Use Explicit Type Conversion

Another way to fix the error is to use explicit type conversion to ensure consistent data types.


# Incorrect code
x = 10
y = 3.14

result = float(x) / y

In the example code above, it is incorrect because it attempts to divide an integer (x) by a floating-point number (y) without converting x to a floating-point number first.

Let’s take a look at the correct code:

# Corrected code
x = 10
y = 3.14

result = x / float(y)

In the above example, the initial code uses the float() function to convert x to a float before performing the division operation.

This is to make sure that both x and y have compatible data types to eliminate the error.



Solution 3: Check Input Data Types

Sometimes, the error will occur due to incorrect input data types. Make sure that any user input or data read from external sources matches the expected data type.

For Example:

# Incorrect code
user_input = input("Enter a number: ")
x = 10.5

result = float(user_input) / x

Let’s take a look at the correct code:

user_input = input("Enter a number: ")
x = 10.5

    user_input = float(user_input)
    result = user_input / x
except ValueError:
    print("Invalid input. Please enter a valid number.")

This code requests the user to enter a number, converts the input to a float, and performs the division operation.

If the user enters an invalid input (not a number), it catches the ValueError exception and prints an error message.


Enter a number: 21

Solution 4: Verify Variable Assignments

In some cases, the error will occur if there is an unexpected assignment of a long integer value to a variable that should hold a float.

You need to double-check your variable assignments to make sure that they are consistent with the expected data types.


# Incorrect code
x = 10.5
y = 5
z = x * y

The code we provided is incorrect because we are attempting to multiply a float (10.5) with an integer (5), which results in a float.

However, the variable “z” is not defined in this code program, so it would cause an error.

Let’s have a look at the correct code example:

# Corrected code
x = 10.5
y = 5.0
result = x * y

By making “y” a float, the error is fixed, and the code functions as expected.



Solution 5: Review Function Arguments

If you encounter an error when calling a function, make sure that the arguments provided match the expected data types defined by the function.


# Incorrect code
def calculate_average(numbers):
    total = sum(numbers)
    average = total / len(numbers)
    return average

my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

result = calculate_average(my_list)

In the above example, the initial code encounters the error because the length of the numbers list is an integer, resulting in the division operation expecting a float.

The correct example program arrangement:

# Corrected code
def calculate_average(numbers):
    total = sum(numbers)
    average = total / float(len(numbers))
    return average

my_list = [93, 95, 98, 92, 90]

result = calculate_average(my_list)

In this example, By using float(len(numbers)), the error is resolved, and the function operates correctly.



Solution 6: Address Calculation Dependencies

Sometimes, the error will occur due to calculations that have dependencies on specific data types.

Make sure that all calculations within your code are based on logical data types to prevent this error from occurring.

For Example:

# Incorrect code
x = 10.5
y = 5

result = x / (y + 1)

In the above example, the initial code encounters the error because the addition operation expects both y and 1 to be floats.

The correct arrangement of the code:

# Corrected code
x = 10.5
y = 5.0

result = x / (y + 1)

By making y a float, the error will be fixed, and the calculation is performed correctly.



Additional Resources


The runtimeerror: found dtype long but expected float error can be resolved by ensuring consistent data types, using explicit type conversion, verifying variable assignments, reviewing function arguments, and addressing calculation dependencies.

By following these solutions and examples in this article, you can avoid this error and ensure the smooth execution of your Python program.


What causes the runtimeerror found dtype long but expected float error?

The runtimeerror found dtype long but expected float error occurs when there is a mismatch between the long and float data types in your code.

Can I use type casting to resolve the runtimeerror found dtype long but expected float error?

Yes, you can use type casting to fix the found dtype long but expected float error. Type casting allows you to explicitly convert variables from one data type to another.

How can I prevent the found dtype long but expected float error from occurring?

To prevent the found dtype long but expected float error, it’s important to pay attention to the data types of your variables, function arguments, and calculations.

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