How To Change Powerpoint Slide Size A Step by Step Guide

In this tutorial, you will learn how to change Powerpoint Slide Size in this comprehensive and easy to follow guide. With detailed instructions, FAQs, and screenshots, you’ll be able to change the size of your slides with ease.

Powerpoint is a popular presentation software that is widely used by professionals and students alike. It is an excellent tool to create engaging and effective presentations.

However, it can be a bit tricky when it comes to changing the size of your slides. In this guide, we will show you how to change the Powerpoint slide size quickly and easily.

What size is a PowerPoint Slide

The standard PowerPoint slide size is 720 pixels by 540 pixels, with a 4:3 aspect ratio. This size works well for most presentations and is compatible with most screen resolutions.

However, if you are creating a presentation for a widescreen display, you can use a resolution of 1280 pixels by 720 pixels, which has a 16:9 aspect ratio. This will ensure that your presentation looks great on widescreen displays, including laptops, monitors, and projection screens.

Design Tab and Slide size
Design Tab and Slide size

Things to Remember in changing PowerPoint Slide Size

1. Determine the Purpose of Your Presentation

Before you start changing the size of your Powerpoint slides, it is important to determine the purpose of your presentation.

Will you be using it on a screen or projector, or will it be printed and handed out to your audience?

Basically, knowing the purpose of your presentation will help you determine the ideal slide size for your needs.

2. Choose the Correct Slide Size

Once you have determined the purpose of your presentation, you can now choose the correct slide size. Powerpoint provides several preset slide sizes, including standard (4:3), widescreen (16:9), and custom sizes.

Remember: If you are unsure which size to choose, the standard size is a good starting point. However, you can always change the slide size later if needed.

How to change slide size in Powerpoint

Here’s how you can change the size of your PowerPoint slides:

  1. Open your presentation.

    To change the size of the slides in PowerPoint, open the presentation whose slides you want to change.

    My presentation

  2. Locate the Slide size drop-down button in the Design tab.

    Now, on the Design Tab in the Ribbon under Customize button group, click the Slide Size drop-down button.

    Design Tab and Slide size

  3. Change the Aspect Ratio of Slides.

    In changing the aspect ratio of the slides, select either Standard or Widescreen from the drop-down menu. In our example, we select widescreen.

    Select widescreen size

  4. Select custom size and slide aspects.

    Alternatively, to select a custom size or to change other slide aspects, select the Custom Slide Size… command from the drop-down menu to open the “Slide Size” dialog box.

    Custom Slide Size

  5. Select preset slide size.

    To select a preset slide size, select a preset size from the “Slides sized for:” drop-down.

    Slide size for Onscreen 16.9

  6. Create custom slide sizes.

    To create custom slide sizes, enter custom measurements into the Width:” and “Height: spinner boxes.

    Custom width and height

  7. Change the starting slide numbering.

    If you want to change the starting slide numbering, enter the starting slide number into the Number slides from: spinner box.

    Number slides from

  8. Set the Page orientation.

    To set the page orientation for slides and other presentation elements, select either the Portrait or Landscape option button within the Slides and Notes, Handouts & Outline sections within the Orientation section.

    Custom Slide Size orientation

  9. Result of changing slide size.

    When finished, click the “OK” button to apply your new settings.

    Custom Slide Size Output

Tips for Choosing the Right Size

When choosing the right size for your PowerPoint slides, there are a few things to consider:

  • Screen resolution: Make sure to choose a size that is compatible with the screen resolution you’ll be using to present your slides.
  • Aspect ratio: Choose an aspect ratio that is appropriate for your presentation and the type of screen or device you’ll be presenting on.
  • Consistency: If you’re creating a presentation with multiple slides, it’s important to choose a size that is consistent throughout the presentation. This will help ensure that your slides look uniform and professional.

FAQs in PowerPoint Slide

How do I see slide size in PowerPoint?

You can also see the slide size by going to the “Design” tab and looking at the “Page Setup” group. Then, you will see a button labeled “Slide Size.” Clicking on this button will open a drop-down menu where you can see the dimensions of the slide size.

What is the standard slide size in PowerPoint?

The standard slide size in Microsoft PowerPoint is 10 inches by 7.5 inches (10″ x 7.5″).

How do I change the default slide size in PowerPoint?

The way to change the slide size is to go to –Design tab– and select the –Slide size– option. You can change the slide size to the —standard size from Widescreen format.


In conclusion, changing the Powerpoint slide size is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. By following this guide, you will be able to change the size of your slides quickly and easily.

Whether you are creating a presentation for a screen, projector, or print, this guide will help you choose the ideal slide size for your needs. So why wait? Start changing the size of your Powerpoint slides today!

Thank you for reading 🙂 Don’t hesitate to visit our website for more PowerPoint tutorials like this.

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