What is JavaScript CamelCase

In this article, we will understand the concept of camelCase in JavaScript, its importance, best practices, and provide practical examples.

Whether you are a professional developer or just a beginner, learning CamelCase will definitely increase your JavaScript programming skills.

What is CamelCase in JavaScript?

CamelCase in JavaScript is a naming format used for variables, functions, and objects, where several words are concatenated together, and each consequent word that has initial letter is capitalized.

The resulting name is similar to the humps of a camel, so the name called “CamelCase“.

What is Importance of CamelCase JavaScript?

CamelCase JavaScript is not only a stylistic option; it provides some key advantages for developers and their source code:

  • Readability
  • Consistency
  • Error Reduction
  • SEO Friendly

Best Practices for Using JavaScript to CamelCase

To create the most of CamelCase in your JavaScript code, consider the following best practices:

1. Be Descriptive

Always select descriptive names for your variables and functions. This not only can increase readability but also assist in maintaining code in the long run.

2. Use Nouns for Variables and Functions

When you are naming variables or functions, use nouns that precisely represent their purpose.

For example, if you have a function that measures the area of a circle, you can name it measureCircleArea.

3. Follow Capitalization Rules

The first letter of the first word in CamelCase must be lowercase, and the following words must start with uppercase letters.

For example: middleName, not MiddleName.

4. Limit Abbreviations

While CamelCase promotes brief naming, it is necessary to avoid excessive abbreviations. Keep the names relevant, even if they are slightly longer.

5. Respect Existing Conventions

If you are working on a project that already pursues a naming convention, comply to it. Flexibility throughout the source code is preeminent.

Methods of JavaScript CamelCase

Here are the methods on how to use the JavaScript camelCase.

Method 1: Declaring Variables with CamelCase

When declaring variables, select valid names and use CamelCase.

Let’s see an example code:

let countEmployee = 30;
let totalEmployee = 60;

Method 2: Using Writing Functions with CamelCase

When determining functions, you can use CamelCase for function names and descriptive names for parameters.

For example:

function measureCircleArea(radius) {
  return Math.PI * radius * radius;

Method 3: Using Objects and Properties

When creating objects, you can apply CamelCase to property names:

Here’s an example:

const userInformation = {
  firstName: 'Jude',
  middleName: 'Reyes',
  lastName: 'Saurez',
 address: 'New York',
  age: 30,

Method 4: Interacting with HTML and CSS

When using JavaScript to employ HTML elements, keep the attribute names in CamelCase:

const myAttribute = document.getElementById('my-attribute');
myAttribute.style.backgroundColor = 'green';


Why is it called CamelCase?

The name “CamelCase” is borrowed from the visual resemblance of the concatenated words to the humps on a camel’s back.

Are there other naming conventions apart from CamelCase?

Yes, there are other conventions like PascalCase, snake_case, and kebab-case, each with its own use cases.

Can I mix different naming conventions in my code?

It is generally not recommended to mix naming conventions within the same codebase as it may lead to confusion and reduce readability.

Is CamelCase specific to JavaScript?

No, CamelCase is widely used in various programming languages like Java, C#, and Python.


JavaScript CamelCase is a powerful naming convention that can increase code readability, maintainability, and organization.

By applying this convention, developers can ensure their code remains persistent, error-free, and SEO friendly.

As you continue your journey in JavaScript development, remember to embrace CamelCase as a valuable tool in your programming.

Happy coding!

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