College Management System Project in Node JS with Source Code
You can use this College Management System Node JS with MySQL Database to run a real project.
The Node JS MySQL project that follows has all of the skills that IT students who are in their last year of school will need for their projects. I like how it has a lot of features that make it easier to run a college.
The main parts of this system, as well as the online application, are clear to anyone who looks.
It was very well done and very similar to real-life situations. In this section, you’ll find a free College Management system project in Node.js and MySQL with source code files.
To get it, scroll down this page and click “Download.”
About Project | Project Details |
Project Name : | College Management System Project in Node JS |
Project Platform : | Node JS Framework |
Programming Language Used: | Node JS Language |
Developer Name : | |
IDE Tool (Recommended): | Sublime, VS Code |
Project Type : | Web Application |
Database: | MySQL |
What is College Management System in Node JS?
If you want to keep track of some information about a certain College School, you can use the College Management System. It’s a Node JS and MySQL project.
There are three types of roles in this system: the Admin, the Staff, and the People who use it. It’s the person in charge of keeping and managing the data in the system.
Users can see some information and join the forum. The Admin User is the person in charge of that job.
The system was made for a specific school, but it’s easy to change for your own growth.
About College Management System Node JS Project
The College Management System is a web-based tool meant to help all levels of the management system at the College.
This system can be used by the college as a way to keep track of its information.
It’s up to the Administrator to make a login name and password for each registrar / staff member / student (Technical or Non-technical).
They can then use these login names and passwords to either upload or download information from the database. HTML pages will be used for the front-end, and JavaScript will be used for client-side validation.
All business logic will be in PHP at the middle level.
There will be a third layer of database, which will be the MySQL database. The web server will be called Apache, and it will be called that.
An Apache web server, MySQL database, and LAMP development environment are needed to start working on this project. These are the things you need to start working on this project.
College Management System Software makes it easier for college administrators to run the school and keep track of students. It also creates a unified environment where teaching and learning can thrive.
This project has a lot of different parts, like the Students Module, the Teachers Module, the Faculties Module, the Subjects Module, the Score Module, the Articles Module, and the Location Module.
It’s easy to find out about everything in this College Management System.
Modules College Management System using Node JS Framework
- Students Module
- Teachers Module
- Faculties Module
- Subjects Module
- Marks Module
- Attendance Module
- Courses Module
- Classes Module
- Department Module
Screenshots Module College Management System in Node JS and MySQL

How to run College Management System Project in NodeJS?
Time needed: 5 minutes
Here’s the step’s on how to run a College Management System Project in NodeJS
- Step 1: Install NodeJS
First, You need to download the NodeJS and install.
- Step 2: Open Command Prompt(CMD)
Next, go to the project folder directory then type CMD to open the command prompt.
- Step 3: npm install or npm i
Then, After you open the CMD, type “npm install” in your command prompt to install the npm dependencies and libraries.
- Step 4: Database seeder
After that, type this command to seed data in the database “node database/seed/seed.js” and the other one is “node database/seed/timetable.js“.
- Step 4: nodemon app.js
Lastly, type “nodemon app.js” in your command prompt to run the project.
- Step 5: localhost:5000
Finally, type “localhost:5000” in your browser, type the following code to access your project dashboard.
Download Source Code below
A web application that can be used to manage enrollment, students, faculty, attendance, fees, scheduling, assignments, and grades for a specific college. It has a backend made of Node.js and a database made of MySQL.
There is a goal for this application: to make the manual system more efficient by using computerized equipment and full-fledged computer software.
This way, their valuable data and information can be stored for a long time with easy retrieval and manipulation. The necessary software and hardware are easy to find and work with.
Don’t forget to like, follow, and share this article on social media if you liked it. We are grateful for your help. Have fun coding!
Related Articles
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- College Management System Project in Laravel with Source Code
If you have any questions or suggestions about College Management System Project Node JS with Source Code, please feel free to leave a comment below.
what is student login id and password
how i can login like staff or student
Its inside in the sql database
I am unable to extract files how to do that??
to extract the files the password is or itsourcecode
sir how to login as a student or staff ?
please kindy reply .
You need to add staff or student in admin.
