Uninitialized constant activestorage::blob::analyzable

The nameerror exception: uninitialized constant activestorage::blob::analyzable is an error message you’ll face when working with the Ruby on Rails framework.

If you’re new to this, this error message is related to the Active Storage feature in Rails that handles file uploads and attachments.

In this article, we will walk you through to get the solutions to fix the uninitialized constant activestorage::blob::analyzable.

What is “nameerror exception: uninitialized constant activestorage::blob::analyzable”?

The nameerror exception: uninitialized constant activestorage::blob::analyzable occur when trying to set up the Active Storage with Amazon S3 in Rails.

In addition to that, this error message indicates that the Ruby interpreter is unable to find a constant with the name ActiveStorage::Blob::Analyzable because it has not been properly initialized.

What are the root causes of this error?

Here are the several root causes of the nameerror exception: uninitialized constant activestorage::blob::analyzable error message that includes the following:

👎 If this mini_mime gem is not installed or is incorrectly configured, it can cause the nameerror exception: uninitialized constant.

👎 If you have incorrectly named your namespace or class or have placed it in the wrong location.

👎 When you have a misaligned block in the storage.yml file causing a YAML parse error.

Ensure that all necessary files are present in your Rails application, including any files related to the activestorage feature.

How to fix the “nameerror exception: uninitialized constant activestorage::blob::analyzable”?

After we finally discover the root causes of this error. Now, in this section, you’ll see the different solutions that will help you to resolve this error.

Solution 1: Install the mini_mime Gem

To fix the error related to the missing or incorrect gem, ensure that the mini_mime gem is installed and properly configured.

To install the mini_mime gem, you can use the following command in your Rails application directory:

bundle add mini_mime

On the other hand, you can add the following line to your Gemfile:

gem 'image_processing', '~> 1.9'

and run

bundle install:

If you successfully add the missing gem, you can try running your Rails application again to see if the error is fixed.

Here’s the sample complete code:

# Gemfile
gem 'image_processing', '~> 1.9'

# Terminal
 bundle install

# Result
Using image_processing 1.9.5
Bundle complete! 

Solution 2: Verify the alightment

You have to check the alignment of the block in the storage.yml file and correct it if it is causing a YAML parse error.

You can verify your YAML with a linter or by running Rails.application.config_for(:storage) from the Rails console.

Solution 3:Check Rails version

You can check your Rails version by running the following command in your Rails application directory:

✅ rails -v

Solutions 4: Update your Rails version

When the above solutions do not work, it’s possible that you’re dealing a bug in an older version of Rails.

You can try to update your Rails version using the following command to the it’s latest version.

 gem 'rails', '~>'

After you finally update your Rails version, you have to run bundle install and restart your server.

Solution 5: Verify spelling errors

Ensure that all of your names are spelled correctly and that the correct case is used. in order to avoid error.


In conclusion, the error message nameerror exception: uninitialized constant activestorage::blob::analyzable occur when trying to set up the Active Storage with Amazon S3 in Rails.

This article discusses what this error is all about and already provides solutions to help you fix this error.

You could also check out other “nameerror” articles that may help you in the future if you encounter them.

We are hoping that this article helps you fix the error. Thank you for reading itsourcecoders 😊

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