valueOf() JavaScript: Exploring Syntax & Real-World Scenarios

One of the essential functions in JavaScript is valueOf().

Are you interested in learning how to use this method? Do you want to know about its syntax and how it can be applied in real-world situations?

In this article, we will explore the value of the valueOf() JavaScript function and how it can be utilized in various scenarios.

What is ValueOf in JavaScript?

The valueOf() method in JavaScript is a built-in function that returns the primitive value of an object.

Additionally, when you use valueOf() on an object, JavaScript attempts to convert the object into a primitive value. The exact behavior of valueOf() depends on the type of the object.

Here is the valueOf method in different types of objects, along with their syntax, parameter, and return value.

string.valueOf JavaScript

The valueOf() method in JavaScript is used to obtain the primitive value of a string. It doesnโ€™t modify the original string itself. Therefore, this method can be helpful when you want to convert a string object into a regular string.

By using valueOf() on a string object, you retrieve the underlying string value without any additional changes. This can be useful in situations where you need to work with the actual string content and not the object representation.

Remember that calling valueOf() on a string object wonโ€™t modify the original string in any way. It simply returns the primitive value that represents the string. This allows you to use the result of valueOf() as a regular string in your JavaScript code.

Here is the syntax of this method:


The parameter of this syntax is None.

Return Value: String โ€“ the primitive value of a string.

JavaScript valueOf() number

The valueOf() method in JavaScript is used with number objects to retrieve their primitive value.

When you use valueOf() on a number object, it returns the underlying numeric value of the object. This allows you to access the actual numerical content stored within the number object.



Parameters: This method does not accept any parameter.

Return Value: The valueof() method in JavaScript returns a number representing the primitive value of the specified Number object.

Object valueOf JavaScript

In JavaScript, the valueOf() method is also available for objects, allowing you to retrieve the primitive value of an object.

When you apply valueOf() to an object, JavaScript attempts to convert the object into a primitive value. The behavior of valueOf() can vary depending on the type of the object.



Parameters: This method does not accept any parameter.

Return Value: The valueOf() method returns the primitive value of obj.

Example programs of valueOf Method in Javascript

Here are example programs that demonstrate the valueOf method in JavaScript.

Example 1. Using string.valueOf

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <h1>JavaScript String Value Example</h1>
    <p>valueOf() returns the primitive value of a string object:</p>

    <p id="demo"></p>

          let text = new String("Strawberries ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“");
      let result = text.valueOf()

      document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = result;


JavaScript String Value Example
valueOf() returns the primitive value of a string object:

Strawberries ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“

This code demonstrates the usage of the valueOf() method in JavaScript to obtain the primitive value of a string object.

It creates a string object with the content โ€œStrawberries ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“โ€ and calls valueOf() on it. The result is then displayed on the webpage.

Example 2. Using number.valueOf()

let str = "145";
let number = Number.valueOf(str);

console.log("The string is: " + str);
console.log("The number representation is: " + number);
console.log("The type of the number representation is: " + typeof number);


The string is: 145
The number representation is: 145
The type of the number representation is: number

Example 3. Using obj.valueOf()

//Custom object
function Fruit(Name,id) {  
  this.Name = Name; = id;  

//Overriding valueOf() method
Fruit.prototype.valueOf = function () 

// calling valueOf() method
Fruit1 = new Fruit('Strawberry ๐Ÿ“',2);  



In simple terms, the โ€œvalueOf()โ€ method of the Fruit object has been changed so that when itโ€™s called, it takes the value of the โ€œidโ€ property of the Fruit object, multiplies it by 10, and then gives back this new value as the basic, non-object form of the Fruit object.

Browser Support

Technically valueOf() method is supported with the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer
  • Opera
  • Safari
  • Firefox

Implementing valueof() JavaScript in Real-World Scenarios

Mathematical Operations

One common use case of the valueOf() function is in mathematical operations. Letโ€™s say we have two objects, a and b, representing numbers.

By utilizing the valueOf() function, we can retrieve their primitive values and perform arithmetic operations.

Consider the following example:

const a = new Number(77);
const b = new Number(55);
const sum = a.valueOf() + b.valueOf();

console.log(sum); // Output: 132

In this example, we create two number objects, a and b, and extract their primitive values using the valueOf() function. We then add these values together and store the result in the sum variable.

Finally, we log the sum to the console, which outputs 132.

String Manipulation

The valueOf() function is quite handy when it comes to manipulating strings.

Imagine we have a string that represents the name of a fruit. By using the valueOf() function, we can extract the basic value of the string and perform various manipulations on it.

Letโ€™s take a look at an example to better understand this:

const fruitName = new String("Apples: ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ");
const uppercaseName = fruitName.valueOf().toUpperCase();




In this example, we create a string object fruitName containing a fruits name. By using the valueOf() function, we extract the primitive value of the string and apply the toUpperCase() method to convert it to uppercase. The result, โ€œAPPLES: ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽโ€ is then logged to the console.

To learn more about JavaScript functions here are other resources you can check out:


In conclusion, this article provides an explanation of the valueOf() method in JavaScript, which is a built-in function used to retrieve the primitive value of an object.

For strings, calling valueOf() on a string object returns the underlying string value without modifying the original string itself. This can be useful when you need to work with the actual string content.

For number objects, valueOf() returns the underlying numeric value of the object, allowing you to access the numerical content stored within the number object.

When applied to objects in general, valueOf() attempts to convert the object into a primitive value.

Additionally, this article provides syntax, parameters, and return values for each type of object. It also includes example programs demonstrating the usage of valueOf() for strings, numbers, and custom objects.

Further, this article mentions that valueOf() can be used in real-world scenarios such as mathematical operations and string manipulation, where the primitive value of an object is needed.

Overall, the article provides a clear explanation of the valueOf() method in JavaScript and its usage in different contexts.

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