Modulenotfounderror: no module named ‘click’ [SOLVED]

The modulenotfounderror: no module named ‘click’ is an error in Python.

That usually occurs when the Python interpreter is unable to find the module or the library “click.”

In this article, we will give you the best and most effective solutions that will resolve the issue.

Discover the simple and easiest solution for this error: no module named click.

You’ll also learn about the causes of this error and how you are going to fix it.

What is the modulenotfounderror: no module named ‘click’ error?

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "Home/Pies/Python", line l, in <module>
    import click
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'click'

The modulenotfounderror: no module named ‘click’ is a Python error that occurs when you didn’t install the click module.

You forgot to install it before you were going to import it or installed it in the wrong environment.

The “click” module is a third-party package that is used to create command-line interfaces in Python programs.

In order to fix this kind of error, you have to install the “click” module using the Python package installer (pip).

What are the causes of Modulenotfounderror: no module named ‘click’?

The modulenotfounderror: no module named “click” error occurs when Python is unable to find the “click” module that you are trying to import. These are the common causes of this error:

1. Incorrect Installation

When the ‘click’ module is installed incorrectly or you are just importing it without knowing that it is not installed this error no module named click usually occurs.

2. Incompatible versions

When you are using an outdated version of Python, obviously, this error will occur.

3. Virtual environment issues

If you are using virtual environments, ensure that the ‘click’ module is installed in the correct environment.

4. Missing module

The ‘click’ module might not be installed on your system. In this case, you have to install the ‘click’ module using pip.

5. Incorrect module mame

Usually, this error occurs because of a typo or incorrect spelling of the module name. Just make sure that you are using the correct spelling when importing.

How to fix modulenotfounderror: no module named ‘click’

In this section, you’ll see the different methods to fix modulenotfounderror: no module named click.

Time needed: 2 minutes

Here are some methods to fix the modulenotfounderror: no module named ‘click’ error message:

  1. Install the ‘click’ module

    The “click” module may not be installed on your system, so in order to resolve the error, you need to install the “click” module using pip.

    Just open your command prompt or terminal in your project’s root directory, and you can simply install the click module using the following command:

    If you are using Python and Python 2 : pip install click

    If you are using Python and Python 3, this command is applicable for Windows and Linux: pip3 install click or python3 -m pip install click

    If you are using py alias (Windows) : py -m pip install click

    If you are using Anaconda : conda install -c conda-forge click

    If you are using Jupyter Notebook : !pip install click

    If you get permissions error : sudo pip3 install click or pip install click –user

  2. Import click

    After you have successfully installed the Click package, you can import it with no error.

  3. Check Python version

    When the error still does not resolve, try to check your Python version using this command:

    python –version

  4. Check the path of the package

    If you are unsure if you have the click package installed you can check it by:

    pip3 show click

  5. Upgrading the click module

    Sometimes the error exists because it just needs to be upgraded.

    pip3 install click –upgrade

  6. Check the environment

    When you are using virtual environments, just ensure that the ‘click’ module is installed in the correct environment.

    source path/to/venv/bin/activate

Other solutions for modulenotfounderror no module named ‘click’

When the solutions above do not solve the error, try to execute the following command:

1. You can also install the “click” module using Linux package manager such as “apt”.

To install:

sudo apt install python3-click

To update:

sudo apt update

2. You can try to uninstall the module by:

pip3 uninstall click

Then reinstall it again by:

pip install click

3. When you get any permission error while installing Python, then use the following command:

pip install click –user


This error, modulenotfounderror no module named click occurs especially when you are importing the module without installing it.

Luckily enough, this article already provides you with various solutions that will help you resolve this error.

We also have solutions if you encounter an error like modulenotfounderror: no module named imutils.

Thank you very much for reading until the end of this article.

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