C:\Users\rv_vi\Downloads\CMS-NODEJS-MSQL\CMS-NODEJS-MSQL>node database/seed/seed.js
throw err; // Rethrow non-MySQL errors
Error: ER_BAD_DB_ERROR: Unknown database ‘cumsdbms’
at Handshake.Sequence._packetToError ←[90m(C:\Users\rv_vi\Downloads\CMS-NODEJS-MSQL\CMS-NODEJS-MSQL\←[39mnode_modules\←[4mmysql←[24m\lib\protocol\sequences\Sequence.js:47:14←[90m)←[39m
at Handshake.ErrorPacket ←[90m(C:\Users\rv_vi\Downloads\CMS-NODEJS-MSQL\CMS-NODEJS-MSQL\←[39mnode_modules\←[4mmysql←[24m\lib\protocol\sequences\Handshake.js:123:18←[90m)←[39m
at Protocol._parsePacket ←[90m(C:\Users\rv_vi\Downloads\CMS-NODEJS-MSQL\CMS-NODEJS-MSQL\←[39mnode_modules\←[4mmysql←[24m\lib\protocol\Protocol.js:291:23←[90m)←[39m
at Parser._parsePacket ←[90m(C:\Users\rv_vi\Downloads\CMS-NODEJS-MSQL\CMS-NODEJS-MSQL\←[39mnode_modules\←[4mmysql←[24m\lib\protocol\Parser.js:433:10←[90m)←[39m
at Parser.write ←[90m(C:\Users\rv_vi\Downloads\CMS-NODEJS-MSQL\CMS-NODEJS-MSQL\←[39mnode_modules\←[4mmysql←[24m\lib\protocol\Parser.js:43:10←[90m)←[39m
at Protocol.write ←[90m(C:\Users\rv_vi\Downloads\CMS-NODEJS-MSQL\CMS-NODEJS-MSQL\←[39mnode_modules\←[4mmysql←[24m\lib\protocol\Protocol.js:38:16←[90m)←[39m
at Socket. ←[90m(C:\Users\rv_vi\Downloads\CMS-NODEJS-MSQL\CMS-NODEJS-MSQL\←[39mnode_modules\←[4mmysql←[24m\lib\Connection.js:88:28←[90m)←[39m
at Socket. ←[90m(C:\Users\rv_vi\Downloads\CMS-NODEJS-MSQL\CMS-NODEJS-MSQL\←[39mnode_modules\←[4mmysql←[24m\lib\Connection.js:526:10←[90m)←[39m
←[90m at Socket.emit (node:events:513:28)←[39m
←[90m at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:315:12)←[39m
at Protocol._enqueue ←[90m(C:\Users\rv_vi\Downloads\CMS-NODEJS-MSQL\CMS-NODEJS-MSQL\←[39mnode_modules\←[4mmysql←[24m\lib\protocol\Protocol.js:144:48←[90m)←[39m
at Protocol.handshake ←[90m(C:\Users\rv_vi\Downloads\CMS-NODEJS-MSQL\CMS-NODEJS-MSQL\←[39mnode_modules\←[4mmysql←[24m\lib\protocol\Protocol.js:51:23←[90m)←[39m
at Connection.connect ←[90m(C:\Users\rv_vi\Downloads\CMS-NODEJS-MSQL\CMS-NODEJS-MSQL\←[39mnode_modules\←[4mmysql←[24m\lib\Connection.js:116:18←[90m)←[39m
at Object. ←[90m(C:\Users\rv_vi\Downloads\CMS-NODEJS-MSQL\CMS-NODEJS-MSQL\←[39mdatabase\seed\seed.js:14:4←[90m)←[39m
←[90m at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1126:14)←[39m
←[90m at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1180:10)←[39m
←[90m at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1004:32)←[39m
←[90m at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:839:12)←[39m
←[90m at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:81:12)←[39m
←[90m at node:internal/main/run_main_module:17:47←[39m {
code: ←[32m’ER_BAD_DB_ERROR’←[39m,
errno: ←[33m1049←[39m,
sqlMessage: ←[32m”Unknown database ‘cumsdbms'”←[39m,
sqlState: ←[32m’42000’←[39m,
fatal: ←[33mtrue←[39m
You need to export the database in phpmyadmin to run the system
I do like your project, you have done a lot of work on the project.
Just let you know that mailgun is deprecated, In case you want to modify it in the project, so that whoever downloads it does not have to modify it.
You can change the mailgun.
how i can login like staff or student
I want ur project source code ,i cant able to see your source code
The source code is inside the articles.
how i can login like staff or student
You need to add staff or student in admin.
I have added students and staff, after that when i try to login as a student using email id and DOB as password . It returns error (Email or Password is incorrect).
[nodemon] app crashed – waiting for file changes before starting…
fix it bro
maybe it s version of libraries is very old.