What is JavaScript curly braces? When To Use It?

In this article, we’ll explore the many functions of curly braces in JavaScript, including how they improve code scoping, control flow, and organization, as well as how they differ from parentheses in the language.

The ability to use curly braces properly will enable you to create beautiful and effective JavaScript solutions, regardless of your level of programming experience.

So let’s get started and explore all that these curly symbols can do in the realm of JavaScript.

What are curly braces for in JavaScript?

Curly braces, often known as “braces” or “curly brackets,” are symbols ({}) used to surround code blocks in JavaScript. These blocks enable programmers to combine several statements into a single compound statement.

Curly braces also clarify and aid in defining the range of JavaScript’s functions, loops, conditions, and other control flow structures.

What is the role of a curly brace?

The organization and readability of JavaScript code are greatly aided by curly braces. In order to ensure that related code is logically placed together, they act as markers for the beginning and conclusion of code blocks.

This structured approach simplifies code upkeep and makes it simpler for engineers to work together on projects.

JavaScript syntax for curly braces

Let’s first study the syntax of curly brackets before learning more about how to use them effectively:

function greetUser() {
    console.log("Hello, @itsurcecode!");

The curly brackets in this illustration create a code block that encloses the console.log() command. These curly brackets define the method greetUser() and provide the range of the function body.

How to Use Curly Braces of JavaScript?

The following section will demonstrate how these curly braces are used in various functions in JavaScript.

Using Curly Braces for Control Flow Statements

JavaScript curly braces are extensively employed in control flow statements like if-else, for loops, while loops, and switch statements.

1. If-Else Statements

let age = 17;

if (age >= 18) {
    console.log("You are an adult.");
} else {
    console.log("You are a minor.");


You are a minor.

The curly braces in the if-else statement encapsulate the code executed based on the condition’s outcome.

2. For Loops

for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    console.log("Iteration: " + i);


Iteration: 0
Iteration: 1
Iteration: 2
Iteration: 3
Iteration: 4
Iteration: 5
Iteration: 6
Iteration: 7
Iteration: 8
Iteration: 9

In this example, the curly braces define the block of code executed in each iteration of the loop.

3. While Loops

let count = 0;

while (count < 5) {
    console.log("Count: " + count);


Count: 0
Count: 1
Count: 2
Count: 3
Count: 4

Here, the curly braces encompass the code executed repeatedly until the condition becomes false.

4. Switch Statements

let fruit = "Apple";

switch (fruit) {
    case "Apple":
        console.log("My favorite!");
    case "Orange":
        console.log("Less favorite");
        console.log("No Fruits");


My favorite!

The curly braces in the switch statement encompass code blocks executed for different cases.

Creating Functions with Curly Braces

JavaScript functions are fundamental blocks of code that can be reused throughout a program. Curly braces are crucial in defining the function body and its scope.

Defining Functions

function addNumbers(x, y) {
    return x + y;

The curly braces in this example enclose the function’s logic, calculating the sum of two numbers.

Anonymous Functions

const website= function () {

Here, the anonymous function is defined using curly braces, assigned to the greeting constant.

Arrow Functions

const multiply = (a, b) => a * b;

Arrow functions utilize curly braces when the function body contains more than one statement.

Organizing Objects with Curly Braces

In JavaScript, objects are data structures used to store related data and their behaviors. Curly braces are essential in defining and organizing object literals.

Creating Objects

const language = {
    firstChoice: "JAVA",
    lastChoice: "JavaScript",
    greet: function () {
        console.log("Hello, I am " + this.firstChoice + ".");

The curly braces define the language object, encapsulating its properties and methods.

Nested Objects

const car = {
    make: "Suzuki",
    model: "Camry",
    year: 2022,
    owner: {
        name: "April",
        age: 35,

Here, the curly braces organize the nested owner object within the car object.

Scoping and Block-Level Variables

One of the key benefits of curly braces in JavaScript is their role in scoping variables. Variables declared within a block are limited to that block’s scope, preventing potential naming conflicts.

Global Scope

let globalVar = "I am a global variable.";

function demoFunction() {

In this example, globalVar is accessible globally and can be used inside the demoFunction.

Local Scope

function localDemo() {
    let localVar = "I am a local variable.";

Here, localVar is defined inside the function’s block and can only be accessed within the function.

When to use () and {} in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, both parentheses () and curly braces {} serve distinct purposes and are used in different contexts.

Parentheses ()

Parentheses are used for several purposes in JavaScript:

a. Function calls: When you want to execute a function, you use parentheses after the function name, enclosing any arguments that the function requires (if any).


   function greet(name) {
     console.log('Hello, ' + name + '!');

   greet('May'); // Output: Hello, May!

b. Grouping expressions: Parentheses can be used to group expressions and control the order of operations in mathematical calculations or complex expressions.


 let result = (5 + 3) * 4; // Output: 32

c. Function expressions: When you define a function as part of an expression, it is called a function expression, and you use parentheses to execute it immediately (if desired) or assign it to a variable.

   let sum = (function(a, b) { return a + b; })(4, 3);
   console.log(sum); // Output: 7

d. Method calls: When calling a method on an object, you use parentheses after the method name, possibly passing arguments if the method requires them.

   let person = {
     name: 'May',
     sayHello: function() {
       console.log('Hello, ' + this.name + '!');

   person.sayHello(); // Output: Hello, May!

Curly Braces {}

Curly braces are used primarily for defining blocks of code, such as function bodies, loop bodies, conditional statements, and object literals.

a. Function and loop bodies: Curly braces enclose the code that executes when a function is called or when a loop iterates.

   function greet(name) {
     console.log('Hello, ' + name + '!');

   for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

b. Conditional statements: Curly braces define the block of code that runs when a particular condition is met in if-else or switch statements.

   let num = 20;
   if (num > 5) {
     console.log('The number is greater than 5.');
   } else {
     console.log('The number is 5 or smaller.');

c. Object literals: Curly braces are used to create object literals that consist of key-value pairs.

   let person = {
     name: 'May',
     age: 30

It’s essential to understand the context in which parentheses and curly braces are used to avoid syntax errors and to achieve the desired functionality in your JavaScript code.

Nevertheless, here are other functions you can learn to enhance your JavaScript skills.


To sum up, curly braces are essential for organizing code blocks, establishing functions and loops, and constructing object literals in JavaScript. They improve the structure and readability of JavaScript code by letting programmers group together relevant statements and regulate the range of variables.

Curly brackets can help engineers write more collaborative and maintainable code, which makes it simpler to work on challenging projects and implement required capabilities.

Additionally, knowing the difference between parenthesis and curly brackets is crucial because they each have a different function in JavaScript, making coding easier and less likely to include errors.

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