Runtimeerror: expected scalar type half but found float

The runtimeerror: expected scalar type half but found float error typically occurs when there is a mismatch between the data type expected by a PyTorch function and the actual data type of the tensor being passed as an argument.

In this article, we will discuss the causes and provide some solutions on how to fix it.

Understanding the Expected Scalar Type Half but Found Float

The expected scalar type half but found float error message usually occurs when we are attempting to use a PyTorch tensor with the datatype “half”, but you are passing in a tensor with a datatype of “float”.

This is an example code on how to reproduce the error:

import torch

x = torch.tensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
x_half = x.half()  # This will raise a RuntimeError


Runtimeerror: expected scalar type half but found float

Common Causes of the Error

There are multiple reasons why you might encounter this error:

  • Incompatible Data Types
  • Unsupported Operations
  • Inconsistent Data Types

Solutions to Fix the Error Expected Scalar Type Half but Found Float

Now that we have already identified what causes the “runtimeerror expected scalar type half but found float” error, let’s look at some solutions to fix it.

Solution 1: Check Data Types

The first solution to fixing this error is to check the data types of your tensors.

Make sure that the tensors you are passing to your neural network are the correct data type.

You can use the “.dtype” attribute to check the data type of a tensor.

Here is an example code:

import torch

# Create tensors
tensor1 = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3])
tensor2 = torch.tensor([4, 5, 6])

# Check data types
print("Tensor 1 data type:", tensor1.dtype)
print("Tensor 2 data type:", tensor2.dtype)

# Perform operation on tensors
result = tensor1 + tensor2

# Check result data type
print("Result data type:", result.dtype)

In this example, we create two tensors tensor1 and tensor2.

Then, we check their data types using the .dtype attribute.

Next, we perform an operation (addition) on the tensors, which may cause a “TypeError: unsupported operand type(s)” if the tensors have incompatible data types.

Finally, we check the data type of the result tensor to make sure that it is compatible with any subsequent operations.

By checking the data types of tensors, we can make sure that they are compatible with each other and prevent errors from occurring.


Tensor 1 data type: torch.int64
Tensor 2 data type: torch.int64
Result data type: torch.int64

Solution 2: Convert Data Types

If your data types are incompatible, you’ll need to convert them to the correct data type. You can use the “.to()” method to convert a tensor to a different data type.

For example, to convert a float tensor to a half tensor, you can use the following code:

tensor_half =

The example code that uses a half tensor:

# importing the torch library
import torch

# creating a float tensor
tensor_float = torch.tensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])

# converting the float tensor to a half tensor
tensor_half =

# printing the float tensor
print("Float Tensor: ", tensor_float)

# printing the half tensor
print("Half Tensor: ", tensor_half)

This code creates a float tensor and then converts it to a half tensor using the “.to()” method provided by the PyTorch library.

Finally, it prints both the float tensor and the half tensor.

If we run the code example, the output will be:

Float Tensor: tensor([1., 2., 3.])
Half Tensor: tensor([1., 2., 3.], dtype=torch.float16)

Solution 3: Use Compatible Operations

Make sure that you are using operations that are supported by the data types of your tensors.

For example, if you are using a half tensor, make sure you’re only using operations that are supported for half data types.

You can check the supported operations for a data type by visiting the documentation for that data type.

Solution 4: Convert Models to Half Precision

If you are working with large models that needed a lot of memory, you can convert your models to use a half precision.

This will reduce the amount of memory required to store your models and speed up your training process.

You can convert your models to half precision by using the “.half()” method.

For Example:

import torch

# Define your model
model = torch.nn.Sequential(
    torch.nn.Linear(10, 5),
    torch.nn.Linear(5, 1),

# Convert the model to half precision

# Define your inputs
inputs = torch.randn((32, 10)).half()

# Forward pass
outputs = model(inputs)

# Print the shape of the outputs

In this code, we specify a simple neural network model using PyTorch and then convert it to half precision using the “.half()” method.

We also define some random inputs and perform a forward pass to get the model outputs.

Finally, we print the shape of the outputs to check that the conversion was successful.

Solution 5: Use Mixed Precision Training

Another solution to shorten memory usage and speed up training is to use mixed precision training.

Mixed precision training uses a combination of half and float data types to speed up the training process while still maintaining accuracy. You can use the NVIDIA Apex library to implement mixed precision training in PyTorch.

Solution 6: Upgrade Your PyTorch Version

Finally, if none of the above solutions work, you may need to upgrade your PyTorch version. Newer versions of PyTorch may have bug fixes or improvements that can help resolve this error.

Additional Resources


The “runtimeerror: expected scalar type half but found float” error can be a frustrating issue to encounter while working on a deep learning project.

However, by learning the causes of the error and implementing the solutions we’ve outlined in this article, you can fix the error and get back to training your models.

Remember to always check the data types of your tensors, use compatible operations, and consider converting your models to half precision or using mixed precision training to reduce memory usage and speed up training.


What is a tensor in PyTorch?

A tensor is a multi-dimensional array used in PyTorch to represent data. Tensors can have several data types, such as float, integer, and half.

How do I check the data type of a tensor in PyTorch?

You can use the “.dtype” attribute to check the data type of a tensor. For example, tensor.dtype will return the data type of the tensor.

How do I convert a tensor to a different data type in PyTorch?

You can use the “.to()” method to convert a tensor to a different data type. For example, will convert a float tensor to a half tensor.

What is mixed precision training in PyTorch?

Mixed precision training uses a combination of half and float data types to speed up the training process while still maintaining accuracy. It can help reduce memory usage and speed up training.

How do I upgrade my PyTorch version?

You can upgrade your PyTorch version by using pip to install the latest version. For example, pip install torch==1.8.1 will install PyTorch version 1.8.1.

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