toFixed in JavaScript A Complete Guide

Are you confused about how to use toFixed method in JavaScript? Do you ask what it means, what its syntax, parameter, and return value?

Well, in this article we will discover the concept of toFixed() method, explore example programs, and learn how to use toFixed JavaScript.

Nevertheless, let’s get started!

What is tofixed() method JavaScript?

The tofixed() method in JavaScript is a built-in function that is utilized to format a number with a specific number of digits after the decimal point.

Further, this method converts numeric value into a string representation with specified decimal places.

So, here is the tofixed() syntax:


In the given syntax the parameter is the digits, it specifies the number of decimal places to include in the formatted string.

In addition, the integer should have a value between 0 and 20 inclusive. However, if the digits are not provided or are invalid the method will use 0 as the default value.

The return value of this method is always in a string representation of a number with the specified number of digits after decimal points.

It is important to note that it returns a string even if the number of decimal places is set to 0.

How to use toFixed in JavaScript

In JavaScript, the toFixed() method is used to format a number with a specified number of decimal places.
Here are the steps to use toFixed() in JavaScript:

  1. Create a JavaScript variable and assign a number to it.

    For example:

    sample variable

  2. Use the toFixed() method on the variable and pass the desired number of decimal places as an argument.

    For example, if you want to round the number to two decimal places:

    toFixed() method on the variable and pass the desired number of decimal places as an argument

  3. The toFixed() method returns a string representation of the rounded number.

    You can then use this value as needed. For example, you can log it to the console:

    toFixed() method returns a string representation of the rounded number

    Note that the toFixed() method rounds the number to the nearest decimal place and adds trailing zeros if necessary. If the specified number of decimal places is greater than the original number’s precision, it will be padded with zeros.

    Output of tofixed() javascript

    Remember that the result of toFixed() is a string, so if you need to perform further calculations or comparisons, you may need to convert it back to a number using parseFloat() or Number().

Example Programs

Here are a few examples programs that demonstrate the usage of tofixed() method in JavaScript.

Example 1. Formatting a Number with Two Decimal Places

This program demonstrates how to format a number with two decimal places using toFixed() method.

let sampleNumber = 5.1234;
let formattedNumber = sampleNumber.toFixed(2);




In this example, the toFixed(2) method is called on the sampleNumber variable, which formats it to two decimal places.

The resulting string value, “5.12”, is stored in the formattedNumber variable and displayed using console.log().

Example 2: Formatting a whole number with zero decimal places

This example program will demonstrate how to format a whole number with zero decimal places using tofFixed() method.

let sampleNumber = 44;
let formattedNumber = sampleNumber.toFixed(0);

console.log(formattedNumber); // Output: "44"



In this example, the toFixed(0) method is called on the sampleNumber variable, indicating that zero decimal places should be displayed. Since sampleNumber is a whole number, the formatted string value is “44“.

Example 3: Handling Invalid Parameter

Another example program will show how to handle invalid parameter along with toFixed() method.

let sampleNnumber = 8.5;
let sampleDigits = -1;
let formattedNumber = sampleNnumber.toFixed(sampleDigits);




Example 4: Format the Exponential Number into a String representation

The toFixed() method can be utilized to convert numbers in exponential form into a string representation with a defined number of decimal places.

let SampleExponentialNumber=3.14e+15;



In this example, the toFixed() method is employed on a number represented in exponential form. The resulting string representation, “3140000000000000.00“, displays the number with two decimal places.

To learn more about JavaScript functions here are other resources you can check out:


The tofixed() method in JavaScript is a powerful tool for formatting numbers with a fixed number of decimal places. It allows you to control the precision of your numeric values and ensures consistent representation across different contexts. By understanding how to use the tofixed() method, you can enhance the readability and accuracy of your JavaScript code.

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