attributeerror: module ‘numpy.random’ has no attribute ‘bitgenerator’

Are encountering attributeerror: module ‘numpy.random’ has no attribute ‘bitgenerator’?

Well, in this article we will look for solutions on how to fix the error as well as examples to provide a better understanding.

What is module ‘numpy.random’ has no attribute ‘bitgenerator’?

The error message “AttributeError: module ‘numpy.random’ has no attribute ‘bitgenerator'” occurs when the NumPy module fails to find the ‘bitgenerator’ attribute within the ‘numpy.random’ module.

This error can occur when you try to access the ‘bitgenerator’ attribute directly or when you try to access another attribute that depends on it.

Solution to fix attributeerror: module ‘numpy.random’ has no attribute ‘bitgenerator’

Fixing the “AttributeError: module ‘numpy.random’ has no attribute ‘bitgenerator‘” error depends on the cause of the problem.

Here are some solutions that may work:

  1. Upgrade to a Newer Version of NumPy

    If you’re using an outdated version of NumPy, upgrading to the latest version may fix the error.

    The ‘bitgenerator’ attribute has been deprecated in newer versions of NumPy, and the ‘default_rng’ attribute has been introduced as a replacement.

    To upgrade to the latest version of NumPy, run the following command:
    pip install numpy –upgrade

  2. Reinstall NumPy

    If you’ve installed NumPy incorrectly or the installation was interrupted, reinstalling NumPy may help.

    To reinstall NumPy, run the following command:

    pip uninstall numpy
    pip install numpy

  3. Resolve Conflicting Packages

    If there are conflicting packages on your system, you may need to resolve them.

    One way to do this is by using a virtual environment.

    A virtual environment is an isolated Python environment that allows you to install packages without affecting the global environment.

    To create a virtual environment, run the following command:

    python -m venv myenv

    This command creates a new virtual environment called ‘myenv’.

    To activate the virtual environment, run the following command:

    source myenv/bin/activate

    Once you’ve activated the virtual environment, you can install the required packages without affecting the global environment.


To conclude, “AttributeError: module ‘numpy.random’ has no attribute ‘bitgenerator’” error can be frustrating, but it’s usually easy to fix.

In this article, we’ve looked at some common causes of the error and how to fix them. By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the error and continue working on your Python projects.

We hope that this article has provided you with the information you need to fix this error and continue working with Python.

If you are finding solutions to some errors you’re encountering we also have Attributeerror: numpy.ndarray object has no attribute values.

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