Runtimeerror cuda out of memory stable diffusion

The Runtimeerror cuda out of memory stable diffusion error can be frustrating and confusing.

This error message shows that the program has exhausted the available GPU memory, preventing the execution of the task at hand.

In this article, we will explain the causes of this error and discuss the solutions to resolve it completely.

Why this Error Occur?

The RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory error usually occurs when the GPU fails to allocate sufficient memory for the current operation.

GPUs have a limited amount of memory, and if the required memory exceeds the available capacity, then an error will occur.

Causes of CUDA out of memory error

The following are the common causes of the CUDA out of memory error:

  • Insufficient GPU memory
  • Large batch sizes or model sizes
  • Memory leaks
  • Concurrent GPU tasks
  • High GPU Memory Utilization
  • Memory Fragmentation
  • Inefficient Memory Usage

How to Fix the Error?

Now that we have identified the common causes of the Runtimeerror: cuda out of memory stable diffusion, let’s discuss into the solutions to resolve the issue.

Solution 1: Check GPU Memory Availability

Before running your CUDA program, it is essential to check the GPU memory availability.

This can help you to identify whether your GPU has sufficient memory to accommodate the computations and data needed by your application.

You can use different tools and libraries to monitor GPU memory usages, like the NVIDIA System Management Interface (nvidia-smi) or CUDA Toolkit utilities.

Solution 2: Reduce Memory Consumption

The other way to solve this error is to reduce memory consumption.

If you find out that your GPU memory is insufficient, consider reducing the memory consumption within your CUDA program.

Here are some strategies to achieve this:

  1. Use Smaller Batch Sizes:
  2. Optimize Data Structures
  3. Remove Redundant Data
  4. Use Data Streaming

Solution 3: Optimize Memory Usage

The solution to solve this error is to optimize memory usage.

By implementing efficient memory management system, you can maximize the available GPU memory and prevent memory deficiency issues.

Consider the following procedure:

  • Memory Pools
    • Implement memory pools or caches to manage memory allocation and deallocation efficiently.
  • Asynchronous Memory Transfers
    • Utilize asynchronous memory transfers to overlap data transfers between the host and the GPU with kernel execution.
  • Memory Alignment
    • Make sure that memory allocations are aligned correctly to minimize padding and reduce memory wastage.

Solution 4: Close Unnecessary Applications and Processes

If you are still encountering the runtimeerror: CUDA out of memory, it is important to check for any unnecessary applications or processes running in the background that might be consuming GPU memory.

You can close any non-necessary programs and make sure that only the needed applications are utilizing the GPU resources.

Solution 5: Upgrade GPU or Add Additional Memory

If the previous solutions cannot resolve the issue, it may need to upgrade your GPU or add additional memory to your existing GPU.

Upgrading to a GPU with a higher memory capacity or adding more memory modules can provide the necessary resources to overcome the out of memory error.

Additional Resources

Here are the following articles that can help you to know more about CUDA errors:


In conclusion, getting the Runtimeerror cuda out of memory stable diffusion can be frustrating, but with the proper knowledge and provided solutions, you can avoid this error.

By knowing the causes of the error and implementing memory optimization solutions, you can make sure that run smoothly and efficiently your CUDA programs.


How do I check GPU memory usage?

You can use tools such as NVIDIA System Management Interface (nvidia-smi), CUDA Toolkit utilities, or GPU monitoring libraries to check GPU memory usage.

Is the runtime error CUDA out of memory specific to stable diffusion or can it occur in other CUDA applications?

The runtimeerror: CUDA out of memory can stable diffusion occur in any CUDA application that exceeds the available GPU memory.

Are there any tools or libraries available to help optimize memory usage in CUDA programs?

Yes, there are different tools and libraries available to assist in optimizing memory usage in CUDA programs.

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