Understanding What Is JavaScript HashSet

In this article, we will explore the concept of HashSet in JavaScript, explore how to use it, and differentiate other key terms.

Whether you’re a seasoned JavaScript developer or just starting your programming journey, understanding HashSet can greatly enhance your ability to efficiently store and manage data in JavaScript applications.

So, let’s explore the fascinating world of JavaScript HashSet!

What is HashSet in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, there is no built-in data structure called HashSet. However, JavaScript does provide a built-in data structure called Set, which can be used to achieve similar functionality to a HashSet in other programming languages.

A Set is an unordered collection of unique values. It allows you to store distinct values of any type, such as numbers, strings, objects, or even other sets.

The main characteristic of a Set is that it does not allow duplicate elements. If you attempt to add an element that already exists in the set, it will be ignored.

How to use set in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, the Set object is used to store unique values of any type. It allows you to add, remove, and check for the presence of values efficiently.

Here’s how you can use Set in JavaScript:

Creating a Set

To create a new Set object, you can use the new keyword and the Set() constructor:

const mySet = new Set();

Adding Values

To add values to the Set, you can use the add() method:


Checking the Size

You can get the number of elements in a Set using the size property:

console.log(mySet.size); // Output: 3

Checking for Value Existence

To check if a value exists in the Set, you can use the has() method:

console.log(mySet.has('@itsourcecode!')); // Output: true
console.log(mySet.has(2));       // Output: false

Removing Values

To remove a value from the Set, you can use the delete() method:


Iterating through the set

You can use various methods to iterate through the elements of a Set, such as forEach() or for…of loop:

mySet.forEach(value => {

for (let item of mySet) {

Clearing the Set

To remove all elements from the Set, you can use the clear() method:


Sets are also useful for eliminating duplicates from an array. You can convert an array to a Set, and then convert it back to an array using the spread operator (…) or the Array.from() method:

const myArray = [11, 22, 33, 33, 44, 44, 55];
const uniqueArray = [...new Set(myArray)];
console.log(uniqueArray); // Output:  [11, 22, 33, 44, 55]

That’s a basic overview of using the Set object in JavaScript. It provides a simple and efficient way to store and manipulate unique values.

What is the difference between HashMap and HashSet in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, there is no built-in HashMap or HashSet data structure. However, there are similar data structures that can be used to achieve similar functionality:

  • Object as a HashMap

In JavaScript, you can use an object as a hashmap by using keys as unique identifiers and values as associated values.

Objects in JavaScript allow you to map keys to values and retrieve values using keys in an efficient manner.

Here’s an example:

const hashMap = {};
hashMap['key1'] = 'value1';
hashMap['key2'] = 'value2';

console.log(hashMap['key1']); // Output: 'value1'
console.log(hashMap['key2']); // Output: 'value2'

  • Set as a HashSet

JavaScript provides the Set object, which can be used to create a set of unique values.

It does not allow duplicate values and provides methods to add, remove, and check for the existence of values efficiently.

Here’s an example:

const hashSet = new Set();

console.log(hashSet.has('value1')); // Output: true
console.log(hashSet.has('value2')); // Output: true

What is the difference ArrayList and HashSet?

Arrays are ordered collections in JavaScript that can contain duplicate values, and elements can be accessed by indices.

On the other hand, Sets are unordered collections in JavaScript that store unique values, eliminating duplicates automatically.

While the JavaScript Array and Set have some similarities to the concepts of ArrayList and HashSet in other languages, they are not exactly equivalent.

It is important to understand their respective characteristics and choose the appropriate one based on your specific need in JavaScript.

Here are there example programs for you to understand.

Example of using an array in JavaScript:

const arrayList = [10, 22, 30, 22]; // JavaScript array

console.log(arrayList); // Output: [10, 22, 30, 22]

Example of using Set in JavaScript:

const hashSet = new Set(); // JavaScript set

hashSet.add(20); // Duplicates are automatically removed in a set

console.log(hashSet); // Output: Set { 10, 20, 30 }

Here are additional resources you can check out to help you master JavaScript.


Does JavaScript have a HashSet?

No, JavaScript does not have a built-in HashSet data structure. However, you can achieve similar functionality by using the Set data structure available in JavaScript.

Does JavaScript have sets?

Yes, JavaScript does have sets. Sets are a built-in data structure introduced in ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) that allow you to store unique values of any type.
Unlike arrays, sets do not allow duplicate elements.

Is a JavaScript set an array?

No, a JavaScript Set is not an array. Although both data structures can store multiple values, they have distinct characteristics and usage patterns


In conclusion, HashSet is not a built-in data structure in JavaScript. However, JavaScript provides a Set object that can be used to achieve similar functionality.

Sets are unordered collections of unique values and do not allow duplicate elements. They offer methods to add, remove, and check for the presence of values efficiently.

On the other hand, JavaScript does not have a built-in HashMap data structure, but objects can be used as a hashmap by using keys as unique identifiers and values as associated values.

Additionally, Arrays in JavaScript are ordered collections that can contain duplicate values, while Sets are unordered collections that store unique values.

It’s important to understand the characteristics of each data structure and choose the appropriate one based on your specific needs in JavaScript.

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